Libtalker idiot Mike Malloy jumps the shark

This comes via The Radio Equalizer:


MALLOY (31:30): It took these filthy Republicans about 48 hours- 72 hours to come up with the ‘oh, yeah, well, you know, we’re getting bad phone calls too, yes we are.

And then this John Boner, this John Boner [sic] these guys created this. they created this atmosphere, they did it because Limbaugh and Beck told them to!

MALLOY (36:25): Well, keep it up boys, just keep it up, um except for one thing: you rat bastards are going to cause another Murrah federal building explosion, you are. And then – what is Beck – maybe at that point Beck will do the honorable thing and blow his brains out.

Maybe at that point, Limbaugh will do the honorable thing and just gobble up enough – enough Viagra that he becomes absolutely rigid and keels over dead.

Maybe then O’Reilly will just drink a vat of the poison he spews out on America every night and choke to death! Because that’s what’s gonna to happen, that’s what they are pushing these right-wing, nut case, fringe, militia jerk-wads to doing!

Yeesh... Now that is what I call over the top. Yeah, I know, I’ve done the same thing myself here. But it is one thing to be a lowly blogger, such as myself here. But it is another entirely to be a broadcaster with a huge bully pulpit like what Malloy has got there. What he did here was totally wrong, and he should be shamed for it publicly.

The reference to the “Murrah federal building explosion” which Malloy and rest of his idiot liberal friends blame on the Conservatives and Christians; when, in fact, Timothy McVeigh was NOT a Christian or a Conservative is a dishonest one —– McVeigh was a Conspiracy Theorist and was angry about the Waco tragedy, which was brought on by the Clinton Administration. How ironic that they attack the right, for something that was created by their own leaders. If I were one of those uncouth bloggers, I would say I hope the next “Murrah federal building explosion” happened not in a public building; but perhaps at his office or maybe even his house. But I have much more class than Malloy. 🙄

Another fine point to put on this is; this shows how desperate the Left media is,Obama’s Poll numbers are tanking, America is waking up to the fact that they have been sold a bag of lemons and now the left wing media is in full on attack mode of everything Conservative. It is a sad thing to watch, but it is a horrible byproduct of overselling someone, who quite obviously to me and rest of American, who doesn’t have their nose square up Obama’s behind, not qualified to be in the office of the President. Quite simply, it is what happens when you elected based upon racial entitlement. Detroit learned that lesson with family entitlement, with the whole Kilpatrick fiasco. Just as well, America is about to learn that same lesson with racial entitlement.