The Obligatory Michael Moore Anti-Capitalist Video Posting

Yeah, I know, you all are looking for this. I looked at the logs. Okay, Okay here it is! 😛

Here’s the straight dope on Michael Moore’s anti-capitalist fortune via CNSNEWS:

According to Fortune Magazine, Moore’s films have grossed over $300 million worldwide. His highest grossing film was “Fahrenheit 9/11,” which critiques the Bush administration’s handling of the war in Iraq and earned over $200 million worldwide.

Moore reportedly was paid $21 million by Disney for producing, directing and creating the film.

Moore also earned 50 percent of the profits of his 2007 film “Sicko,” totaling $25 million plus DVD sales, according to Vanity Fair.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Moore would receive all of the profits made from DVD sales of “Sicko,” sales of which have been estimated at over $17 million.

Now this is the part of his little story; that I will say he partly right and partly embellishing the truth:

“You know, I had to pretty much beg, borrow and steal,” he said. “The system is not set up to help somebody from the working class make a movie like this and get the truth out there.”

Okay, I will give him a half a point here. At the time his first movie was produced. It was tough to get loans from the banks to get the production equipment to make movies. The problem is, Michael Moore; as usual, is withholding the truth a bit.

Here are the facts:

After dropping out of the University of Michigan-Flint (where he wrote for the student newspaper The Michigan Times) and working for a day at the General Motors plant,[17] at 22 he founded the alternative weekly magazine The Flint Voice, which soon changed its name to The Michigan Voice as it expanded to cover the entire state. In 1986, when Moore became the editor of Mother Jones, a liberal political magazine, he moved to California and The Michigan Voice was shut down.

After four months at Mother Jones, Moore was fired. Matt Labash claims this was for refusing to print an article by Paul Berman that was critical of the Sandinista human rights record in Nicaragua.[18] Moore refused to run the article believing it to be inaccurate. “The article was flatly wrong and the worst kind of patronizing bullshit. You would scarcely know from it that the United States had been at war with Nicaragua for the last five years”.[19] Berman described Moore as a “very ideological guy and not a very well-educated guy” when asked about the incident.[20] Moore believes that Mother Jones fired him because of the publisher’s refusal to allow him to cover a story on the GM plant closings in his hometown of Flint, Michigan. He responded by putting laid-off GM worker Ben Hamper (who was also writing for the same magazine at the time) on the magazine’s cover, leading to his termination. Moore sued for wrongful dismissal, and settled out of court for $58,000, providing him with seed money for his first film, Roger & Me.Source Wikipedia

So much for total honesty. 🙄

Now for the baldfaced lie:

“Look, you know, I mean, I make documentary films,” said Moore. “So, clearly, I’m not loaded in the way you described. But I do well, obviously because my films do well.”

“So, that means I have an extra responsibility to make sure I spend my time trying to make things better for the people that don’t have what I have, right? I mean, everybody should do that,” he said.

Moore saying that he is not loaded; but does well —— is like me saying that I am not fat, but rather slightly chubby.

Cue the Music!

(H/T to AllahPundit for posting what everyone was looking for! Jeez AP, you post a video and they come here looking for it! Sup with that??!?!? 😮 )