Updated: Why do Conservatives do stupid stuff like this??? Article pulled

Can anyone tell me?

Go read. Update #2: Newsmax has pulled the article. Good on them for doing this; as there is no place for this sort of talk amongst sane folks in the public discourse.

Good Lord. 🙄

Update: My Buddy Ed Morrissey; who’s much more dignified writer than me, (But don’t tell him I said that!) writes:

Newsmax actually ran this as a column, not a blog post.  It’s a lunatic fantasy straight out of Greek theater.  In those days, when mediocre tragedians wrote plots so complicated that they couldn’t resolve them through character interaction, the Deus ex machina (loosely, the Flying God Machine) would deposit a new actor portraying one of the Greek pantheon onto the stage to sort out the mess.  Perry fantasizes about a military takeover that would be the world’s most powerful Deus ex machina, mainly out of political laziness.


The alternative, non-violent solution is the one we’ve been using for 220 years: elections.  We have another coming in 2010.  If the American people get fed up with the direction of this government, then we will change it in the midterms.  We do not need our military to rescue us from ourselves, thank you very much.

One might excuse this kind of nihilism if it came from a college freshman who had no sense of his own nation’s history, but this comes from a man who served two White House administrations.  There is simply no excuse for this hankering for a banana republic in America from someone who should know much, much better.

To this I will simply add this. If anyone and I do mean anyone believes that any sort of a coup would be “Bloodless”, they are kidding themselves and are living in some sort of fantasy world. The secret service is just not going to stand idly by and allow the Military to overthrow the President.  They are sworn to protect the President; to the death and believe me, they will do it.

I will also say this; anyone that writes this sort of crap; should be fired from their job. I mean, it is one thing to be some sort of Far-right wing Blogger. But to be a writer at a magazine, like Newsmax and to write something like this; is just inexcusable. Shame on Newsmax for allowing this sort of nonsense into their publication. Rupert needs to take stock here and get rid of the garbage on his staff at Newsmax. Because quite frankly, it is starting to make the rest of us sane Conservatives look bad. 😡

Others: Right Wing Nut House, The Jawa Report, Scholars and Rogues, Confederate Yankee,