Obama says, "Ooops."

Update: In Fairness to the man, here is what was said…..:



Honestly the only people freaking out about this, are the Far Right Wing Conservatives and the Hillary supporters. Which I think is stupid, did he insult people? No. Did he possibly say something in a bad manner? Yes. But people are acting like he just insulted the damn pope or something! Which I think speaks volumes for the people insulted, if you ask me. and that last part, that some people are going ape over, was, in fact, a joke. I think some turban headed pundits, need to find something else to bitch about. Things must be slow over there at a well known, pseudo-Conservative Blog, and they’re now grasping at straws. No wonder Preston left. Rolling Eyes


It appears that Senator Obama is now eating crow. Here’s the story via the AP, which comes in via Yahoo:


The Article: Obama concedes remarks were ill chosen (via AP/ Yahoo! News)

Democrat Barack Obama on Saturday conceded that comments he made about bitter working class voters who "cling to guns or religion" were ill chosen, as he tried to stem a burst of complaints that he is condescending.


"I didn’t say it as well as I should have," he said at Ball State University.

Here is the Video:



And…. of course, Senator Hillary Clinton felt the need, that she just HAD to pile on.





As he tried to quell the furor, presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton hit Obama with one of her lengthiest and most pointed criticisms to date.


"Senator Obama’s remarks were elitist and out of touch," she said, campaigning about an hour away in Indianapolis. "They are not reflective of the values and beliefs of Americans."


I got news for you lady, there is a quite a few things that I could say about YOU being out of touch with the rest of America.  However, because I do not wish to sit here and get into a dissertation about your Husband’s Presidency, I shall refrain, but let me just say this here, that "out of touch" stuff goes both ways Hillary. You know it and your feckless Husband knows it.


Others on this: American Street, Little Green Footballs, NY Daily News, Examining Presidential … and Liberal Values