Disagreeing with Pamela Geller

Ugh, Please, Pam. John Hawkings might be many things, but I’d hardly call him a “blogosphere impresario.”

John Hawkings smeared me and linked to untrue crap that smeared me big time. Angry

Not to mention he treated David Frum like a jerk;  all because Frum didn’t go along with the echo chamber of the right. Don’t get me wrong, I am no Frum fan-boy, but I felt that was totally uncalled for.

So, Pam; you might be right about radical Islam and terrorism. But you are quite wrong about that asshole. (and that is what he is, an ASSHOLE!)

Impresario? Feh. More like an opportunistic charlatan. Frustrated

Getting that feeling again

I hate to admit it, but I am getting that feeling again. Hits are down, ad revenue is horribly bad; it is just bad now. I am not whining or anything, I picked my battles and decided to take the stand that I did for a reason. I am a man of principle. But, when I get accused of crap that I did not do, and people believe the words of a neo-Nazi and a serial liar over you, what can you do?

Another thing is my bank account is low as hell, take a look:

All I have in the bank now.

$34.75. Pitiful isn’t it? Me, an American, in the most prosperous land in the Country and I cannot find a freakin’ job anywhere around here. Of course too, I do not have a car; because the one I did own, was a POS and I had to junk it. So, now, I have to use my Dad’s truck, if I want to go anywhere. It is like being in prison, quite honestly.

Of course, when you have people slandering your name on the internet, calling you a racist and a Jew Hater, you can only do so much. That’s okay, I have a lawyer friend who owes me a favor. I might just call him, and see what I can do legally to go after those who slandered me. They know who they are and they will be hearing from my lawyer soon.

Yup, that is my bank account at the moment. You cannot make any money on blog, if no one is coming around and clicking ads. I hope the jerks who railroaded me are really happy with themselves. I bet if I were defending that Marxist puke I’d be rolling in the dough. But, even I cannot fake it that badly, I mean, when Andrew Sullivan is losing his mind, what does that tell you?

I am still voting for Romney, I believe we can do better than this idiot that is in the White House now. I mean, I remember it so well, I remember saying on my old blog, this guy is a joke! Well, it now turns out, that I, and a whole bunch of other bloggers were right.

Anyhow, I just felt like sharing what is really happening here. Things are just not good at all. Only reason I don’t just pull the blog and disappear is that, one, I have to keep a record of my activity since 2006, and too, I do have some invested for hosting. So, there’s that. I dunno, I thought I could at least drum up traffic, but I guess not. I guess being pro-American and anti-Wilsonian is not very popular anymore. I bet if I were black or some other protected minority, I would be rolling in the hits. But, we white boys are just not popular anymore. We that dare to stand up for Jesus Christ and real Christianity.

But, again, I am just rambling. I am just sick of the staleness of the blogging world too. It is all just an echo chamber anymore, no originality, no free thought; just parrots with talking points. It is the same on the left too. It was back when I was on that side and I got no respect over there either, so this is not a right-wing thing. The truth is, we white people are not wanted anywhere.

I think I’ll just quit early tonight and try again tomorrow. Because now, I am just not feeling it.


Disagreeing with Jeff Goldstein…..sort of

I happen to respect Jeff’s opinion, alot. He might not want to hear that; but the guy has chops when it comes to writing.

Anyhow, a bit of nitpicking here:

Just watched the debate. Not sure why people are saying Romney won so convincingly. Obama, with few exceptions, bullshitted his way through things just fine. And Romney too often sounded like a me-too statist.

Objectively, Romney won on the points and particulars, and he had several strong moments. Clearly, he’s not the leftist Obama is — though he’s still a statist. That’s a net positive, should he win election.

via First debate reactions: non-live viewer | protein wisdom.

My comments on the “statist” bit. If Jeff is referring to the, “Let’s save and/or shore up Social Security and Medicare” sort of a Statist; then yes, I would say, yes, Romney is one of those. But then again, so is the entire GOP. Because hell, a good 75 percent of their base is in that category. Now if Jeff is referring to the “Government and Private Industry Partnerships” type of a statist, I believe he would be wrong about that.

Although, I would like to see Romney’s position on Government subsidies to corporate farms and oil companies. Personally, I believe those have to go, as they put small time farmers under the gun and create an unfair environment for them. As for the oil companies, they make enough money; why should they get handouts from the Government? But that is just my populist roots, intertwined with my libertarianism shining through. I am all for capitalism, but I am not for Government picking winners and losers in the business industry at all.

On a related matter; Last night I happened to notice someone praising Romney’s performance —- Patrick J. Buchanan. I nearly fell out of my chair, when I saw him singing the praises of Romney’s performance. This is the same Patrick J. Buchanan that believes that the “Neoconservatives’ are the redheaded stepchildren of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement. To be fair, Pat’s sister Bay Buchanan is on Romney’s team, so that *might* have something to do with it. Although, you most likely could not prove it in court.

You have to know Willard’s on to something, when Bill Kristol AND Pat Buchanan are BOTH saying that Romney spanked Obama’s  butt and won the debate. If those two polar opposites in Republicanism and Conservatism agree; Romney is definitely onto something and here is hoping that he does keep it up.

About the new name

First of all, I want to assure my readers that this is not the start of a pattern again for me. I did this stupidity when I first start blogging, changing the name and look every 5 minutes. This is not my intent this time at all.

When I decided to put political byline into inactive status; and then a few days later decided to start a new blog; I came up with the name “Pat’s Thoughts and Rantings” off the top of my head. Well, at first it sounded great, but after awhile, the name began to sound a bit — well, corny. So, I dropped the Pat’s part, because this blogging stuff has never been about me — and kept the name Thoughts and Rantings. Even then, the name sounded a bit clunky and I really never was happy with it.

I wanted to call it The Americanist; but there is already a blog out there called by that name. So, I cannot call it that. So, I have decided to call my blog something that accurately describes what it is that I truly am; A Thinking Americanist. I love this Country and I believe that this Country is the greatest on this earth. I believe in defending her and the ideals that she does truly represent. The ideas of Freedom, Justice and the ability to pursue one’s dreams.

Furthermore, I believe that America is, and should always be the leader of the Nations and other Nations should aspire to be like us. Not the other way around. Some people would say that I am a Nationalist. I will accept that title, if you should so wish to give that to me. Although, I will mention that I, in no way, shape or form; endorse White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism or any of the other bigoted idiocy out there. I simply am someone who loves God and my Country.

It was that flag, the old stars and stripes —- that many men have fought on many lands, foreign and domestic to keep us free; from the evil hands of tyranny and hate.  Free for those who wanted to take this Country over for some very evil purposes. It is out of respect of those people, like my great-uncle, the late John Franklin Hayes of Dalton, Georgia —- of whom received a purple heart and a silver star for his bravery in Germany during World War 2; that I run this blog and continue to fight for the values that he believed in and went to off to war to fight for.

That, and that solely alone is why I continue to write here on this blog.  Because I happen to believe that this Nation can do better, than accept the fate that those in the Democratic Party wish to consign this Nation to; which is a Nation of slavery to big Government.

Now about the first part of the name; thinking. One of the best things ever said about this Country is that we have became of Nation of sheep. Following our leaders by the nose and not thinking for themselves. I do fully admit to being one of those sort of people for a very long time of my life. It was in 2007, when I really began to have some serious doubts about the direction of the Democratic Party and the direction in which they wished to take this Country.

Because of that and because of the Democratic Party’s despicable treatment of our Military, not to mention a myriad of other reasons; is why I simply decided that my days as a Democratic Party voter where over. I simply could not think like they did any longer and not look myself in the mirror and sleep at night. Self-deception is not something I do well at all.

For now, the new name will exist at this address. At some point, I will register a new domain and move this blog to it and allow the old one to expire. But for now, I will just use this domain.

This should not be considered a new blog; but rather a new chapter in my journey into the world of American politics.

Let’s go, shall we?


More changes

As you might have noticed, I dumped the previous look. I did so for a reason.

I do love America and all. But, sometimes, flaunting the American look; well, can be a bit odd.

I believe that blogs are about content, content, content, and more content… and not about the header photo, background image or how American-iny it can look.  I did shoot for a red, white and blue look. but, the background would have been — well, plain. So, I tinted it a bit. Hopefully, this works and everyone likes it.

I had gotten some “interesting” link-ins to my blog, from some very interesting places. I do not trust my Government; but I am not in league with Alex Jones or the birther crowd at all. I have said this before; but I believe my imagery around here was giving the wrong impression. Hopefully, this fixes all of that, and the right people start coming around here.

So, I dumped all of that; and put a theme up, that I have seen another well-known blogger uses. It is not perfect, but it will work for what I want to do. I just wish he would share with me, how to make that left sidebar scroll with the rest of the theme. But, he’s ignoring me, like the rest of the “right” I guess.

So, there you go. What I’m doing behind the curtain.



Nice Deb’s Blog was suspended and is now back

One of the nicest Conservative Bloggers on the planet had her blog taken down over at WordPress.com.

Nice Deb is one of the bloggers, which I can honestly say, that I have never, ever had a problem with, ever.  Deb is nice, to everybody; and in this day of blogger egos and people stepping on one another to be someone, is a welcome sight.

I must confess, this was the first I even heard of it; But Kudos to those who jumped into action and got that blog restored.

This is why I self host my own stuff on my own domain, for one; I can have ads here, and I do not have to split the profits with WordPress.com. Also, the only person that is accountable for my content is me.  My host could honestly care less about what I write about on here. Something the owner of my host told me himself.

By the way, I do own a small business, with the emphases on SMALL! It is a hosting business; and the link to it, is right here. I only offer shared hosting at the moment. If I had some investment capital, I could offer more, but at the moment, I just do not have it. Anyone interested in help fund a Conservative Christian owned blog hosting company? I mean, the advantage would be this here. You could blog about whatever you wanted and would not have to worry about the Political Correct cops coming to shut your blog down. I have checked into the costs of have a really good hosting service; complete with all of the goodies needed to make it really work; and believe me, it is not cheap at all. This could require some serious investment. However, if there is interest, I can do what is needed, I just need the funding. I would like to be able to help the big bloggers too, not just the little ones.

The problem is, not everyone likes me. 🙁 and some people actually have went out of their way to smear and defame me; so that would make it rough. Plus too, the economy sucks.  So, that is another issue. Anyhow, just an idea that I have had for a very long time. I figure that liberals have their blogging service, which was once called soapblox, now it’s called something else. Why can’t we Conservatives have our own?

Just an idea.


Anti-Jihad Bloggers fighting the fight of freedom in NYC

Pamela Geller: A very pretty Lady. But, if you mess with her; she will rip your liver out and feed it to you on bread with mustard! O_o I pity the poor towel-head, er, um, I mean…. Radical Muslim that tries to tangle with her. If there ever was a “Super-Jew” superhero type, it is this woman right here. Ain’t no Christian that I know of, that has the guts and the strength. 😀

I really do not write about the struggle against radical Muslims and Jihad on this blog; mainly because it is not the focus of this blog. Oh, I will cover something that is big in the headlines about the subject, but I do not solely blog about that subject.

Anyhow, it seems that one of biggest Anti-Jihad warriors in NYC is causing a stir with the Anti-Jihad ads that she has put up in NYC subways is resulting in the haters coming out of woodwork and getting arrested. I do not write about Pamela Geller often, because I really do not know how she quite honestly feels about me; and by that I mean, I do not know if she is buying all the stupidity being written about me or not.

However, I will say this here:  I do admire her courage to do what she is doing. I mean, it is one thing to sit and write on a blog; and rip liberals a new one every day. But, it is a whole other world, to literally do the things that she is going. She is in the big fight — the big show,  if you want to call it that; when it comes to stuff like this and I admire her for it.

Also too, for those who might think that Geller is simply doing this for a quick buck or something silly like that; allow me to say this: Pamela Geller without question is one of more outspoken voices of the Anti-Jihad movement, there is no doubt about that at all.  This is why I have her in my blogroll. However, there is a reason why she is doing what it is that she is doing. She is fighting the fight against radical Islam and Jihad for people like me, who sit here and write against the actions of our Government, whether it be Republican or Democratic Party controlled.

Because if the truth was known folks; if those beltway cretins, from both parties, had their way, the first amendment would be modified to get rid of the non-corporate sites, and yes, that includes bloggers like me. Furthermore, if the liberal left had anything to say about it; Conservatives would have no right to free speech at all. No religions would be criticized at all.  Free speech would be chilled to the bone. Heck, Liberal Democrats, like FDR had a “fairness doctrine” in place in broadcast media for years! Why? Because they did not like dissent at all. Thankfully, in the 1980’s; President Ronald Reagan removed that law and now broadcast media is free to express itself and Democrats are open to full dissent in the media. Fox News channel being a great example of that.

In closing: To Pamela Geller, I simply say this: I admire you kid.  Keep fighting the good fight. It is people like Geller that inspire me to continue doing what I do; despite the fact that there these half-dead vultures who continue to circle this blog and just wait for me to do something that they feel is wrong. Just so they can go and write something about me on some stupid blog somewhere. I have said this a million times on this blog and on my old one. This blog has never, ever been about me at all. I do not do this for any sort fame or to be recognized at all.  I simply write the truth as I know it to be and tell the truth about the neo-liberal left and how they have destroyed the once honorable Democratic Party and how now they are trying to destroy America and its very foundations. If in the process of me doing this, a few persons who traffic in identity politics on the left or the right get their feathers ruffled —- tough crap!   I have never been one to have any sort of patience for political correctness. This is why I write in the style that I do. This is also why there are people out there who simply do not like me at all. Which comes with territory, and I am perfectly fine with that. I have my political positions and I realize that not everyone is going to agree with me.

So, to Pamela Geller, go get ’em gal and don’t let the bastards on the left or the right get you down.

Here is a song for the warriors like Pam Geller and those like her fighting the fight:



Others: GuardianAtlas ShrugsNew York MagazineJihad WatchBelmont Club and Jammie Wearing FoolsJihad Watch

UPDATE” Responding to accusations brought against me


My attention has been called to the fact that someone is linking to this and another blog entry of mine, to prove that Zilla is lying. Okay first, this was written before I saw the video of her. I also wrote a retraction to the part about her faking her illness. You can read that here. I was only repeating what someone else told me. Which was a stupid mistake on MY part. I just was pissed because people did me dirty or I would have never repeated what I was told. So, stop linking to this posting. I will not pull the posting, as I want it to stay up, as an example of WHAT NOT TO DO, when blogging.

Anyhow, Zilla, sweetheart, if you read this, I am sorry these idiots a bugging you, again. Some people can really be jerks. 😡


I normally do not waste bandwidth on stupidity, but when someone goes out of their way to accuse me of stuff that I never did or said. I feel the need to set the record straight.

Responding to the accusations of Dan Collins on his blog:

  1.  I have never, nor will I ever use a proxy server to comment on a blog, ever. If I have something to say to someone; I will do it from my IP address. If it lands in the SPAM folder at that blog, which is usually the case; that is not my problem. I always comment under my own IP address. I have no desire to use proxies.
  2. The only thing I said about Zilla, was that I heard, from a good friend of mine; who is a Conservative, who gets paid rather well to blog; that Zilla was faking her illness. I know nothing about, nor have I ever said anything about her husband. If someone is saying anything about her husband, it is not me at all. Furthermore, I have never said anything about Zilla taking a trip anywhere either. If my friend was wrong and he could have very well been misinformed, so be it. But I simply told what I heard from what, I believe was a very good source.  I only really heard about this, because I was going to donate to this woman and I wanted to be sure that she was on the level; and I was told it might not be, so I decided against it. I would have never made my hearing about it public, but, when I saw that these people were being harassed, I said, how ironic, and was insulted and so, I told them what I had heard. Update Jan 8, 2013: SEE ABOVE! 
  3. I rarely comment on blogs at all. I rarely, if ever comment on Dan’s blog, Lonely Conservative’s blog or anyone else. I came ONE TIME and expressed how ironic it was that people, who had dissed me in the past, were being swatted and harassed on Lonely Conservative Blog, Once. So, if someone is showing up at Dan’s Blog, or Mrs B’s blog, it sure is not me. If anyone wants my IP address, contact me here and I will happily provide it.

Again, I really do not feel the need to say anything about what is being said about me. But, I feel that need to defend myself, from false accusations. It is quite obvious that someone is stirring trouble; and it sure as heck is not me.

Update: I also want it to be known, that I did see what Zilla said to me on her blog. This tells me all I ever wanted to know about this woman. Even if she is sick, attitude is everything and if that is her attitude; I want nothing to do with her and I am very much glad that I never sent her a dime. Again, I am sorry she is sick, if she even truly is; but that sort of language tells me all I need to know — and it is not very good.

All of the above statements are true and I will be willing to testify in a court of law, if need be, under oath, what I have written above. So help me God.

-Charles Patrick Adkins


Thoughts and Rantings