Updated – I feel the need to clear some things up

As you all know, I had a run in with a dude calling himself the “Fat Libertarian“, In his final e-mail to me, he made this little quip, which I found to be most humorous:

Websites like yours and Hotair make a living going after Ron Paul.  So when people who like Ron Paul who believe in his principles defend him, you don’t expect some debate to happen?

The only reason I filmed your blog was because you revealed a level of stupidity that I thought was newsworthy for a relatively popular blog.

I understand you have more blogging to do, so get to it.  Consider this “debate” over.

His snide remark about me being stupid aside, I do believe this guy in under some impression that my blog is like one of the big dog’s in the “Right Wing”, if you will, Blogosphere.

Well, that’s certainly news to me!

I’m going to share to some screen shots here…

First off I hardly consider this to be making a living:

I hardly consider this to be making a living...(click to make bigger)
So much for that guy who's making a living off of Ron Paul eh?

That 199.84 was for one month, there was time, when I was lucky if I cleared like 30 bucks in a month. Note, when adsense pays me come the 28’th of this month, I will not get all of this, I may walk away with around $140.00 or so, If I am lucky. Adsense is all Pay per click…

Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!
Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!

These stats are from Connect Commerce, which was bought out by Google. It’s all pay per action ads. It’s the ones, like that ad with jeep on the left. I’ve made exactly jack shit on those ads, so far. Not one person has bought a single thing, yet. So, much for rolling in the dough eh? To be fair, I just joined the program, with the promise from them, that I’d be swimming in the dough in no time flat… So much for that… 🙄 I knew better, but I am a sucker for a good sales pitch.

But say, “Oh he must be making money on those inline text links!”

Well, um, here’s the screenshot:

Look at all that BIG MONEY! NOT!

I’ve yet to get payment from them as well. So much for that little “talking point” eh?

Now, some of you, including my liberal libertarian buddy may thing I’m swimming in the paypal donations right? Hmmm:

Man, so many donations, I dunno what I will do with all that money... (Yeah, right!)

As for his remarks about me being a popular blogger. Ha! That’s another good one. 🙄

Let’s see here:

My Traffic ranking compaired to other well-known Conservative sites
More of that...
and even more....
And a little bit more....

So, there you have it. Sure, I could sit back here and lie my ass off and tell everyone, “Yeah, I am a big dog..” But, nope, not me. When I get 3200 hits around here, which is not very often, it is a good day. Usually, I bring in about 600 hits… on a good day.

Why am I doing all of this?

Because I believe in honesty. No matter if it hurts me or not. Because I just do not have any ego about this at all. There are some cats that are in this business that have their egos all wrapped up in their blogs and they will do anything to make themselves look good —- including stepping on others. I am just not on that kind of trip at all. I said my piece about Ron Paul and instantly, I am a big blogger on a Neo-Con mission. Nothing could be further from the truth about that.

So, there you have it. Make of it, what thou wilt.

Update: R.S. McCain makes good some points as well. Although, I tend to think that he thought that I was whining. Far from it; I was just being truthful about what I make on this little boondoggle project. Also 600 hits around here is about normal. When the Earthquake in Haiti hit, I blogged on that and my hits went way over 3k. So, it’s a toss. Some days I do well, and some days, I just write. 😉 I just wish that everyone one of those 3k people that visited my blog had kicked 20 bucks into the tipjar. I’d be living easy street then! But, ah well, no complaining here. I’m just happy to have the freedom to write. 😀