Senator David Duke responds to the MSNBC Smears

Taken from Here:

The death of Tim Russert and how the media repeatedly lies to you (about me)

By David Duke

I am reluctant to comment on the latest media attack on me because I have no joy in learning about Tim Russert’s death. I am not anxious in any way to put him down. We had a rivalry, yes, but I always considered him gentlemanly and I am sad to hear of his death. However, it does get very tiresome for the national media to relentlessly lie about me in both big and little things. At some point I must respond. The latest little lie is the suggestion by a Washington Post writer that Tim Russert crushed me in interviews. Howard Kurtz, one of the many Jewish extremists in media, in TV Commentator had gift for asking tough questions, June 14, 2008 wrote that,

“Meet the Press” was languishing in the ratings when Russert took it over in 1991, and he first gained national attention by stumping David Duke, a Louisiana gubernatorial candidate…

In truth, many in media felt that I did quite well in that interview. Even more interesting, many in the media acknowledged that in my last appearance on Meet the Press I gave Russert the most devastating defeat of his broadcast career. It was such a powerful win for me that it became a model for public figures to learn from on how to handle a Russert interview.

Slate magazine ran a detailed article titled How to Beat Tim Russert. The piece appeared in the a June, 2003 Press Box column by Jack Shafer, a well-known media critic. In the column he was, of course, very critical of me (who isn’t in the national press?) but he uses me as the best example of “How to beat Tim Russert.” Here are some excerpts:

…David Duke beat Russert badly in March 1999, when he appeared on Meet the Press during his Louisiana campaign for a seat in the House of Representatives. Unable to stick it to Duke with his time-proven techniques, Russert sputtered, steamed, and almost boiled over…

Here are more examples Shafer uses of my match with Russert:

1) Prepare for a Hostile Interrogation

Tim Russert is heavily invested in the friendly Irishman persona, all smiles and sincere, direct questions. But he is not your friend: He wishes your destruction on his show. But don’t play defense on Meet the Press—it will only make you look defensive. Stay cool and poised, as David Duke did, and play offense by pushing Russert’s toughest questions back at him.

Russert quoted heavily from Duke’s scurrilous writings on Jews, blacks, and Martin Luther King Jr., but because Duke knows his own work by heart and has been attacked repeatedly on this score, he found it easy to dismiss King as a Marxist and Kwanzaa as a “pagan religious ceremony” without losing a point to his questioner. By neglecting the element of surprise, Russert lost the match…

4) If That Doesn’t Work, Concede the Point. Then Make Yours.

When Russert tried to corral David Duke into the position of a Holocaust denier by reading aloud from Duke’s writings, Duke admitted that some Jews were killed—”I don’t know what the numbers are.” He then switched the subject, complaining about the 60 million Christians the Soviets killed and the lack of media showcases on those atrocities. Apparently because this dodge wasn’t in Russert’s script, he abandoned the line of questioning…

One more time I must say, “Thank God for the Internet.” Why? It is because before the rise of the Internet the mainstream (controlled) media could make up any lie about me (or anybody else) without the possibility of rebuttal. Now when someone reads or hears some attack against me those with a little curiosity can get an different and documented viewpoint. Before the Internet, people had no ability to easily get the “rest of the story.” Now they do. I hope that you might realize that just as the media often make up disparaging lies about me, about my past, about my successes and about my failures, but they also lie about what I actually say and what I actually advocate. When someone reads what the media says I say, and then he goes to my website and reads what I actually say, the tissue of media lies begins to tear apart.

You now have a chance to read for yourself about my thoughts and ideas in my own words. and I sincerely believe you find them honest, reasonable and intelligent.

Now let me be clear, I do not agree, at all, with this positions and opinions at the said forum linked, however, I did feel that it was important to get Senator Duke’s side of the story, as MSNBC is using Tim Russert’s death as an excuse to slam David Duke.