Video: Former Gov. Sununu and Chris Matthews holler at each other about Romney

This was posted over at The Right Scoop under the headline, “Former Gov. Sununu scolds Matthews and crew on-air.”Β  Between you and me; I didn’t really see this as a scolding or anything. I just saw this as two old people having a discussion really.

Anyhow, here is the video:(H/T HotAir Headlines)

Only thing I saw in this video worth noting it as a scolding, is the fact that Sununu told Matthew’s that he was an agenda. Something that Matthew’s did not really deny! I saw it as a good old fashinioned political sparring. They were nice about it; they hollered at each other and were friendly about it in the end.

You know it is a slow news day, when the blogging world calls this, of all things, a saber match! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€