How worried are the Sarah Palin Haters?

This worried:

We know that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can hunt, and even field-dress a moose, but how will she take to poachers on her book sales? Start-up publisher OR Books has announced plans to publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, a collection of essays about the maverick Republican with a title — and cover design — remarkably similar to Palin’s upcoming memoir. What’s more, OR’s paperback tome will be released on Nov. 17, the same day that Palin’s own Going Rogue: An American Life hits shelves — and one day after Palin’s just-announced, first-ever appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show. (A shout-out to Ron Hogan at GalleyCat for the tip.)

Going Rouge is compiled by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, two top editors of the left-leaning weekly The Nation, and includes essays by Nation regulars like Katrina vanden Heuvel, Naomi Klein, and Katha Pollitt. It’s the first release from OR Books, a fledgling outfit founded earlier this year by publishing veterans John Oakes and Colin Robinson that “embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business,” according to its website.

via Attention, Sarah Palin bashers: Lookalike book ‘Going Rouge’ is coming! |

One word to describe something like this; pathetic. This is why I have such a disdain for the far socialist left and even the Libertarian left; because they have an ingrained hatred for anything or anyone who happens to represent traditional or dare I say it? — Conservative Christian values.  I will concede one point, that this is not anything really new, the far socialist left has always had this sort of hatred towards the Traditionalists and Christians; It just does not seem that they have been as vocal and outward about it. This could be because in the last 20 years, we have seen the advent of cable television and the internet, and it now seems that their message is getting out more. Plus, society has changed, people are less polite and are more eager to slam others than they used to be.

I thin capitalism is fine, but capitalism at the expense of another person, is just morally wrong. But then again, we are talking about socialist liberals, they have no morals. 🙄