Hillary losing her ground in Pennsylvania and Indiana

I knew this was coming.

The Article: Hillary Clinton loses traction over Barack Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana (Via Los Angeles Times)

With three crucial Democratic primaries looming, Hillary Rodham Clinton may not be headed toward the blockbuster victories she needs to jump-start her presidential bid — even in Pennsylvania, the state that was supposed to be her ace in the hole, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

The survey found the New York senator leading Barack Obama by 5 percentage points in Pennsylvania, which votes next Tuesday. Such a margin would not give her much of a boost in the battle for the party’s nomination.

What is more, the poll found Clinton trailed Obama by 5 percentage points in Indiana, another Rust Belt state that should play to her strengths among blue-collar voters.

In North Carolina, an Obama stronghold, he is running 13 percentage points ahead.

The race remains volatile, however, because many likely voters in the Democratic primaries are still undecided — 12% in Pennsylvania, 19% in Indiana and 17% in North Carolina.

I have an opinion as to why this is the case.  Firstly, I believe that people just are not going to hold the Reverend Wright story against Obama. Because, the main reason is, it was not Obama saying the stuff, it was Reverend Wright.  Secondly, I think that whole "Elitist" thing was overplayed by the media and pundits alike and I think most people saw right through it.  I know I saw through that, from the minute it broke, this is why I did not whip out a Editorial on it. Because I thought it was quite silly.


It also seemed like Hillary was just piling on, and that might have cut into her likeability factor a bit.


There is going to be a debate tomorrow. I most likely will not be watching it. I mean, there’s been so many, and after a while, they’re repeating the same talking points over and over and over…. it gets kind of old. I will be interested, however, to see how this primary turns out. I am really wondering, if Hillary will drop after the Pennsylvania Primary or not.


It should be interesting and I look forward to it.


Others on this: THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Moderate Voice, The Fix, The Sleuth, Hot Air, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Daily Kos, American Street, Marc Ambinder, AMERICAblog, Liberty Street, The Raw Story, Viking Pundit, Donklephant, TPM Election Central, CQ Politics, Dick Polman’s American Debate, WCAU-TV and The TrailRelated Stories via Memeornadum