Living Proof that Liberals are Classless Assholes

(H/T NewsBusters)

Markos Moulitsas Insults former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo.



DAVID SHUSTER, HOST: Ok, so how about the veterans administration? The Veterans Administration is a single-payer system. Everybody in the military who was treated yesterday; so the military members, their health care system, that`s also a threat to our freedom?

TOM TANCREDO, FORMER CONGRESSMAN: Talk to every veterans group I ever went and talked to complained about the Veterans Administration and the way it was a bureaucratically run program that didn`t serve their needs. They would rather have vouchers that would allow them to go out and buy their insurance in a private marketplace.

They`ve talked about it and at least you`re laughing. David, talk to the veterans. They talk to me and that`s what they said.

SHUSTER: Markos?

MARKOS MOULITSAS, DAILY KOS OWNER: I`m a veteran, Tom — Tom, I`m a veteran.


MARKOS: Ok? I did not get a deferment because I was too depressed to fight in a war that I supported in Vietnam. I`m a veteran.

TANCREDO: Yes. Well decade, people want – they don`t any more stupid things…


MARKOS: They want a more effective — they want a more effective VA. That`s more money.

TANCREDO: No, you`re not going to do that. You`re not going to try to insult me that way and then pretend like we`re just going on and talk about that. You either apologize.

MARKOS: I`m not pretending anything. I told you straight up.

The issue here, what the Republicans are afraid of, this is a threat to Republicans. They built an entire ideology predicated on telling people that government does not work. They are terrified of government programs that work because then people will realize that the government is not the enemy and that they`re going to work — they`re going to vote Democratic because Democrats are the party who realize that people need help and government can sometimes offer solutions.

SHUSTER: Thank you Markos Moulitsas and also Congress Tom Tancredo for the time that he was with us. I think he left a little bit early. But the congressman is always welcome on this show. We always appreciate hearing his point of view. And it`s a feisty one. And that`s what we like around here.

Markos, thank you as well.

Newsbusters, of all people, wants to know if this was actually insulting. I would say yes.