Suspected Drug Dealer's House gets raided, Liberals Angry

I was over looking at Reason Magazine and I happen to see this video. Now I will forewarn you, it is tough to watch, and yes, two dogs are killed in the video. (Graphic Content Warning: Violence and Language)

Well, it seems that Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds about this use of force.

While I think that it is tragic that an animal would have to lose its life during something like that; those swat agents were well within their rights. First off, the one dog was a PIT BULL; Pit Bills are known for attacking people and hurting or even killing them. There was another dog that was killed too. It happens in law enforcement, animals get killed.

Point blank, this guy, who looks to be Latino, was breaking the law. Last time I checked, possession of drugs is a criminal offense and the Swat team did have a knock warrant. I just wonder what his immigration status is. I’d be willing to bet that he’s not even legal.

The moral of this story is folks, if you are not breaking the law; the swat team will not come to your house and break down the door. As a Conservative-minded person, I believe in rule of law, and it is obvious to me, that the feds had enough evidence on this guy to conduct a raid….and the little doggies got killed… Big deal. If the owner gave two flips about these dogs, he would not be dealing drugs and the dogs would still be alive.

Like I told the crowd over at reason Magazine. I got no pity for anyone stupid enough to deal drugs and let their house get raided and the dogs shot. He got what was coming to him.

Bottom Line: Don’t do the dirty and you will not have those problems.

Update: To the moron from that fag boy liberal John Cole’s Blog, who keeps coming here and paying the race card. Two Words Douche nozzle: Get Bent Don’t waste your time. I ain’t approving your Nonsense. I made a valid point. If you’d looked at the About the Blog and About Me; you’d see why I feel the way that I do. I tell it like it is; the man was breaking the law and he got busted, and his little dog died. It happens. I am right, you are wrong. Enough Said. Like it, Learn it, Live with it!