MSNBC's Shuster suck up to Billary for telling the truth about Chelsea.

Unbelievable. MSNBC is now having to bow down to Billary for speaking the truth about her campaign.

Here’s what was said:


PRESS: —she’s got politics in her blood, she loves her mom, she thinks she’d make a great president [crosstalk]

SHUSTER: But doesn’t it seem like Chelsea’s sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way? [laughter]

PRESS: No! If she didn’t want to be there, she wouldn’t be there. I mean, give Chelsea a break.

I mean, please. Why the hell should that bitch get a free pass, just because her mother is running for the President? It’s the truth, she is being PIMPED by her Mother to help her Mommy run for President! I mean, how the heck do we not that she wasn’t a whore, before she got married? Another thing too, why the hell is the Clinton Campaign shielding her from the damn press? If she’s going to be in the damn mix, she should be able to handle talking to the press, what’s she trying to hide? If she’s that damn worried about her Privacy, she should stop stumping for her Mom. Just that simple.

I think it’s just downright stupid that MSNBC should make shuster apologize for anything. I wouldn’t! I tell them, that I didn’t intend to apologize to anyone, and if they wanted to fire me, I’d tell them to go right ahead.

Here’s a audio clip of Hillary’s campaign manager whining about what was said, and threatening to not to participate in debates:

Click here to Listen

Hmmmm.. Hey Wolfson! There’s some images that come to mind here:

Maybe I should say it a little louder:

How stupid can people be?

Apologize for telling the damn truth, how absurd!

I’ll just say it myself…. Hillary Clinton is WHORING out her ugly assed Daughter to get her elected!

Update: Suspended?!?! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?!?

MSNBC said Shuster, who apologized on the air for his comment, has been temporarily suspended from appearing on all NBC news broadcasts except to offer his apology.

“NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks,” MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said, adding the network was hopeful the debate would take place as planned

What idiotic B.S. Man…. Rolling Eyes What a bunch of Loser‘s

Others: Media Matters for America, Shakespeare’s Sister, The Huffington Post, Feministing, Feministe, The Page, Hotline On Call, Taylor Marsh, Buck Naked Politics, Anne Schroeder’s Blogs, Spin Cycle, Tom Watson, Wonkette, MyDD, Feminist Law Professors, FishBowlDC,, TalkLeft, Liberty Pundit Open Left, TPM Election Central, TalkLeft, The Carpetbagger Report, Associated Press, Hot Air, Ben Smith’s Blogs and Yikes!