McCain opts out on Public Funding on his Campaign

McCain says no thanks….

The Story: McCain opts out on funds (Via The Washington Times)

Sen. John McCain will not accept public campaign financing for the primary election — freeing him from spending limits through September and giving him a chance to compete with his Democratic opponent.

The Arizona senator, who’s on pace to effectively lock down the Republican nomination in today’s Potomac primaries, also picked up some high-profile endorsements yesterday.

That underlined and bolded reason, is why he’s not taking the public funding.

Because he knows that if he took the public funding, that Obama would spank his royal behind in this campaign.

That’s okay, because based upon when I’ve read around in the Conservative World, half of the Republicans are not going to vote for him. So, he’ll make it to the general election and get beaten and We’ll have a Liberal President.

Thank you George W. Bush! Winking

H/T Memeorandum