Some of you may noticed the familiar looking ads in the sidebars

Those  two free ads are running for two weeks. Basically in support of a friend of mine; who is being attacked by a person, of whom I believe to be a traitor to the Conservative movement, the anti-jihad movement and Anti-Islamic Fascism  Movement. Further more, attacking those of us who dare to speak out against the Current administration as racists.

I had hoped that I could stay out of this fray or at least not have to mention said parties name on my Blog. But it seems that Mr. Charles Foster Johnson has got a serious problem. That problem is collectivism; that is blaming of an entire movement for the misdeeds of a slight few. The whole guilt by association game that the far left tries to play against anyone who disagrees with their politics.  The end for me, is when Charles Johnson said of the owner of Gateway Pundit; that he was a “Borderline illiterate Bigot.”

My advice to Charles Johnson is this. Take the fucking idiotic stupid blog of yours down and go the fuck away. Whatever you do, do NOT fuck with me. Believe me when I say this. I have the means and the fucking gonads to plunk down some cash and get my hands of every piece of personal information about that is available about you, via most information services of this sort.  Do not think that I am above posting every god damned piece of personal information about you sir. Including, Address with an aerial shot of your house. Telephone numbers, Social security number, Credit Card Numbers,  Driver license numbers, Vehicle Vin Numbers and anything else, that I think that the American people should know about it. Yes, I am that damned crazy.  I have done this before, when I felt it necessary to do so, and I will do it again, if I think that it is needed.

I dislike blog fights; I really do. I have been in a few myself and something always happens that you regret later. However, I will use any all means, including lethal force, to defend myself, if need be. So, Johnson, don’t even think of Barking up my damn tree cracker boy.

Anyhow, here are the other folks blogging ol ‘Foster: Atlas Shrugs, The Jawa Report, American Power, Carol’s Closet, Jihad Watch, The Daley Gator, Whiskey Fire and TBogg