Race-Hustling is all the Democratic Party has anymore

I was looking at some of the incoming links to my old blog and I happened to notice something; some race-hustling tool linked to my blog.

What I am referring to is this article here, where some guy named Terrance Heath posting over on some liberal activist website; goes out of way to mention something that I did a long while back.

Some things that I feel the need to point out:

  1. I lost my cool during the vote for Obamacare, I admit that, I wish I had never tweeted what I wrote. But I did and I pulled the tweet, and the blog posting that I wrote and apologized many times over for what I wrote.
  2. Joseph Cao lost his reelection bid. Not because the Democrat running against him was anything really special. But because Joseph Cao put identity politics and race before his Conservative principles and because of that, Conservatives did not vote for him.

But, not of that matters; what matters to the Liberal Democrats is someone, namely me, in an unguarded moment and moment of anger, wrote something rather uncomely about a minority Republican, who pissed his Conservative principles, if he even really had any in the first place, into the wind and paid the political price for it too.

Which proves what I have believed here for a while now; the left has nothing anymore. The President they elected was a total and unmitigated flop. The policies that Obama promised failed and just last night, he got his tail kicked in a debate that exposed him for the two-bit fake that he really is.

I end this, with this thought here: I regret my actions of long ago. Now, do the Democrats regret that actually elected this buffoon of a President? Inquiring minds want to know.