Liberals now accuse us of being terrorists

That is correct, we are now the terrorists; that is according to the far left African-American wing of the Democratic Party.

I am, of course, referring to this absolutely asinine rant here.  I would quote that bunch of nonsensical prattle on this blog and respond to it directly; but I am afraid that my emotions would get the best of me and I would say something that I might regret later. Leave it to the idiotic Socialist Liberal Democrats, to turn a fact finding mission, about an admitted Communist, who said everything and I do mean everything; under the damn sun about white people into a “White vs Black” witch hunt; starring of course; Glenn Beck.

The truth is folks, this had nothing to do with “White vs Black” and everything to do with Right vs Wrong. In fact, here is Glenn Back’s Statement about Van Jones’s ouster:

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.

That is the truth about what really happened people. The Socialist Liberals seem to forget something; and that is that not every person under the Sun voted for Barack Obama. Some that voted for radical extremists like Bob Barr, some that wrote in the name of the crazy extremist Texas Representative Ron Paul, some that actually held their noses and voted for Moderate Republican John McCain and his V.P. Pick Caribou Barbie; er, um, I mean, Sarah Palin.

That my friends is 42% of this Country of ours. Yes, President Obama won fair and square; there is no disputing that.  But he won the election for President of the United States of America and NOT President of the Democratic Party; NOT President of extreme socialist wing of the Democratic Party, not President of the Socialist States of America, not the President of the African-American wing of the Democratic Party —- But the United States of America. President Barack Obama is the American people’s President and we, as Americans, have a obligation as United States citizens to hold this President accountable for every last damn decision that he and congress make.  The same was true with George W. Bush and the Republican Congress and the same is and will be true with THIS President and this Congress.

We just cannot allow, nor can we afford, to become complacent in our attitude towards politics and Washington D.C. and most importantly about the Obama Administration.  That is what the Obama Administration wants; everyone just to tune out and let them handle everything. Let me be the first to say this; as a Independent Conservative writer, and not as a Republican —– that complacency is what got this Country in this mess in the first place. What am I talking about? I am referring to the last nine years in the Country. Back in 2000. There was an election, we elected George W. Bush, then the day after the election, the America said, “Okay, that is over with!” and they proceeded to tune out politics and went back to their normal lives.  Then 9/11 happened and everybody paid attention again, and that lasted about a month or so, maybe two or three; but by the time December of 2001 had rolled around the majority of America had moved on or lost interest.  Then 2003 rolled around, George W. Bush sort of declared war against a Country that had zero to do with the 9/11 attacks. All because upon intelligence that we now know was horribly bad. Again, everyone paid attention, for a while, maybe for about a month or so. But then, the story got to be old hat and the majority of Americans lost interest. Then came 2006, the Iraq War turned ugly — troops started dying in mass; and the American people got angry and started demanding answers. Changes were made, idiots were fired, and a magical surge happened and everything was fine again, and again the people tuned Washington D.C. and the President out, again.

Then came the 2008 elections, which really started way back in 2007. I know, I blogged about them; daily. The American people started, ever so slowly to pay attention again, weary from the Bush Years, people wanted change. Then in the middle of the horse race in 2008, the economic bubble burst and burst bad it did. This is when everyone and I do mean everyone began to pay attention.  What would President Bush do? What would become of our Nation? The American people actually said, “What will become…of me?” Bush did what any beltway Conservative does in time of crisis; he became a Democrat and started trying to prime the pump. He threw money at the Bankers and very quickly left the scene. By this time, the damned world was watching and some, were scratching their heads and wondering; “What on earth are these people doing to our Nation?”

Then the day of reckoning arrived; November 4, 2008. The Nation was in dire need of change and a new President; and the American people did what our Constitution guarantees us —- A right to vote.  During the election, Conservatives like myself, raised our objections to the Democratic forerunner and his policies.  But, the majority of the American people either were not listening or just simply did not care. They wanted a change in direction and boy did they ever get one!

Six months have passed now and Obama’s mantra of Hope and Change is now soured and the very people that voted for him are not shaking their fists in disgust at this President. His policies are failing, tax cheats have bailed, a Communist has resigned over furor of statements made by him. His own very base is now turning on him.

Where am I going with this? What is my point?

My point is this. The American people are actually paying attention to what you do, Mr. President. Do not deceive yourself into believing that you can just do what you damned well please. Your backroom deals with big pharma will come back to haunt you in 2012. Your feeble attempt to fix this economy has essentially failed.  You hired a racist-baiting, bigoted, Communist for a “Green Jobs Czar.” The American people, with the assistance of the Conservative Blogosphere; you know those 42% of Americans that did not vote for you. —- have become well informed of you actions sir. We will continue to fight for what we believe in, Mr President.

We are the loyal opposition. We have nothing to apologize for….. and we’re not going any damned where. Mr. President we elected you and we will make sure, that you are doing your job. We cannot ever afford to tune out, nor will we ever do so again.

Others:  American Power, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, Riehl World ViewAmSpecBlog, Power Line

Van Jones…. WTF?!?!?!?!

I mean I have seen some serious shit in my my days here on this earth. Me being from Southwest Detroit and all. But this stuff here; takes the farking cake bad!

Check out these videos:

Here’s the first one, Van Jones basically calling George W. Bush a oil crack head….or something. (H/T HotAir)

The basically calling Middle American White kids killers and crazy or something…: (H/T HotAir)

Here he is in some sort of whacked out Music recording accusing White people of just every damn thing under the sun. (H/T HotAir)

Here’s Van Jones glorifying the doctrine of Communism:

Here some more kicker information on this whack job idiot. This dude supported Cop-Killer Death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal: (H/T HotAir)

More than 150 demonstrators marched from 14th Street and Broadway to the Oakland Federal Building to demand that the Justice Department re-open its corruption investigation of the Philadelphia Police Department.

Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate convicted for the 1981 shooting death of a Philadelphia police officer, said the protest was called after the Supreme Court on Monday rejected claims that Abu-Jamal, a former radio journalist and Black Panther, did not receive a fair trial.

“We knew there was another event going on, but the timing of the court decision is what dictated when the protest was held,” said Van Jones, a San Francisco civil rights lawyer who helped coordinate the protest march.

Jones said about 15 protesters occupied the rotunda at the Federal Building on Clay Street in an act of civil disobedience with the hope they would be arrested.

Okay, I am just going to say this and if pisses people off; tough. This dude was not vetted, and was basically given this damn job; because he was black. Point.farking.blank. If this dude was white and he had said the moral equivalent, about black people; what this guy said about Whites, This dude would have been out of a job, quicker than a New York minute.   But, because he is a black man and is in tight with Bambi, he still has a job and still is working for the White House. That is not racist, that my friends, is reality!

So, what does the Socialist left do, when they are beginning to feel the heat, because of Van Jones? They do the oldest trick in the book.


You can see a perfect example of that, by clicking right here. They are now accusing Glenn Beck and the right of assembling a “Lynch Mob” against Van Jones. Go look, it is their words, not mine.

The part that is totally wild is this; Obama has painted himself into quite the corner on this one. Because if Obama cuts this guy loose. The far African-American left is going to turn on him, like a rabid dog. Not to mention the fact, that if Obama and Congress drops the Health-care Bill or passes it without the public option. The far left is really going to turn on him. However, I do not think it will get a chance to pass, because there have already been rumblings that indicate that if the bill has not public option, it will get no support at all. If this happens, Obama’s support among the progressives will erode and I do mean badly.

Either way, this is not going end will for the President. It is going to get much uglier, before it gets any prettier. It like watching a train wreak fixing to happen. You want to look, but you feel horrible about doing so….. and this Amtrak is about to hit the damn wall —- Hard.

Update: No Sooner than I wrote this posting. Mr. Jones Resigned.

Update #2: Stop the ACLU links in; Thank you! Right Wing News Links in; Thank you! Pirate’s Cove Links in; Thank You!

Update #3: As Always, A big thanks to Memeorandum for the Pull!

Patrick Ruffini wants to raise Buckley from the dead

Patrick Ruffini lamenting that the Conservative movement is not being taken seriously by anyone, but maybe themselves laments:

Over the last few days, Jon Henke has laid out the case for the Right more strongly disavowing outfits like WorldNetDaily that actively peddle Birther nonsense. To the extent the mainstream Right has weighed in, it has been to urge Jon to ignore WND and move on, in the interests avoiding an intra-movement civil war. Some have even tried to subtly distance Jon from the conservative movement, saying his views don’t represent those of most conservatives. Many on the Right have made the calculation that however distasteful their views, a public fight with the Birthers just isn’t worth it.

As a fiscal and social conservative, I happen to think Jon is completely in the right here, both substantively and strategically. Don’t raise the canard that we ought to be attacking Democrats first. Conservatives are entirely within their rights to have public debates over who will publicly represent them, and who will be allowed to affiliate with the conservative movement.

The Birthers are the latest in a long line of paranoid conspiracy believers of the left and right who happen to attach themselves to notions that simply are not true. Descended from the 9/11 Truthers, the LaRouchies, the North American Union buffs, and way back when, the John Birch Society, the Birthers are hardly a new breed in American politics.

Each and every time they have appeared, mainstream conservatives from William F. Buckley to Ronald Reagan have risen to reject these influences — and I expect that will be the case once again here.

But there is another subtext that makes Jon’s appeal more urgent. As a pretty down-the-line conservative, I don’t believe I am alone in noting with disappointment the trivialization, excessive sloganeering, and pettiness that has overtaken the movement of late. In “The Joe the Plumberization of the GOP,” I argued that conservatives have grown too comfortable with wearing scorn as a badge of honor, content to play sarcastic second fiddle to the dominant culture of academia and Hollywood with second-rate knock-off institutions. A side effect of this has been a tendency to accept conspiracy nuts as a slightly cranky edge case within the broad continuum of conservatism, rather than as a threat to the movement itself.
Via Can We Have Buckley Back? | The Next Right.

However, the real reasons that the Conservative movement is in the shape that it is in, is found right in the comments section of “The Next Right”

First there’s this:

I don’t know if you consider them elites, but I did—and I suspect many Republicans did as well.

Peggy Noonan

David Brooks

David Frum,

And, last but certainly not least, Kathleen Parker.

At a time when we were trying to win the 2008 elections, this crew was bashing Sarah Palin full-time.  The time for bashing had past; the time for banding together to win an election was at hand.  And what did this crew of elites do?  Elites, thank you very little. You played no small part in the fact that we now have an administration that has abandoned our ally Honduras and is spending our grandchildren into poverty.

The real way Bill Buckley saved conservatism was by inspiring Ronald Reagan, Tommy Thompson, John Engler, Newt Gingrich and others to enter the political world.  You know—the place where we pick people that actually MAKE LAWS, instead of writing witty op-eds and appearing on Hardball.

Recently, we watched another conservative elite, Charles Krauthammer, tell the world that Sarah Palin was unfit to engage in the healthcare debate…at the same time that her “death panels” charge helped sway the tone of debate against Obamacare.

Sorry, but I’m less than impressed with GOP elites.  They stabbed us in the back in 2008. Fool me once..

….and then, there is this:

We didn’t abandon you during the election, you abandoned us by nominating a weak liberal republican and a semi-retarded christian fundy. I’m not going to change my views to “fit in” with the GOP if that’s the way they want to represent me.

During 2008, I was bashing McCain and palin ( as well as Obongo ). I will continue to bash these type republicans until they get out of my party.

I would say that both of these are basically correct. Not to mention electing and then reelecting a President who’s Wilsonian foreign policy forced him to invade a Country that had zero to do with 9/11. That is why McCain was not elected and, too, because black people actually voted in this election. Not say that there is anything wrong with that fact; just making a point. Also, Obama’s campaign was just better ran and his message more clear. John McCain was too damn busy suspending his campaign to look like a hero. Which actually made him look like an idiot. Hence the reason he lost also.

I could go on and on. However, I think you know what I mean.

Update: Robert Stacey McCain basically agrees with me about WND and the Birthers. Now McCain and Palin are another story. He loves that feckless Woman. I, on the other hand, think that she is an idiot.

Update #2: Around the Sphere has a round up on the subject, all the while ignoring me.

Jack Hunter makes a good point

At one point, I had written that I was not going to publish this man’s videos anymore; and I do not make a habit of it. His comment about our Military over on The American Conservative‘s Blog called “Post Right” was the end for me.

However, this video does make a good point and so, I will post it; with a comment at the end.


I posted this, because I happen to agree with Jack’s stance on progressive policy on economics. But because I am “Fair and Balanced”, I will tell you, what others will not about the “Paleo-Conservative” or the “Taft” wing of the Republican Party as it is called by some. If it were left to these guys; such as Jack Hunter and his two hero-like personalities like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul —- America would have never went to war with Germany, at all. Hitler would have allowed to exterminate the Jews. Something that I am told Pat Buchanan has said that he wished happened, when he was around some friends once; which goes back to the old school catholic hatred of the Jews and their religion. Further more, most people of the Paleo-Conservative strand believe that Abraham Lincoln was a traitor. Not only to the White Man; but also to the South for the way he conducted the Civil War. Which Jack claims was not about race. (Wink Wink) But rather about Centralized Government.

So, while Jack might be correct about his thesis on the economic policy; his association with the bigoted “Old Right” is to be noted and for this, I feel, his credentials are marred.

Could this be the actual Birth Certificate of President Obama? Update: It's Bogus


The Story via WorldNetDaily:

California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.

The document lists Obama’s parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham, the birth date as Aug. 4, 1961, and the hospital of birth as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

No doctor is listed. But the alleged certificate bears the signature of the deputy registrar of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Couya. It was allegedly issued as a certified copy of the original in February 1964.

WND was able to obtain other birth certificates from Kenya for purposes of comparison, and the form of the documents appear to be identical.

Last week, a counterfeit document purporting to be Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate made the rounds of the Internet, but was quickly determined to be fraudulent. The new document released by Taitz bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax.

Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn’t want his name known because “he’s afraid for his life.”

Taitz’s motion, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, requests the purported evidence of Obama’s birth – both the alleged birth certificate and foreign records not yet obtained – be preserved from destruction, asks for permission to legally request documents from Kenya and seeks a subpoena for deposition from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds,” Taitz told WND. “I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate].

“I’m forcing the issue, where Obama will have to respond,” she said.

“Before, they said, ‘You don’t have anything backing your claims,'” Taitz explained. “Now I have something. In fact, I have posted on the Internet more than Obama has. My birth certificate actually has signatures.”

Of course, already the terrorist supporters and Liberal traitors to America are already discounting this story. These are same ones who stabbed supporters of Israel in the back. So, this is not much of surprise.The funny thing is, these America and Israel hating, Terrorist loving bastards try to spin this into some sort of opposition to Nazi Fascism; when in reality they are the ones who are the Jew haters and Islamic terrorist sympathizers. Update: While I still have my issues with Charles Johnson, I publically retract this statement. I was had. Fuck Orally Tates the damn Zionist twit.

You see, liberals know how this man was elected. By Islamic and terrorist sympathizers abroad.  It has been documented how there was no credit card verification system in place and one could add an address from anywhere and get away with it. In fact, the Federal Election Commission’s server is so slow, that it is impossible to go through the names of any of the candidates to check for fraud. Is this just consequential or is it by design? Those are the facts that I and many other America-loving patriots want to know.

Until we get these questions are answered. There will be no stop in the quest to find out the truth. Is President Barack Hussein Obama really a citizen of the Unite States of America? Until he releases the ORIGINAL, not a copy, but the ORIGINAL long form birth certificate. Real, clear thinking Americans, like me, will have assume that he is not.

UpdateThe Free Republic has a interesting discussion on this.

Update # 2: It appears that this whole damn thing is a bogus fraud. The Washington Independent has the scoop. (H/T AllahPundit):

One of my friends in the small community of Obama “birther”-debunkers passes on quite the discovery: a 1964 “certified copy of registration of birth” from Australia, easily available on, a genealogy site. There are striking similarities between this document and the one Orly Taitz is passing off as a “Kenyan birth certificate” for Barack Obama.

– The design is identical, down to the seal at the top and the classifications (”Christian name,” etc) used for identifying the baby.

– The “registrar” on the Bomford document is G.F. Lavender. On the Taitz document, it’s E.F. Lavender.

– The “district registrar” on the Bomford document is J.H. Miller. On the Taitz document, it’s M.H. Miller.

– The number of the book is identical on both documents: Book 44B, Page 5733.

What’s more likely — that two Kenyan bureaucrats shared last names with two Australian bureaucrats, and that the numbers on both certificates were identical? Or that someone used this document, available online for anyone who wanted to look, to forge the Obama “certificate?”

Here’s the document:


As of right now, Orly Tate is discredited in my eyes. She ought to be stripped of her legal license for passing off phony documents as real ones. I will never ever make another posting about this subject again; unless I see some prove positive that Obama is not a United States Citizen. Shame on Joe Farah and his ilk for passing off stupid forgeries and Zionist propaganda as truth.

Michelle Malkin Promotes Her Book on Hannity

I will be the first to admit; I have not always agreed with Michelle Malkin in the past. But I am totally in agreement with her on the Obama Administration and on Matters of the Military; and most importantly on the subject of the war on terror.

Michelle has released a new book on the Obama Administration. It is called:


Here the video of Michelle on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News Channel: (H/T and Thanks to the guys at

I might even buy me a copy of this book, but really, I have blogged about most of it; so, for me, it would be a huge review. Big Grin

You can get Michelle Malkin’s Book right here or by clicking the link on the picture of the book above:

They've finally figured it out….

It seems that someone over at the G.O.P. finally woke up and smelled the Liberal; and possibly Neo-Conservative stench in America.

Via WhoRunsGov.Com:

“The financial crisis of 2008 had its roots primarily in ill-conceived government policies,” reads the memo. It was prepared by Republican staffers to advise GOP members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on how to handle a recent hearing on the government’s role in Bank of America’s purchase of Merrill Lynch.

The memo attacks Bush’s — and Obama’s — bailout policies for exacerbating the crisis. “Given the role of government policies in creating the conditions for the housing bubble which caused the financial crisis, it is remarkable that the prescription of the Bush Administration and the Democratic Congress was more government intervention in the economy,” it says. “The Obama administration has not missed a stride.”

It is about time someone over at the G.O.P. woke up and smelled the coffee.

Robert Stacy McCain Adds:

Somebody at GOP-HQ has finally got a clue to what Michelle Malkin — and Heritage, and Cato, and Instapundit, and every other actual pro-market individual or institution in America — has been saying for more than a year: Keynesian “pump-priming” does not work, and is not conservative.

Okay, so why did Michelle Malkin and all the rest listed attack Ron Paul when he was trying to espouse these principles during the election?  Oh, that’s right, because they were and still are; taking orders from their Zionist masters. Like John Podhartz for example, and people like the Israeli lobby and The Project for the New American Century.

Countdown to the Right Wing Jewish race-baiters attacking me in 5….4….3…2….. (Sieg Heil!)

Franken-Gate Continues

It now seems that the Conservative owned and funded WSJ has bad case of sour grapes and in the process shows it’s horrid case of bias in the process.

The WSJ Writes:

The Minnesota Supreme Court yesterday declared Democrat Al Franken the winner of last year’s disputed Senate race, and Republican incumbent Norm Coleman’s gracious concession at least spares the state any further legal combat. The unfortunate lesson is that you don’t need to win the vote on Election Day as long as your lawyers are creative enough to have enough new or disqualified ballots counted after the fact.

Mr. Franken trailed Mr. Coleman by 725 votes after the initial count on election night, and 215 after the first canvass. The Democrat’s strategy from the start was to manipulate the recount in a way that would discover votes that could add to his total. The Franken legal team swarmed the recount, aggressively demanding that votes that had been disqualified be added to his count, while others be denied for Mr. Coleman.

But the team’s real goldmine were absentee ballots, thousands of which the Franken team claimed had been mistakenly rejected. While Mr. Coleman’s lawyers demanded a uniform standard for how counties should re-evaluate these rejected ballots, the Franken team ginned up an additional 1,350 absentees from Franken-leaning counties. By the time this treasure hunt ended, Mr. Franken was 312 votes up, and Mr. Coleman was left to file legal briefs.

What Mr. Franken understood was that courts would later be loathe to overrule decisions made by the canvassing board, however arbitrary those decisions were. He was right. The three-judge panel overseeing the Coleman legal challenge, and the Supreme Court that reviewed the panel’s findings, in essence found that Mr. Coleman hadn’t demonstrated a willful or malicious attempt on behalf of officials to deny him the election. And so they refused to reopen what had become a forbidding tangle of irregularities. Mr. Coleman didn’t lose the election. He lost the fight to stop the state canvassing board from changing the vote-counting rules after the fact.

This is now the second time Republicans have been beaten in this kind of legal street fight. In 2004, Dino Rossi was ahead in the election-night count for Washington Governor against Democrat Christine Gregoire. Ms. Gregoire’s team demanded the right to rifle through a list of provisional votes that hadn’t been counted, setting off a hunt for “new” Gregoire votes. By the third recount, she’d discovered enough to win. This was the model for the Franken team.

Mr. Franken now goes to the Senate having effectively stolen an election. If the GOP hopes to avoid repeats, it should learn from Minnesota that modern elections don’t end when voters cast their ballots. They only end after the lawyers count them.

Uh, Sour Grapes much guys? Look, I am about as happy about Al Franken being a damn Senator; as I would be about getting a root canal. But this petty whining and crying, because you lost a legal challenge is just downright childish. Besides, Norm Coleman was most likely out of money and just could not afford to keep fighting. Not only this, The G.O.P. most likely told Coleman to drop it, because the G.O.P. was already bruising from the Mark Sanford scandal.  Not only this, but the G.O.P. is looking towards 2010 and 2012, and the last thing they need; is to be viewed by the General public as a party desperately trying to grasp for power.

Patrick Stack makes a valid point, but in the process dredges up old Democratic Party conspiracy theories and sour grapes of his own:

First, Norm Coleman’s concession was hardly “gracious” — he drew out the process in court for seven months, leaving Minnesota down one senator the whole time. And if anybody is the model for election legal street fights and sketchy vote-count maneuvering through the courts, I think that would have to be the guy who “won” in the 2000 Presidential election.

Glass houses, yo.

Patrick (Nice name, by the way! :D) makes a point in the first part of that, but in that second part, he drags out the old dead tired conspiracy theory that  Bush stole the election.  There is absolutely no valid proof that Bush stole that election, if there was, how come John McCain did not steal this election in 2008? That’s because there was no election fraud at all. The SCOTUS made that decision based upon one big factor, there was no way those votes could be counted down in Florida accurately, in a reasonable amount of time and Bush won more states than Gore; so, the Court decided in Bush’s Favor.  Now am I happy about that? Quite frankly; No, I am not. Bush economic polices proved to be a disaster for this country, his authorizing the bailout of all these banks. The War in Iraq; which Bill O’Reilly himself even has said was a waste.  I could go on and on about that, but I think you know what I mean. I never was a Bush Cheerleader, anyone that reads this blog knows this to be a fact.

Chris Cillizza over at “The Fix” has a nice explanation of how Coleman won, sans the Conservative Sour Grapes.

Which brings me to my final and most important point. I was over at HotAir last night and I happened to watch this video here:

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Now, first off this video is supposed to be what MSNBC calls “Fair and Balanced.” If that is fair and balanced, I think I want to move to another Country.  Secondly, If Markos and crew over at DailyKos think that the Democrats are going to now do every little thing that the “Nutroots” wants them to; they are going to be in for a HUGE surprise and letdown.  The Democratic Party establishment looks out for one person and one person alone; itself.  The only difference between the Establishment of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party; is the name.  Sure, the Grassroots or in this case the “Netroots”; may have some limited influence, but when the “Goodyear hits the Asphalt”, so to speak, the Establishment calls the shots and if Markos and company think that this 60 votes myth is going to change that, they are going to be in for a big surprise.

Video: Something to make you think

This an excellent video: (Via True Conservatives on Facebook)

The Southern Avenger says "Just Say No" to Government

When South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was attacked by Republican state leaders for not accepting federal stimulus dollars, it was worth pointing out the utter uselessness of GOP politicians who refuse to follow through on their conservative rhetoric.