The Far Right is Desperate

To try an hang dirt on Obama. Take this for instance.

The good part, Also known as a lie:

What was especially noteworthy about his Virginia speech were the diversions Obama took from the prepared text. Because of Obama’s improvised moments, this speech was different than the usual fare he offers.

[Obama:] “Now I understand some of the excitement doesn’t have to do with me. I know that whatever else happens whatever twists and turns this campaign may take, when you go into that polling place next November, the name George Bush won’t be on the ballot and that makes everybody pretty cheerful. Everyone’s happy about that. The name of my cousin Dick Cheney won’t be on the ballot. That was embarrassing when that news came out. When they do these genealogical surveys, you want to be related to somebody cool. So, but, his name went be on the ballot.

“Each of us running for the Democratic nomination agrees on one thing that the other party does not–that the next president must end the disastrous policies of George W. Bush. No more Scooter Libby Justice! No more Brownie incompetence! No more Karl Rove politics.”

I agree with John Cole:

BTW- Has Dean ever heard President Bush speak? With or without a teleprompter?

Hear Hear, The man is inherently a dumb ass. At least Obama can string a sentence together without sounding like an idiot.

Sounds like Dean is just pissed because his party has got two idiots running….again.

Others: Political Punch, Betsy’s Page and Balloon Juice