Somebody Please! Turn the Stupid Machine Off!

Good God Almighty! I do believe that the stupid machine is on again. Is it just me, or does this sort of stupidity come in threes?

First up, some good old fashioned “She’s not white, so she ain’t right” kinda stupid….

This comes via TPM:

SC Gov candidate Nikki Haley (R) and SC State Sen Jake Knotts (R)

It sounds like South Carolina State. Sen. Jake Knotts’ “raghead” comments last night are even worse than first reported.

Not only did he refer to Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley as a “raghead” during an internet political radio show taped in a bar — but Knotts called her a “f—ing raghead” afterward, according to a report from the Free-Times.

“She’s a f—ing raghead,” Knotts reportedly said.

This report comes on the heels of an earlier account from the co-host of the internet political talk show Pub Politics, the forum for Knotts’ comments. Knotts — who supports Haley opponent Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer in the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary — did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment this morning.

The show is co-hosted by Phil Bailey and Wes Donehue. Donehue, a GOP operative, figured into an earlier chapter in the scandal surrounding blogger Will Folks’ claim that he had an affair with Haley. Donehue sent Folks an expletive-laced text message about the story being discussed, and was reportedly trying to shop an affidavit to reporters. For his part, Bailey works with the Senate Democratic Caucus.

The state senator also reportedly seemed to suggest when approached by Free Times reporter Corey Hutchins after the show last night that Haley was some kind of Sikh Manchurian candidate.


Knotts has apologized for his comments, explaining them as part of a “freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub.”

If it had been recorded, the public would be able to hear firsthand that my ‘raghead’ comments about Obama and Haley were intended in jest. Bear in mind that this is a freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub. It’s like local political version of Saturday Night Live, which is actually where the joke came from.He continued: “I still believe Ms. Haley is pretending to be someone she is not, much as Obama did, but I do apologize to both for an unintended slur.”

AllahPundit quips:

So Haley’s family is Indian and we’re fighting Muslim jihadis, and … close enough, I guess? Today Jenny Sanford leveraged some of her moral authority on Haley’s behalf by denouncing the scumbaggery being practiced here, but I fear South Carolina’s a lost cause. My mental picture of the state these days is of a giant sleaze blob laying waste to the land, consuming everyone and everything it touches. Note to Hot Air readers in SC: Get out while you still can.

HEH!  That’s so wrong, but quite funny. 😀 The Allahpundit statement, not the stupidity by this idiot who looks like he’s eaten way too many triple whoppers for supper. I mean, this idiot is still in politics and still making statements like these? Ouch. South Carolina is got some issues.

Oh, But the stupidity does not end there!

We get this little gem from the ugliest damn White House reporter on the planet: (H/T to my good friend Sammy at YidWithaLid)

First this feckless….um, woman, goes ape poop over the White House’s reaction to the attempt to run a blockade in Gaza by Terrorists, watch:

….and then, she lets this little gem fly last week:

Sammy over Yid with a Lid says:

I used to attribute Thomas’ venom to the combination of her liberal leanings and Lebanese heritage, video below indicates that her intentions are more nefarious than that, Thomas is not a big fan of the Jewish people.

Uh, Sammy? What gave you your first clue? 😉

He goes on:

Go back to Germany and Poland?? Why Ms Thomas? You do remember the Holocaust right? Heck you are old enough to remember the crusades.

HEH! Now that’s funny… 😀

Sammy’s very important point here:

There are some people who believe that any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitism. That belief is as ignorant as Anti-Semitism itself. There is however, a great deal of crossover between hatred of Israel and Hatred of the Jews. To find out what people really mean you need to examine the words they use.

Helen Thomas’ comparing of the IDF to Nazi Germany is nothing but an attempt to water-down the horror of the Holocaust, and to dehumanize Israel. And her advice to the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine, and go back to Poland and Germany is nothing short of anti-Semitism. If Thomas’ comments were directed toward any other group but the Jews, she would have been out of work a very long time ago. Maybe it’s time for Helen’s bosses to retire her to the “The Home For Old Crazy Anti-Semites.”

Amen and Amen! Er, wait, Sammy’s Jewish… *scratches head*

??? and ???!

Update: D’oh! I guess WordPress won’t pass Yiddish….. Sorry Sammy, I tried buddy… 🙁

I reckon Sammy would approve of that. 😉

By the way, Miss. Thomas has said she is sorry…: (H/T to my favorite Eeyore Pundit🙂

Helen Thomas issued the following statement today: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Feh…. Whatever…

Oh, but the stupid doesn’t stop here… There’s more, believe it or not….

Good old Pat Buchanan, just when you think that this idiot couldn’t sink any lower. He goes a little deeper: (H/T AP)

Stupid is as stupid does....

But that 2 a.m. boarding of an unarmed ship with an unarmed crew, carrying no munitions or weapons, 65 miles at sea, was an act of piracy. What the Israeli commandos got is what any armed hijacker should expect who tries to steal a car from a driver who keeps a tire iron under the front seat…

But we have a blockade of Gaza, say the Israelis, and this flotilla was a provocation. Indeed, it was. And Selma was a provocation. The marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge were disobeying orders of the governor of Alabama and state police not to march.

Yet, today, liberal Democrats who regard Martin Luther King as a moral hero for championing nonviolent civil disobedience to protest injustice are cheering not the unarmed passengers trying to break the Gaza blockade, but the Israelis enforcing the blockade…

Israel has a right to secure Gaza to deny Hamas access to weapons, especially rockets that could reach Israel. But that does not justify denying 1.5 million people what they need to live in decency.

Freakin’ Jesus Christ on a Cheese Cracker already! That guy is terminally stupid or woefully uninformed. 🙄

Told ya, it comes in three’s anymore!

Like I said in the title… PLEASE, STOP THE STUPID MACHINE! 😯 😮