Newt Gingrich to G.O.P. Change direction or get your butt handed to you in November

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Seen at Newt Gingrich’s Site:

The Republican loss in the special election for
Louisiana’s Sixth Congressional District last Saturday should be a
sharp wake up call for Republicans: Either Congressional Republicans
are going to chart a bold course of real change or they are going to
suffer decisive losses this November.

The facts are clear and compelling.

loss was in a district that President Bush carried by 19 percentage
points in 2004 and that the Republicans have held since 1975.

defeat follows on the loss of Speaker Hastert’s seat in Illinois. That
seat had been held by a Republican for 76 years with the single
exception of the 1974 Watergate election when the Democrats held it for
one term. That same seat had been carried by President Bush 55-44% in
2004. –Read the Rest

Will they listen? Doubtful. The G.O.P. seems to have a mind of it’s own. The Nation is swinging Liberal, thanks to the Idiot Neo-Con’s who fooled the village idiot in the White House to pursue a Neo-Con agenda and to take the Nation into a unnecessary war, and now the World and most of America, hates conservatives and Republicans.

They will pay for that costly mistake for 4 or 8 years.