Keith Olbermann Reacts to the Palin Turkey Pardon Clip

Okay, First off, Keith was on vacation; hence the talk about the remote island. I’m not sure which is worse; watching Keith Olbermann doing his show or watching David Shuster trying to do Keith’s Show. I give ol’ Bathtub boy credit, at least he’s sincere. Sincerely silly, at times. But just the same, he’s real about it. Watching Shuster do Keith’s show is like watching an atheist preach a Gospel Sermon. Yeah, you know, he’s saying the words, but you know damned well, he does not believe a word that he is saying. Hee hee

Anyhow, watching Keith’s reaction to the clip, I think; was comedy gold. Like AllahPundit, I think he speaks for the Liberal left on this one. I am 100% convinced that the donation offer was snark of the Ann Coulter type. Smug

What gets me is, that he did not bother to blur the gross stuff. I mean, his show comes on at 8:00pm for crying out loud! Waiting

So, here’s the clip, gore and all; those with weak stomachs and such should not watch this; because puking on your keyboard is not a healthy thing to do. For the keyboard. Tongue Oh, and shoo the kids off, I mean, I know my audience here, they see an goat naked and they’re ready to call the EPA, FBI, CIA and anyone else that will listen. Winking


….and yes, in case your wondering, I did look away at one point during the video. I mean, a blogger can only handle so much! Sick

(Edited to fix rather hilarious typo… “Those with stomachs?!?!?”) Rolling EyesWhistling