The Clinton Tax Return – Gate

Here is the video news story via the AP:

Memeorandum has the various Blog reactions and story on Hillary’s website.

The only thing I have to say about it is this. The Clinton’s were successful people, I do not have a problem with that, at all. They went to college, got law degrees and were successful at it.

Does that bother me? Of course not! Sorry, I am just not one of those kind of people, who hold grudges against people who are successful in life. There are Liberals and some Conservatives like that, I am not.

If it makes anyone feel better, Keith Olbermann, The Liberal’s talking head, has a 5 year contact with MSNBC for 5 million dollars. So, I really do not see all the fuss over the Clinton’s wealth is.

This is, where I believe, that John Edwards blew it, he went around talking about two Americas, all the while being wealthy himself. I never saw that in Hillary, she was successful, because she worked for it. I cannot fault her for that.

My take on it is this, anyone that has the ability to go out and get a good education and make something of themselves and is able to amass that kind of wealth, I say, God Bless them, and I wish them the best. I do not have a problem with anyone being successful, as long as it is done in a honest manner.

That is one of the issues that I have with the progressives and far left liberals, and that is their contempt of anyone who is financially successful. The Anti-Capitalist mentality. Capitalism, sorry to say, is the American way. Honest capitalism is even better.

This whole idea of "Give me something, for nothing", I believe is anti-American, It seeks to punish those who are successful. It forces those who have made something of themselves to surrender their wealth to those who want something for nothing.

Just my take on it.