Updated: Harry Reid said What?!?!?

Oh…My….goodness. 😯

Go Read.

Can you even begin to imagine if a Republican had said something like that??? Yikes! 😮 🙄

That is all.

Back to my Movie.

Update #1: and Of course, Sharpton Backs Reid:

I have learned of certain unfortunate comments made by Senator Reid regarding President Barack Obama and have spoken with Senator Reid about those comments. While there is no question that Senator Reid did not select the best word choice in this instance, these comments should not distract America from its continued focus on securing healthcare or creating jobs for its people. Nor should they detract from the unquestionable leadership role Senator Reid has played on these issues or in the area of civil rights. Senator Reid’s door has always been open on hearing from the civil rights community on these issues and I look forward to continue to work with Senator Reid wherever possible to improve the lives of Americans everywhere.

As does Barry:

Reid folks in overdrive to shut story down. Obama puts out statement on Reid’s apology: ” I accepted Harry’s apology without question.”

Hmmm, The One was not so forgiving when Don Imus made his little so-called “Mistake”

Not to mention; Trent Lott Anyone?:

“It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do,” said Obama.

He said: “The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party.”

Hypocrisy, Thy name is Democrats. 🙄

This is from the same party that fought to keep Slavery legal. Remember that.

Update #2:

Michael Steele wants Reid out, can’t blame him: