She's losing, so, she plays the "holier than thou" game

What utter Stupidity!

The Article: Clinton: Wright ‘would not have been my pastor’ (via Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a wide-ranging interview today with Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporters and editors, said she would have left her church if her pastor made the sort of inflammatory remarks Sen. Barack Obama’s former pastor made.

"He would not have been my pastor," Clinton said. "You don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."

Oh, So now that she is slipping in the polls, she now is trying to play the "Holier Than Thou" game. Sorry, I am not buying it, You lied about going to Bosnia. You lied and said you went under the sniper fire and that was proven to be a flat out lie.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who lies about her experience, anyone who lies about her trips overseas, anyone who’s attempt to get a national healthcare program, was a abysmal failure. Is not ready to lead on day one. Plain and Simple.

Others: Top of the Ticket, Booman Tribune, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Daily Dish, TalkLeft, Commentary, The Swamp, Hot Air, Washington Wire, Weekly Standard Blog, The New Republic, Power Line, Don Surber, Wake up America, Washington Post, Marc Ambinder, Spin Cycle, TPM Election Central, Open Left, The Seminal, Liberal Values, The Page, Boston Globe, The Campaign Spot, Taylor Marsh, PrestoPundit, Hotline On Call, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Balloon Juice, QandO, American Spectator, Donklephant, Political Punch, Roger L. Simon, Gateway Pundit and and more via Memeorandum