Of sellouts and asshats….

(Sorry for the limited posting today. My body clock slipped a spring… and I have been trying get it back on course. I just woke up from a nice nap; hopefully we’re back on track here.)

Seems like meatball Liberal linked to my previous Blog posting and parsed a quote of mine, and then took a line from my “About Me” page to discredit me. Which proves what I have known and seen all along; that when liberals know they are losing the fucking argument, they stoop to personal slander and smears. Ah well, it isn’t all that bad, I could use the traffic. 😀

Anyhow, Kyle Smith over at the post, writes a very funny piece about the so-called Moderate Republicans  who selling out that party; like Magan McCain.  More of this, please. 😛

Others: Don Surber, Sister Toldjah and Cold Fury