UPDATED: Removed Cannonfire from the Blogroll


Because of this:

The next sentence contains the most politically incorrect words ever found on this blog. I’ve become a semi-regular Chick-Fil-A customer. To be specific: About once a month, I take the train out to the Chick-Fil-A in Hunt Valley, a restaurant run by outrageously dorky white people. It’s the epicenter of honkiness in the Western hemisphere.

Let’s admit it: Part of the reason we go to certain restaurants is to acquaint ourselves with the stereotypical trappings of a foreign culture. You go to a Mexican restaurant expecting to hear the Spanish language (or at least the accent), and you want to see tiled floors and tiled bathrooms and bullfighting posters and, well, lots of other Mexican stuff. You go to a Greek restaurant because you want to be around lively people who say “Opa!” a lot. You go to Buca di Beppo because you want the Pope room, and you want to feel that somewhere nearby there are a couple of guys in dark suits figuring out how to whack the entire Tattaglia family.

As awful as it sounds, I don’t enjoy going to the Chick-Fil-A near my home. That one is staffed by a lot of black people who are very competent, very friendly, and very dull. They just don’t make me giggle. No, when I wolf down a chicken sandwich and waffle fries, I want to do it while people-watching the hilariously pale. Their antics perpetually challenge me to keep a straight face. The women wear perfume and dresses and sky blue sweaters, and their hair is always the color of safflower oil. The men sport the kind of haircuts men got in the 1950s, and they say God Bless a lot. On my last visit, they were talking Wheel of Fortune. And football. And Intelligent Design. And Ronald Reagan. Yep, good ol’ Ronald Reagan: Now there was a real president. He finally got rid of the deficit before that damned Dimmycrat Bill Clinton ran it up sky-high again.

Besides that fact that his statements about the Ronald Reagan are totally wrong and his stereotyping of White people is simply moronic and juvenile at best; the underlying thing here is that this is nothing more than, I assume, black on white racism. There is nothing that I detest more than true blue white racists and that is black racists. It is something I have personal experience with, as does my own family.

So, he is gone; I may not be the biggest “right-wing” blog in the conservative blogosphere; but I will be darned if I will link to a blog that fosters that sort of anti-white mentality and racism. I only added Mr. Cannon’s blog, because he was critical of Obama. I guess he is not the Democrat that I thought he was; my mistake.

Update: For the record, Mr. Cannon was reacting to this here: (Via TPM)

Oversimplified. But, quite accurate.

Update #2: For those who might have an issue with the above that I wrote. Could you imagine, if someone like me, had written on a Conservative blog, something to the effect of, “I was down at the local chicken shack here — I like going there, because it is the most “niggered up” business on the planet!” I mean, the howls of accusation of racism would be deafening; but yet, this prick can write something like this? It is a double standard and it is a bunch of bullcrap! 😑 For the record, however, Chicken Shack around here, was founded by white people; funny that. πŸ™„

Update #3: Joe Cannon is not black, he says; although there is no picture to prove that one. So, he must one of those self hating white guys, or anti-white white people who like to denigrate white people; especially those whom he disagrees with politically. It is a typical tactic of the liberal left. The real kicker is this; He comes back with the whole, “Oh, I am just kidding!” disclaimer. Yeah right. πŸ™„ If I drove over to the east side of Detroit here and walked into a party store and started saying, “What a bunch of stupid niggers!” and then said, “Oh, I am kidding!” You know darned well what would happen to me! I’d get my arse kicked or my throat cut! But, the liberal idiot can do that stuff? Something is wrong with that party man, and I mean bad. Not to mention this little article here that Cannon wrote about Israel. Now where did I hear this before?:

Same thing, different day. πŸ™„

3 thoughts on “ UPDATED: Removed Cannonfire from the Blogroll

  1. The left has a single unifying principle: hatred of whites. Once you accept this as obvious, then all of their hypocrisies and irrationalities have a purpose.

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