Stupid Move – Sarah Palin Endorses Rand Paul

In a very stupid move, Sarah Palin has endorsed Rand Paul.

Now why do I say this is a stupid move? It is because last month, I reported here on this blog, and I will point out, I was the ONLY Conservative blog that reported this as well; that Rand Paul’s former Campaign spokesman suddenly resigned, because of racist content on a myspace page, which he claimed was not his. (yeah right… 🙄 )

Further more, I have reported on Ron Paul’s various exploits when it comes to racism, and it appears that the apple does not fall far from the tree. If Sarah Palin lends her voice to this sort of outlandish racism and Antisemitism of the Paleo-Conservative right, she will be, in my opinion discredited beyond what she already is among most of the Washington crowd.

Of course, this comes as no surprise to me, seeing she is speaking at a so-called “Tea Party gathering” in Nashville, Tn. Which is being hosted by person, who has been outed as a outright crook by those who broke away from his “Tea Parry Nation” group, after figuring out, that he was nothing more than an opportunist.

While I believe that Sarah Palin’s star power amongst the Conservative grass roots is something to be admired; endorsing Rand Paul is akin to President Obama doing lunch of Adolf Hitler and should be treated as such by the GOP and anyone else that wants to see the Republican Party come back to power in 2010 and 2012. I do not know who is giving Sarah Palin advice, but I believe they had better think twice about endorsing Rand Paul. Because if that is what this new “Tea Party” movement and/or new Conservative movement is about, I want nothing to do with it. As much as I detest Identity Politics; I also detest true racism, and Antisemitism, of which Ron Paul and also now Rand Paul are associated with — The GOP, Sarah Palin and the Conservative grass roots, would do well to avoid Rand Paul and the utter filth that he and his father represent.

Bottom Line: Someone in Palin’s camp blew it and blew it bad.

Others: Riehl World View, AmSpecBlog, The Other McCain