UPDATED: Suspect in WA Shooting was Pardoned by Governor Mike Huckabee Update:Huckabee's PAC Releases Statement

Looks like Mike Huckabee’s Presidential aspirations are over.

Gabriel at Ace of Spades HQ Picks it up:

I’m sure a thousand people are digging up old news reports on Huckabee and Clemmons. And there will be a hundred stories in all the media tomorrow on Huckabs future in politics. Here’s the summary:

(1) Huckabee pardoned Clemmons because they had a mutual acquaintance, he labored at the governor's mansion under a prisoner work program, or a minister intervened on his behalf. No, I don’t actually know why he did it and Huckabee was notorious for refusing to give reasons for his pardons. These characteristics are what many of Huckabee’s pardons had in common.

(2) The possibility that Huckabee will run for president in 2012 has moved from “less than likely” (see sidebar) to “not a chance in hell.” Which, is just the way I like it. He always was just a Democrat with a Bible. His shameful campaign in Iowa ultimately gave us McCain last year. We no longer have to worry what Certain Fuckin’ Doomabee will bring us next time.

via WHOA: Suspected Police Assassin Was Pardoned by Gov. Huckabee in 2000 – By Gabriel Malor @ Ace of Spades HQ

Oh Yeah, this is huge. If this dude got off free; because of Chucklebee. He will never see the White House, ever. I have to agree with this assessment. Everything that I have seen about Huckabee says that he was and still is a RHINO. Speaking of which, did anyone watch Huckabee’s show today? Did you happen to see the segment about the music that the soldiers listen to in Iraq and Afghanistan? Talk about some hardcore uncomfortable moments! Especially considering that Mr. Huckabee is supposedly a Christian and a Baptist.

Source for the story comes via Zack AKA Redhk on twitter.

Update: Seattle Times has the story too.

Update #2: Now a huge round up on Memeornadum Robert Stacy McCain has excellent coverage on his blog and at HotAir.com’s Green Room

Update #3: HuckPac Releases a Statement: (H/T to the Seattle P.I.)

The senseless and savage execution of police officers in Washington State has saddened the nation, and early reports indicate that a person of interest is a repeat offender who once lived in Arkansas and was wanted on outstanding warrants here and in Washington State. The murder of any individual is a profound tragedy, but the murder of a police officer is the worst of all murders in that it is an assault on every citizen and the laws we live within.

Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington State. He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, this commutation made him parole eligible and he was then paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him. It appears that he has continued to have a string of criminal and psychotic behavior but was not kept incarcerated by either state. This is a horrible and tragic event and if found and convicted the offender should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our thoughts and prayers are and should be with the families of those honorable, brave, and heroic police officers.

Yeah, Sure Mike pass the buck. You are done you fool, now get rid of the show and stage act and go back to being a private citizen. What an idiot, fail to take any responsibility for his actions. I would never vote for that man, ever. Lost any and all respect that I ever had for him. 😡 Which, quite frankly, was not much at all. Mike Huckabee is a fraud, a phony, plays this self-righteous Christian game; all the while having secular music on his show. So typical of the compromising Southern Baptists, of whom 90% are not even really Born-Again at all.