Marc Garlasco Suspended

A little follow up on the Nazi collector, who just happens to be a military analyst for Human Rights Watch.

The New York Times reports:

A leading human rights group has suspended its senior military analyst following revelations that he is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia.

The group, Human Rights Watch, had initially thrown its full support behind the analyst, Marc Garlasco, when the news of his hobby came out last week. On Monday night, the group shifted course and suspended him with pay, “pending an investigation,” said Carroll Bogert, the group’s associate director.

“We have questions about whether we have learned everything we need to know,” she said.

The suspension comes at a time of heightened tension between, on one side, the new Israeli government and its allies on the right, and the other side, human rights organizations that have been critical of Israel. In recent months, the government has pledged an aggressive approach toward the groups to discredit what they argue is bias and error.

Injected suddenly into that heated conflict, word of Mr. Garlasco’s interest seemed startling to many. The disclosure ricocheted across the Internet: Mr. Garlasco, an American, was not only a collector, he has written a book, more than 400 pages long, about Nazi-era medals. His hobby, inspired he said by a German grandfather conscripted into Hitler’s army, was revealed on a pro-Israel blog, Mere Rhetoric Mere Rhetoric, which quoted his enthusiastic postings on collector sites under the pseudonym “Flak88” — including, “That is so cool! The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!”

It was a Rorschach moment in the conflict between Israel and its critics. The revelations were, depending on who is talking, either incontrovertible proof of bias or an irrelevant smear.

…and what this guys response?

Ms. Bogert called the attacks on Mr. Garlasco and her group “a distraction from the real issue, which is the Israeli government’s behavior.”

Oh, Yes! It is Israel’s fault that your Military analyst is some Nazi Memorabilia collecting whack job?  What a fucking stupid ass idiot!

The tool goes on to say:

Mr. Garlasco declined to be interviewed. But on Friday he posted an essay with the Huffington Post in which he called the Nazis “the worst war criminals of all time,” explaining that he was simply a “military geek” whose interest grew out of his own family’s history.

“I’ve never hidden my hobby, because there’s nothing shameful in it, however weird it might seem to those who aren’t fascinated by military history,” he wrote. “Precisely because it’s so obvious that the Nazis were evil, I never realized that other people, including friends and colleagues, might wonder why I care about these things.”

Oh Sure, who confronted, play dumb! What a fucking tool. 🙄

Yaron Ezrahi, a professor of political science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said he did not believe that Mr. Garlasco’s interest in memorabilia could support allegations of “premeditated bias.” He said, however, that Human Rights Watch’s credibility might have been wounded because Mr. Garlasco’s hobby “has armed the right-wing fanatics” who “work day and night to demonize any individual or organization that raises questions about the military practices of Israel when they end up even with unintended civilian casualties.”

And that is one thing that seems to especially trouble Ms. Cobban, who said in an interview that the controversy played into the hands of the government and its helpers in the fight.

“They have been given this deus ex machina gift,” she said, “about the discovery of Garlasco and his out-of-hours hobby.”

Well, Ya think? What the fuck else would Jewish people and Israelis think about some asshole liberal human rights organization, who’s military analyst is some sort of fucking Nazi freak? If I were the prime minister or whatever the fuck Israel calls their political leader over there, I would want this ignorant asshole run out on a fucking rail!

If my Christian readers of this blog will please excuse me. I feel the overwhelming need to vent my spleen, please cover your eyes. It is late and I find myself in one of those “Andrew Dice Clay” frame of minds. —- Now can someone please answer me this one fucking simple question? Just why the fuck would someone, who most likely went to the 12’th grade, and went to College and got some sort of nice degree; then ended up getting some sort of cushy job like this, only the fuck himself squarely in the asshole, because some stupid fucking squirrel-humping stupid assed hobby like this?!?!?!  Anyone?!??! I mean, seriously people; What the fuck is wrong with people’s fucking heads?

I mean, I am sitting here, a high school fucking drop out, I have A.D.H.D., unless God decides to suddenly heal me of this disability, I do not have a snowball’s chance in the devil’s hell of ever getting a job like this; and EVEN I KNOW that collecting shit like Nazi memorabilia, is not only stupid, but  borderline mental patient material! On top of this, this jerk off has a fucking classy assed job of making sure that Israel is not breaking human rights laws. I mean, is this fucking mental midget serious? Holy.fucking.hell!!!!!! 😯

I swear; If I could bottle up common sense and sell it as a carbonated soda, I would be a fucking Millionaire. As for this Douche-nozzle, he needs a fucking keg. I mean, Nazi collector, being a human rights watcher for Israel. What the fuck?!