Seriously, Why do Conservatives embrace people like this?

I am sure that most of you have heard about the newest revelation about the Conservative movement’s newest prissy little hoe.

No, I am not talking about Ann Coulter; although she could most qualify for one as well. After all, she does have experience with F.B.I. agents, or so I am told. Amazing what a woman will do to get out of voter fraud charges.

I am referring to the slutty little darling of the Conservative movement, Carrie Prejean. She sure did play that victim card very well, didn’t she? Went on Hannity and claimed “Them mean ol’ Liberals are picking on me!” Admittedly, Perez Hilton was a bit of an ass, because of what Prejean said. But, there is a bit of an issue here.

The issue is this, Carrie Prejean has outed herself as nothing more than a typical white American Evangelical Christian — a damned hypocrite. Speaking of which; you want to know what the real kicker of this story is? When contacted by the media, Carrie Prejean’s Pastor of the so-called Church that she attends had this to say:

Carrie Prejean’s pastor isn’t willing to give up on his famous fallen beauty queen, after learning she made a graphic, solo sex tape.

Pastor Darren Carrington from The Rock Church in San Diego says, “Everyone is a work in progress,” adding everyone has “something we’re not proud of.”

Wow. Whatever happened to the days of “Being Churched?” Back in the days; when my Mother and Father were her age, and still to this day in most Fundamentalist Churches, If charges like these were brought up — She would have been marched in front of the Church and instructed to publicly repent or she would have been removed from the Church! There was No discipline here, No statement of “we will be having a meeting with Carrie to ask her to explain her behavior”.   Just “Live and learn.”  Unbelievable.  Oh, wait, the Evangelical Church mostly abandoned this practice long ago —– which most likely explains why it is in the condition it is in today. My bad.

The broader point that I am trying to make here is this here. If the Conservative movement is going to ever make any sort of real impression on the rest of America; they are simply going to have to stop embracing people, like Carrie, who have all these inconsistencies in their backgrounds. Further more, they need to stop embracing people, who are not always honest about who they are. The list is long, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin,  Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, and now — Carrie Prejean.

My biggest issue with this is that Carrie Prejean went out of her way to articulate her so-called “Conservative Christian” beliefs in a secular beauty pageant  and because of a liberal blowhard’s meltdown after the pageant; she became the newest persecuted little waif. The problem was that she was not exactly Phyllis Schlafly, when it came to her own personal morals. Which is quite typical of the Christian right and the Conservative movement for the past twenty years or so.

The problem is, and this has been said in the Conservative Blogosphere in some quarters; that the Conservative movement has no real authentic people anymore. Just two-bit hacks and phony people who lie about who they are, and how smart they are. William F. Buckley was an authentic brilliant man, who brought intellect to the Conservative movement. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter and the rest are nothing more than two bit hacks who stumbled and bumbled their way through life and just happened to land jobs that made them what they are today.  Because of this, we have the Conservative movement that is in the shape it is today.

Reaction from all sides of the political aisle: Liberal Values, Tayor Marsh, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Don Surber, News Hounds, Raw Story, Pam’s House Blend, The TrogloPundit, JammieWearingFool, and American Power