If there was any indication that Sarah Palin is a blithering idiot

This would be one of them:

“I support Michael Steele. I am glad he is the leader of the party, administratively,” Palin told Fox News’s Sean Hannity Wednesday. “If those within the party are choosing to go a different direction, his term is up in a number of months and they can vote someone else in. But I think he is doing a great job.”

via CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Palin hails Steele as ‘independent outsider’ « – Blogs from CNN.com.

Oh yeah, he is doing a wonderful bang up job. By doing what exactly? Royally screwing the G.O.P. into the damned ground, all the while playing the race card to whomever criticizes him?  Give me a break! This is obvious proof that this feckless bitch and I call her that, because that is what she is; has no damned clue as to what the hell she is even talking about, half of the time.

Please, Sarah, for the sake of your own personal career and personal reputation; that is, if you even have one anymore —- go back to farking Alaska and SHUT THE HELL UP! 😡

I’ve never seen such a stupid woman in my entire life. Bad handlers? — more like bad brain on woman. 🙄

Worst damn thing that John McCain and the G.O.P. ever did was let that backwoods bimbo loose on the American people!

Why people love that woman, I will never, never, in a million years understand. The damned woman is nothing more than Mike Huckabee with a damned skirt. A Democrat with a Bible. Plain and simple, she’s nothing more than a Populist with lipstick. If her and that other dumb bitch Michele Bachmann run for President in 2012, we are doomed beyond measure, and I will possibly leave the Country for Switzerland.

….and don’t even get me started on her so-called ‘Social Conservatism.” Seriously. 🙄