Picture Time! – We get our first snow!

Seeing politics is starting to sound like an echo chamber and I’m not too much in the mood to blog about “The One’s” Economy stimulus package. I thought I would share with you the pictures of our first big….well, somewhat big snow here.

A cute little hillbilly woman that follows me on twitter mentioned that she prayed for the snow. Well, they didn’t get it. We did. 🙄 Anyhow, here’s the pictures, enjoy. 😀

Looking up the street
Looking down the street (That's my Dad's truck...)
Looking at my wonderful POS car! 🙂
Down the street again...(Neighbors Van...)
The Good ol' American Flag doing it's duty... (It's plastic...)
Back Yard... shot through screen and Window... (Poor Quality!)

So, there you have it, the first snow of 2008 in Michigan. Yes, It was cold out on that front porch and no I was not wearing a coat…or shoes. Yes, I froze my fanny off! 😀