My Sadly Obligatory 'Arabic Chick Wins Miss USA Contest' Statement

Yes, I know about it. Yes, I have read about it. Yes, I have seen the reaction on the Right, and the reaction on the left, to the reaction on the right.

Having said that; here is my officially Official Statement about the Arab Chick that won the Miss USA Contest:

Hey, I am just glad she shaves her pubic hair and her pits. (Armpits…) 😉 😮 😯 😛

Otherwise, I could care less.

Please, count me as one of the people on the right that does not necessarily subscribe to the screaming MeMe of “OMG!!! THE ARAB MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER AMERICA!!!!!!! ELEVENITY!!!!! ONE!!!!!

That is all. 😀

Oh, and before anyone says it. It’s one thing to bitch and gripe about Muslim Intolerance; but it’s another entirely to attack a young lady, just because she happens to be Arabic and Muslim, by making accusations of terrorist connections. One is an honorable thing to do. The other is just straight up racist. Period. One could also make the argument that two of the woman screaming about this are just straight up terminally fucking ugly. One is a Jew, the other is a Filipino. Although, the Filipino looks good in a cheerleader suit.  I’m Just saying.

Others, from all over the damned place: American Prospect, The Moderate Voice, alicublog, This Just In, American Power, Debbie Schlussel, Daily Kos, Cassy Fiano, Don Surber, Jules Crittenden, theblogprof, The Powers That Be, JammieWearingFool, DaTechguy’s Blog, Left Coast Rebel, Atlas Shrugs, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Right Now, Detroit Free Press, TPM LiveWire, Guardian, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Swampland, Talking Points Memo, The New Republic, theblogprof, Outside The Beltway, Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, alicublog, Weasel Zippers, Jesus’ General, Emptywheel, Talking Points Memo, Think Progress, Balloon Juice, Taylor Marsh,, NY Daily News, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, National Review, The Moderate Voice, The Lede, The Jawa Report and Debbie Schlussel