Updated: From the Dept. of Socialist Democrat Reactionary Politics

Are they fucking serious?

Okay, here’s the background:

These two photos were released:


Glenn Reynolds writes on his Blog which is called InstaPundit — Update: I should have written this in the first place, Glenn was posting the words of one of his readers, it was NOT Glenn speaking himself. So, once again, the Liberals are distorting stuff, as always…:

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Joseph Gautier writes: “If I really wanted to set my dad off, all I’d have to do is send him this photo. The amazing thing is, that it is found on the WH’s flickr page. Proving that they don’t see what we see.” It’s interesting to read the comments, where what people see is very different depending on who’s posting. Well, Obama did say that he had cultivated the ability to be a blank screen onto which people could project things. . .

Well, look what some asshole fucking liberal blogger writes…:

No doubt it would: “A nigger in a tuxedo!”

“… The amazing thing is, that it is found on the WH’s flickr page. Proving that they don’t see what we see.”

Hate to tell ya, buddy, but we don’t see the pink elephants or the leprechaun that tells you to burn things, either.

Was there a gas leak at the last CPAC convention or something?

No, it it is pretty fucking obvious to me, and everyone else, that there some sort a fucking “gas leak” in your fucking brain asshole. Nobody was making this about race, at all. Except maybe for you.

See guys? This right here, is a perfect, and I do mean PERFECT example of why I will never, ever, vote for a fucking democrat, ever again! The fucking constant bringing race into shit, that does not have jack shit to do with race, at all. I mean, can we get any more of an text book example of race baiting? I mean, it was just a fucking picture and the right had a little fun with it, and naturally some dickheaded liberal has to go all racial on it. For all we know the two guys were just standing there shooting the breeze, until they got up on the stage.

I’m sorry to those who I may have offended with my language, but this sort of stuff, just burns my ass. 😡

Update: I guess the widdle liberal asshat didn’t like what I wrote, and also linked to an old posting of mine. First off, Mr. Liberal pansy, learn the fucking meaning of Snark, and also, get over your idiotic fear of white people, please. I haven’t killed a Black man….yet. Then again, a black man hasn’t tried to break into my house either….yet.

Others: Althouse, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Another Black Conservative, Nice Deb, PoliBlog and American Power