Liberal Blowhard Michael Moore says his next "9/11" is not a sequel.

and…. kicks Barry’s message of Hope, Change, Hope, Change, to the curb….

The Article: Moore: `Fahrenheit 9/11′ follow-up is not a sequel (Via Yahoo! News) (Via The New Editor – Seen at 

"It would be easier and safer to make a sequel, if that’s all it was, but this isn’t about Bush. We all know this. Regardless of who the president is come November, we have a big mess, a big, big mess to be cleaned up, and I don’t know whether it can be cleaned up," Moore said. "The toxicity of the spill may be so great that there’s nothing we can do about it. If that’s the case, where are we now as America and as Americans?"

I blogged about this fat, idiotic, liberal, blowhard before. I will be the first to admit, even back when I first came on the Blogging scene. I did not like Michael Moore, he is, as far as I am concerned, the male version of Ariana Huffington. He is nothing more than an opportunist, he see’s the liberal message as a simple way to make money. The only movie that he made, that he really honestly cared about, was "Roger and Me". That is because his father had gotten laid off from G.M. Truthfully, Michael’s dad got quite the handsome severance package from G.M. (Thanks to the U.A.W.) and moved out of Michigan. So, I really do not know what his problem was. For what it is worth, Roger Simon was the best thing that ever happened to G.M, if he had not come in and made the cuts that he did, General Motors would have went bankrupt. The problem was he did not go far enough and now G.M. is back in the same spot again, although, not quite as bad.

Now as to what Michael Moore said up there in the quote, the reason why Michael Moore has basically decided that "Hope Change" isn’t possible, because he was not able to realize his final goal. That is to turn America’s Healthcare system into a totally socialized healthcare plan. Even Hillary Clinton told the guy that he simply did not know what he was talking about. So, it is pretty obvious that Michael Moore is basically taking his Socialist, Liberal, ball and going home.

Let’s just hope he stays there.

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