Progress being made in Iraq, so says Michael Yon

…and Michael Yon would know too.

I happened to be over at HotAir.Com and I saw this video:

Now what I want to know is, when is Keith Olbermann, who very loudly condemned President George W. Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, going to invite this man on his show and allow him to tell Keith Olbermann and his very captive audience that there is progress being made in Iraq.

Now honestly, I do not think that this will happen, because Keith Olbermann is a sworn liberal, he has an agenda and script to follow, that the war in Iraq is a total disaster and that we must pull out, right away and that we will never win the war there.

The problem with that mentality is that it smacks of total irresponsibility, yes, we went in there on bad information, but if we just pull out and leave those people to rebuild their own country, the rest of the Arab world will utterly hate us for this sort of an action. What gets me, is the Liberals think that we should just turn it over to the U.N.

The problem with that rather stupid idea is this, as hard as it is for the far left to realize is, the U.N. did not get us into this situation, we did, and we as responsible Americans should get ourselves out of it. It is simply called personal responsibility. Something that the far lefty Liberals know absolutely nothing about, at all. Just look how the Liberals passed that very stupid, and very Anti-American Gay marriage law in California, or look at the city council in Berkley, California. Need I say anymore?

If you can afford, head on over to Michael Yon’s Website and Blog, and make a nice Donation. He is all we Pro-Americans and Pro-Military people have, as far as a pro-American voice on the ground in Iraq.

God Bless our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and in other places in the World.