Memo to Megan McCain: You don't speak for me, bitch

Michelle Malkin has once again done what the MSM cannot or will not do. Pointed out the hypocrisy of the so-called Communist loving, Liberal-lite Moderate Republicans.

What am I talking about? It appears that Megan McCain thinks this douche nozzle here is cool.

I am going to say what Michelle Malkin is just too damned nice to say……

Pick a fucking side Bitch.

Megan McCain, you’re either with us or you’re against us. You are either on the side of freedom loving Americans like me, who feel that ANY sort of big Government is wrong, or you are on the side of the idiot communist liberal left. Point.fucking.blank.

Either get your god damned fat ass on the side of real true patriotic Americans or get on the side of the socialist left.

…and as I said in my title of this blog entry. You do NOT speak for me, you rich assed, fat, Fake assed Conservative Bitch!

Update: I just wanted to add that while I agree that Laura was dumb for attacking Megan, especially with the weight thing, and I happen to think that Coulter’s schtick is getting old, as do many others, for Megan to go to liberals to decry the “Far right” is just out of bounds in my opinion.

Update #2: Robert Stacy McCain linked to me. Doggone. I feel downright important like. 😛 He’s a good ol’ feller. Even if he does go to Church on the wrong day. 😉 😛 😀

Update #3: For it is worth; I know I called Megan “fat” which I know isn’t true about her. But honestly? I could give a fuck less about it. Because the way I see it; that bitch sold every Conservative and Republican, of EVERY stripe up the river, when she went on Maddow’s show. Maddow is a fucking ultra-Liberal partisan hack and a Keith Olbermann wanna-be, who poses as a Non-Partisan.  The unwritten rule in politics, is that you just DO NOT cross party lines to trash your own party. That is called being a SELL OUT. Quite frankly, now that she’s had her 15 minutes of attention whoredom, I wish she would just disappear.

Update #4: I closed the comments. Because I was tired of the official Megan McCain fan club members; which consist of about 10 guys and a fat girl from Texas, who were coming here leaving their rather stupid inane comments, and I was also tired of reading the self-righteous comments about my language. Two Words, Religious twirps; FUCK OFF. I do what I want. I don’t answer to your cereal box Religion, which has zero to do with Christ, and more to do with men. (and truthfully, little boys, just ask Axel Rose. Believe me, I know all about the sexual misdeeds as well. Been there, did that, almost got it myself. Luckily, the Lord was looking out for his boy.)

Update #5: Looks like little prissy britches went on “The View.”