Late Night at the PB Pub, Special Memorial Edition Presents: Ronnie James Dio

(H/T Vancouver Sun)

It is with the uttermost sadness that I report that we lost Ronnie James Dio to Cancer. He was 67.

From his website:

Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever.

– Wendy Dio

Leave your thoughts at Ronnie James Dio’s Facebook page.


Rest in Peace…

Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico

I am quite shocked that no one, and I mean no one, on my side of the political isle is saying a word about this.

Update: Correction, they are. They are trying to blame Obama. Which is stupid. Obama did not cause this spill. Poor planning and piss poor oversight caused this spill. Stupid far right wingers. I swear. šŸ™„ ….and no, I am not being funny either, I am quite serious. šŸ˜”


The Story:

Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given.

ā€œThereā€™s a shocking amount of oil in the deep water, relative to what you see in the surface water,ā€ said Samantha Joye, a researcher at the University of Georgia who is involved in one of the first scientific missions to gather details about what is happening in the gulf. ā€œThereā€™s a tremendous amount of oil in multiple layers, three or four or five layers deep in the water column.ā€

The plumes are depleting the oxygen dissolved in the gulf, worrying scientists, who fear that the oxygen level could eventually fall so low as to kill off much of the sea life near the plumes.

Dr. Joye said the oxygen had already dropped 30 percent near some of the plumes in the month that the broken oil well had been flowing. ā€œIf you keep those kinds of rates up, you could draw the oxygen down to very low levels that are dangerous to animals in a couple of months,ā€ she said Saturday. ā€œThat is alarming.ā€

via Giant Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico –

There is only one thing to call this; and that is straight up negligence. Hopefully, President Obama does more than just talk. I do not think that outright banning should be the answer. Stricter guidelines and emergency backup plans should be the requirement. None of these were in place, this is why we are in the spot that we are now. I personally believe that criminal charges ought to be filed against the said parties that are found to be negligent. However, because I am a realist, I know that nothing like will happen. One thing that I have learned from Blogging; first as a left of center, criticizing Bush and his stupidity and then after coming over the “right of center” political position, is that big companies like this and political figures like George W. Bush and his cronies are all above prosecution. They are untouchable. Nothing will come of it, except more Government regulation. Our society is collectivist as a whole now. We punish everyone for the faults of a few. Which is sad. Why not punish those who made the mistake, and then insure it never happens again? But that would make too much sense.

Others: Politics Daily, The Moderate Voice, Firedoglake,, LeĀ·gal InĀ·surĀ·recĀ· tion, Washington Monthly, AMERICAblog News and Associated Press

Guest Voice: Chuck Baldwin: Update on Hutaree Militia Case

Original Source Here

With much media fanfare, 9 members of a Michigan militia were arrested last March and charged with “seditious conspiracy”–specifically, plotting to murder law enforcement officers. Ostensibly, this was supposed to precipitate some kind of wholesale revolt against the government. Question: Have any of you heard anyone from the propaganda press corps (national news media) tell you what has been happening with this case? No? Did you not wonder why? Well, I’ll tell you why: the case has fallen apart.

The first indication of the Feds’ case going bad was a local report in the Toledo (Ohio) Blade, dated April 28, 2010. “An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn’t recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers.

“Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled.

“‘I share the frustrations of the defense team . . . that she doesn’t know anything,’ U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn’t reviewed her notes recently and couldn’t remember specific details of the case.”

See the report at:

Can you believe testimony such as this was given in a court of law by a supposedly intelligent federal officer–an agent who had supposedly compiled the evidence that was used to arrest and incarcerate these supposedly “dangerous militia members”? If it wasn’t so serious, this would be a joke!

Remember that it was a federal informant who had infiltrated the group and even offered to teach Hutaree members how to make improvised explosive devices. On this point, William Grigg wrote, “While federal prosecutors have provided ample evidence that members of the Hutaree are passionately anti-government–what decent person ISN’T–they haven’t been able to demonstrate that the group did anything more than engage in survivalist training and indulge in apocalyptic rhetoric.” (Emphasis in the original.)

As a result, Judge Roberts found the government’s case sorely lacking. “Discussions about killing local law enforcement officers–and even discussions about killing members of the judicial branch of government–do not translate to conspiring to overthrow, or levy war against, the United States government,” she wrote, ordering that the Hutaree suspects be released on bail.

About which, Grigg wrote, “Since the federal case against the Hutaree rests entirely on what was SAID by the suspects, rather than anything specificĀ  that was DONE by them, it’s difficult to see what’s left of it [the case].” (Emphasis in the original.)

See Grigg’s column at:

But then again, punishing people because of their speech or political associations seems to be exactly where America is heading.

Remember that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is famous for supplying Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fusion Centers and State law enforcement agencies with warnings against people due to their political
beliefs (pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-United Nations, anti-New World Order, or anti-illegal immigration, for example), their associations (Libertarian or Constitution parties, for example), or even who they voted for (Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or Chuck Baldwin, to be precise). Previous reports even identified people as “dangerous” because of the books they were reading. (Tell me, again: this is the United States and not Nazi Germany, right?)

Now consider the statements of US Congressman Andre Carson (D-Indiana), who likens Tea Party protesters to “a terrorist threat.”

Washington Times reporter Kerry Picket recorded Rep. Carson as he explained it all:

Kerry Picket (Washington Times): “Do you think the people outside [Tea Party protesters] are generally dangerous or no?”

Rep. Carson: “Oh, absolutely. I worked in homeland security. I’m from intelligence, and I’ll tell you, one of the largest threats to our internal security Ā . . . I mean terrorism has an Islamic face, but it really comes from racial supremacist groups. (inaudible) It’s the kind of thing we keep a threat assessment on record [for].”

Larry O’Connor at then wrote, “And we can now see this two pronged message continuing in the narrative from Democratic politicians and the media: The Tea Party protests are really about white rage and they are
sowing the seeds for domestic terrorism. This was the message delivered by Rep. Carson that afternoon and that is the message the media has run with.

“Only problem is, we can’t find any proof to back up Rep. Carson’s story.”

See the report at:

The truth is, if the federal government and its prostitutes at the SPLC have their way, ANYONE COULD BE IMPRISONED FOR ANYTHING! Don’t believe physicians should destroy human life in the womb? You’re a terrorist. Don’t like the United Nations? You’re a terrorist. Believe immigrants should come through the front door when migrating to America? You’re a terrorist. Voted for Ron Paul? You’re a terrorist. Believe in the return of Jesus Christ? You’re a terrorist. Ad infinitum. Ad nauseam.

Again, maybe this helps explain why all those (non-existent) FEMA camps are being built!

In my initial column on the Hutaree raid, I wrote, “Did members of the Hutaree intend to carry out aggressive violence against law enforcement personnel? I have no idea. Until this story broke in the national media, I had never heard of this group. I will wait for the facts to come out–if indeed the federal government and national media even allow the facts to come out.”

See my column at:

Well, the facts are beginning to come out: The FBI agent who brought the charges against these self-professed militia members made a complete fool of herself under oath in a court of law. She presented zero evidence to indicate that the Hutaree posed an imminent threat to anybody. Now that the judge has released the Hutaree members from jail and rebuked the agent for presenting such inept testimony, we’ll see if the Feds decide to pursue the case any further. Again, as Will Grigg said, “Since the federal case against the Hutaree rests entirely on what was SAID by the suspects, rather than anything specific that was DONE by them, it’s difficult to see what’s left of it [the case].”

However, the bigger question is, How far will Big-Government toadies try to take this Nazi-like philosophy: that anyone who believes in limited government and freedom, and who rejects their sanctimonious attitude and bullying is a “dangerous terrorist”? And even greater is the question, How long will the American people put up with it?


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(c) Chuck Baldwin


Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded. He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He and his wife, Connie, have been married for 37 years and have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. See Chuck’s complete bio at:

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More of that Religion of Peace and Muslim Tolerence that we keep hearing about

This comes via AllahPundit @

Religion of peace and Muslim tolerance my ass.

This was in Sweden, for what it is worth.

Bastards, all of them.

The problem is, our own damned President and Attorney General cannot bring themselves to call this; for what it is — which is terrorism.

For the record; you will NEVER, EVER see Christians act like this….ever.

Stupidity from Moderation Que

This is a perfect example of what will get you banned from commenting on my blog.

Some tool commenting on this posting, left the following comment:

Author : Gorko (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL Ā  Ā :
Whois Ā :
This guy looks like a (snipped) to me.

Here are the reasons why I did not approve this guy’s comment:

  1. I do not know this guy
  2. I do not really know Cassie’s Hubby.
  3. Cassie’s hubby is U.S. Military.
  4. The comment was insulting
  5. The comment was trollish
  6. The comment was not even remotely funny.
  7. This is my blog, and ultimately I decide what is acceptable and what is not; and this was not.

I trace routed this idiot, and it appears he’s on some sort of a cruise. Maybe on the pacific princess? Anyhow, it was not cool and I blocked his IP. Don’t come here and insult me or other people that are my friends.

That is all.

The Afternoon Music Express, Special Memorial Edition Presents: Lena Horne

We’ve lost one of the great ones.

A younger Lena Horne, Now that my friends is a looker!

From the New York Times:

Lena Horne, who was the first black performer to be signed to a long-term contract by a major Hollywood studio and who went on to achieve international fame as a singer, died on Sunday night at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York. She was 92 and lived in Manhattan.

Her death was announced by her son-in-law, Kevin Buckley.

Ms. Horne might have become a major movie star, but she was born 50 years too early, and languished at MGM in the 1940s because of the color of her skin, although she was so light-skinned that, when she was a child, other black children had taunted her, accusing her of having a ā€œwhite daddy.ā€

Ms. Horne was stuffed into one ā€œall-starā€ musical after another ā€” ā€œThousands Cheerā€ (1943), ā€œBroadway Rhythmā€ (1944), ā€œTwo Girls and a Sailorā€ (1944), ā€œZiegfeld Folliesā€ (1946), ā€œWords and Musicā€ (1948) ā€” to sing a song or two that could easily be snipped from the movie when it played in the South, where the idea of an African-American performer in anything but a subservient role in a movie with an otherwise all-white cast was unthinkable.

ā€œThe only time I ever said a word to another actor who was white was Kathryn Grayson in a little segment of ā€˜Show Boatā€™ ā€ included in ā€œTill the Clouds Roll Byā€ (1946), a movie about the life of Jerome Kern, Ms. Horne said in an interview in 1990. In that sequence she played Julie, a mulatto forced to flee the showboat because she has married a white man.

But when MGM made ā€œShow Boatā€ into a movie for the second time, in 1951, the role of Julie was given to a white actress, Ava Gardner, who did not do her own singing. (Ms. Horne was no longer under contract to MGM at the time, and according to James Gavinā€™s Horne biography, ā€œStormy Weather,ā€ published last year, she was never seriously considered for the part.) And in 1947, when Ms. Horne herself married a white man ā€” the prominent arranger, conductor and pianist Lennie Hayton, who was for many years both her musical director and MGMā€™s ā€” the marriage took place in France and was kept secret for three years.

Ms. Horneā€™s first MGM movie was ā€œPanama Hattieā€ (1942), in which she sang Cole Porterā€™s ā€œJust One of Those Things.ā€ Writing about that film years later, Pauline Kael called it ā€œa sad disappointment, though Lena Horne is ravishing and when she sings you can forget the rest of the picture.ā€

Even before she came to Hollywood, Brooks Atkinson, the drama critic for The New York Times, noticed Ms. Horne in ā€œLew Leslieā€™s Blackbirds of 1939,ā€ a Broadway revue that ran for nine performances. ā€œA radiantly beautiful sepia girl,ā€ he wrote, ā€œwho will be a winner when she has proper direction.ā€

She had proper direction in two all-black movie musicals, both made in 1943. Lent to 20th Century Fox for ā€œStormy Weather,ā€ one of those show business musicals with almost no plot but lots of singing and dancing, Ms. Horne did both triumphantly, ending with the sultry, aching sadness of the title number, which would become one of her signature songs. In MGMā€™s ā€œCabin in the Sky,ā€ the first film directed by Vincente Minnelli, she was the brazen, sexy handmaiden of the Devil. (One number she shot for that film, ā€œAinā€™t It the Truth,ā€ which she sang while taking a bubble bath, was deleted before the film was released ā€” not for racial reasons, as her stand-alone performances in other MGM musicals sometimes were, but because it was considered too risquĆ©.)

In 1945 the critic and screenwriter Frank Nugent wrote in Liberty magazine that Ms. Horne was ā€œthe nationā€™s top Negro entertainer.ā€ In addition to her MGM salary of $1,000 a week, she was earning $1,500 for every radio appearance and $6,500 a week when she played nightclubs. She was also popular with servicemen, white and black, during World War II, appearing more than a dozen times on the Army radio program ā€œCommand Performance.ā€

ā€œThe whole thing that made me a star was the war,ā€ Ms. Horne said in the 1990 interview. ā€œOf course the black guys couldnā€™t put Betty Grableā€™s picture in their footlockers. But they could put mine.ā€

Lena Horne was an American original; not to mention she was quite the pretty lady. No other Country had anything remotely like Lena Horne, at least not in her heyday. Whenever I heard or saw the name Lena Horne; I thought glamor. Lena Horne was a Glamorous woman; and I mean that in the best way that I can muster.Ā  Not only this; Lena Horne was a trailblazer. Back in the 1940’s, when racial segregation was at it’s height —- yes, that was a problem with Hollywood. Something the Democrats Advocated for years and yes, blacks flock to them now; how odd. Ā  Anyhow, Lena Horne stood up to the bosses and did her own thing. Something that even I, a right of center blogger can admire. The lady just had guts and was a sassy, smoking hot woman on top of that.

Looking back at the age of 80, Ms. Horne said: ā€œMy identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman. Iā€™m free. I no longer have to be a ā€˜credit.ā€™ I donā€™t have to be a symbol to anybody; I donā€™t have to be a first to anybody. I donā€™t have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped Iā€™d become. Iā€™m me, and Iā€™m like nobody else.ā€

Indeed she was. Rest in Peace Lena, you have more than earned it.

Lena Horne - 1917-2010 - Rest in Peace

Others Remembering: Feministing,, Don Surber, Shakesville, The Stranger ā€¦, Joe. My. God., The Awl, Another Black Conservative and ArtsBeat

Obama nominates a dyke for SCOTUS

Ah Lovely, that’s all we need; some morally depraved homo in the Supreme Court.

Go Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here. You can read the blogger round up here.

What’s next? Men in drag?

So much for that “Christian Nation”, that I hear people on the far right talking about all the time. šŸ™„

RedState Update on the Tennessee Floods

(H/T HotAir)

As you know, I wrote about the floods in Tennessee. Here’s RedState Update’s take on it. It is, as always, hilarious.

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