Andrew Sullivan Praises Obama; gets attacked by Wilsonian Republicans as an Anti-Semite

I will be the first to admit, there are times when Andrew Sullivan gets under my skin. But this is not one of this times. Sullivan has gotten attacked by Wilsonian Republicans, because someone dared to point out their pro-war mentality. The reason they are attacking him, is because he invoked a word, which is commonly used to describe that faction of the Republican Party. That word is “Neo-Cons”, Which is generally what they are. Former pro-war Democrats or intellectual classical liberals who left the Democratic Party, because of their opposing of the civil rights act and other such related events.

Anyhow, here’s what Sullivan said, I’ll bold and underline the parts that sent the “Neo-Cons”, if you will; into a tizzy:

Did you notice how many times he invoked the word “justice” in his message? That’s the word that will resonate most deeply with the Iranian resistance. What a relief to have someone with this degree of restraint and prudence and empathy – refusing to be baited by Khamenei or the neocons, and yet taking an eloquent stand, as we all do, in defense of freedom and non-violence. The invocation of MLK was appropriate too. What on earth has this been but, in its essence, a protest for voting rights? Above all, the refusal to coopt their struggle for ours, because freedom is only ever won, and every democracy wil be different: this is an act of restraint that is also a statement of pure confidence in the power of a free people.

via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

Well, I guess now, the word “Neo-Con” is now code word for “Jew Hater”. Which is so absolutely funny.  Because these bloggers are the same bloggers, who decry the race-baiting of the far left; only to do it themselves, when it comes to Jewish people. Since when does using a term, such as Neo-Con or Neo-Conservative constitute a racial slur? Sorry folks, but that is nothing more than race baiting in it’s purest form. You should all be ashamed. So, next you hear Wilsonian Republicans, like Michelle Malkin and those of her ilk, decrying the race baiting of the left, just remember; they do the same thing, when it comes to the Jewish people.

Neo-Con a racist term…. Please, as if! 🙄

Update: Please note: I originally ended this article with a rather crass term used amongst African-Americans; and I see that “The Daily Paul” linked in; and for that I am grateful. Anyhow, I changed the ending. I understand that not everyone out there gets my type of “I grew up in inner city Detroit” sort of humor. So, to those who were offended; I apologize. Again, thanks to the folks that linked in from the Daily Paul.

Round up of the race-baiting right: Don Surber, This ain’t Hell …, Riehl World View, Moe_Lane’s blog, Althouse and American Power