Memo to the Clinton supporters: Will you just get the hell over it already?

Jesus H. freakin’ Christ, this election cycle, for a Blogger like me, is like leading a circular firing squad.

First off, we have Neo-Conservative idiot William Kristol wanting to see nothing short of a floor fight at the Democratic Convention. Oh, I am absolutely sure that Kristol and his gang of Neo-Conservative morons would love nothing more than to see a giant floor fight, complete with (dare I say it?) the assassination of Barack Obama and the chaotic collapse of the Democratic Party into a smoldering heap. This all would be so the Neo-Conservatives could get to John McCain and continue to control Washington D.C. for the next 4 years. Thereby truly continuing the Neo-Conservative agenda in this Country.

Two words Kristol: Keep Dreaming!

If that is not enough to make a man want to take up drinking stiff whiskey, you have former Hillary supporters who are outraged! Outraged, I say! About the fact that Hillary Clinton was not even offered the position of Vice President.

Remember what I said about that circular firing squad? Well, hold on, hope you don’t get dizzy easy.

Listen people, Hillary Clinton, by most accounts, did not even WANT the job of Barack Obama’s Vice President. If she even did, could you freakin’ imagine that vetting process? I mean, people, Bill Clinton took funding from suspected terrorists overseas to build that freakin’ library of his! Not mention the fact that Bill Clinton seriously screwed over a guy, by the name of Peter F. Paul, who was business partners with Stan Lee. Heck, Peter F. Paul has living breathing evidence that Hillary Herself committed a felony during her fundrasing during her senate election campaign.

Not to even mention that if Barry had said, “Okay, forget the vetting, you can be my V.P.” Could you imagine that absolute shit-storm that the far, far, right would have created had Hillary been accepted for the Vice President? You have to know that the far right would have been digging for every last piece of media footage from the Waco compound siege in Waco, Texas and using it for Ads against Obama. Not to mention, The Monica scandal, Travel Gate, White Water, Vince Foster, and the list goes on and on and on and on.

Barack Obama might be a far lefty Liberal, but people, he is no dummy. Yeah, Biden might have a little baggage from a 1988 President campaign when he copied a speech. But honestly, that is absolutely nothing like the baggage that Hillary Clinton comes with. I mean, the two just are not comparable.

To the hardened Hillary supporters, I simply say this. I do not like anymore than you that Hillary lost. I think what the Democrat Party did here in Michigan and in Florida was absolutely wrong. But, unless your Party does something to change the rules of selection for President of United States, there’s nothing that can be done about it. The states moved up their primaries, and the DNC decided to punish them for it. Unless there are rule changes, that is just the way it is. I mean, standing around sucking your thumb and stamping your feet is not going to change a thing. I mean, seriously, do you, as an American citizen want to see four more years of George W. Bush?!?!?! That would be absolutely insane. You all just need to get the hell over it, and hope the Hillary decides to run again in 2012 or 2016. By that time, if Barry is a lame duck by then, Hillary will have a clear shot at the White House. That is, if she has not stroked out or something.

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