Example of what will get you added to the 'idiot filter' around here

Some moronic jackass comes here and leaves an insulting comment and when I didn’t publish it. He comes back and says this:

Author : mgordon1 (IP: , cm-
E-mail : noth@ppnin.com
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
That’s what I thought loser.

He was commenting on this posting here. He thinks that my living situation would be cute to mock. Just shows you what kind of assholes liberals really are. Also, do you honestly think that I really give two shits that anyone knows my personal situation? I really don’t. Two words for you asshole; FUCK YOU.

It just so happens that this blog is actually making me some serious coinage now and if this continues, I will actually have to file for an L.L.C. license and will have to start paying taxes on my earnings.

Truth is, I am in the situation, because of the fucking idiotic economic decisions of the Democrats here in Michigan. As for your question about Healthcare. I am pretty much a healthy person and even if they did pass healthcare; I would not take it. I’d pay the damn fine and go without, I am not stealing care from other people, just so I can say, I got health insurance.

So, there troll, put that in your pipe and smoke it….pole smoker.