Stick a fork in 'em, The Clinton dynasty is over

I saw this yesterday, But I really did not feel like writing about it:

A new book is out with a highly critical but unsourced portrait of Hillary Clinton. This familiar occurrence — it’s happened too many times to count over the years — has usually been greeted with an equally familiar response: A fast and furious counterattack from the Clinton inner circle.

What’s notable about the highly publicized release of “Game Change,” however, is the virtual silence from the Clinton camp. The lack of public outrage seems to mark the sputtering end of what was once known as the Clinton political machine and underlines a fact that onetime Clinton loyalists acknowledge: The book’s primary sources about the former candidate and current secretary of state are her own former staffers and intimates.

As a result, there is no campaign of veteran Clintonites spinning the press corps and trying to pre-emptively discredit the book’s scathing depiction of Hillary Clinton as a rudderless candidate and a cheerleader for vicious tactics against eventual winner Barack Obama. There is no team of Clinton proxies going on cable television to denounce authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann as scurrilous and unworthy of belief.

This time, Bill and Hillary Clinton are virtually alone.

via Game over: The Clintons stand alone – Ben Smith –

If the things in this book are even remotely true; then you can kiss the Clinton dynasty goodbye. Much of what was said in this book has been already said; by the people that made “Hillary, The Movie.” Which the Clinton machine worked like hell to keep from being promoted, during the 2008 election. Although there are some very new juicy tidbits that have been brought up. Like Ben says in this piece, the Clinton’s and their inner circle have not tried to come out and defend Hillary or Bill. So, it does look like they are either guilty as charged or just do not feel like dealing with it.

Bottom Line: Hillary Clinton made a huge mistake in trying to run for President, her ego and elitism got the best of her. In the long run, she did more harm than good, to her and her husband’s reputation by running.  This book also justifies Newt Gingridge and his Movie about Hillary.

The Republican Party's Resident Shrieking Harpy gets a Fox Contract

Oh Wonderful, wonder what she’ll do, show Russia from her house?

Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.

The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.

via Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News – Media Decoder Blog

Hmmmm, what’s it going to be called; “How to keep the media from finding out if your daughter is knocked up”? God knows that’s what she’s good at. The good thing about this is, that she most likely will not be running for President, which is a good thing for the Republican Party as a whole. We need someone that can articulate fiscal Conservative ideas, not stupid muddled populism. Besides all that, we need someone who was actually raised here in the continental 48 and not some psycho shrieking harpy; who was raised on some obscure piece of land, that was not even a state in the union until 1959. We need restrained, disciplined leadership. Not some idiot moose hunting soccer mom, who thinks she on some sort of mission from God and would push the nuke button at a drop of a hat.

Bottom Line: Sarah Palin is the perfect embodiment of female entitlement and the highly hypocritical Evangelical Christian right. That is the LAST thing we need in the White House. I love Jesus and believe the Bible to be literally true; However, I do not want my Country being run as the Christian equivalent of Sharia law. Keep Christianity where it belongs, in the home and in the Church; and out of the Federal Government.

Video: Jack Cafferty rips on Obama and Pelosi?!?!

Wow! 😯

Ed Morrissey cracks:

A CNN commentator cheerleading Republican victory in the midterms? Jack Cafferty calling Barack Obama a liar on national TV? Are cats and dogs raining from the sky today?

Heh! No, it’s just snow, I checked… and man are we ever getting it here! Four to Six inches expected today here. I wanna go to Florida or even Hawaii. 🙁 😥 😛 😉 😀

Countdown to the liberals calling Cafferty a evil white Raaaacist in 5….4….3…2….

One of the many reasons why I do not buy into the birther nonsense

Oh brother, this again?

If you thought 2010 was the future, think again. A phony new email chain letter — one of the antiquated viral sort leftover from the AOL era — is claiming that the case against President Barack Obama’s citizenship has reached the Supreme Court, based on a forged and typo-riddled Associated Press “report.”

The birther movement of angry citizens who believe President Obama was not born in the country and is thus ineligible to be president seemed to lose steam in the year since the 2008 election, but this new email spreading takes the accusations to a new level of ridiculousness based on fake news done poorly.

via Birther Chain Email Uses Fake AP Story To Question Obama’s Citizenship – Mediaite.

This is the main reason why I quit giving that birther crap any space on my blog. Because they know they are wrong. But that will not stop them. What they cannot prove; they make up. Which is horrible, but they are entitled to free speech, like everyone else — like me.

The problem is, there are well-meaning Conservatives, who actually believe this bunch of nonsense. The problem is, not many of them know this theory’s origins; which was on the White Nationalist website, Stormfront. It was then picked up operatives in the Hillary Clinton campaign, and then finally by political operatives within the Republican Party. It was quickly dumped by the Republicans and somewhat by the Hillary people. But it still festers out there. There are some, who are still angry at Obama from the Hillary camp, and some angry Republicans, who still, to this day, forward these e-mails around. It is, as Charles Johnson noted in the interview that I posted, a nuanced racial message, that basically says, “Go back to Africa, nigger!” I will be the first to admit it, there are some racists still in the ranks of Conservatives, especially in the south. Some of these people, at some point may have voted Democrat. Some not. It depends entirely on the person. This is not to say, that they all are, but there are some who hold that well-nuanced feeling towards blacks.

I think one of tragedies of the Conservative Blogosphere is that some of them, including me, got caught up into that birther nonsense. Especially when Orly Taitz started bringing out her “supposed” Birth Certificates. I was burned on that story once; it will never happen again, I can assure you of that.  I went as far as to add a retraction to the story and went out of my way to slam that pathetic woman, for even trying to deceive the American people. I also slammed the owner of WorldNetDaily for giving Taitz the space to spout her nonsense too. Most of the rest that covered it, never bothered, and that to me, is a real issue. I mean, if you going to cover a story, at least have the common decency to say that it was a hoax.

Turd Blossom gets a divorce

Now this is interesting:

Karl Rove, former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, has been granted a divorce in Texas after 24 years of marriage, family spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

“Karl Rove and his wife, Darby, were granted a divorce last week,” said Perino. “The couple came to the decision mutually and amicably, and they maintain a close relationship and a strong friendship. There will be no further comment, and the family requests that its privacy be respected.”

The Roves were married in January 1986.

A family friend told POLITICO: “After 24 years of marriage, many of which were spent under incredible stress and strain during the White House years, the Roves came to a mutual decision that they would end the marriage. They did spend Christmas together with their son, and they plan to spend time together in the future. They maintain a strong friendship, and they both feel that that friendship is a source of comfort and inspiration for their friends and family.”

via Karl Rove granted divorce in Texas – –

This proves what I have believed all along. That social Conservatism is nothing more, than a well-planned and executed joke. I will not do the pile-on about Rove’s stances on Gay Marriage. However, I will present this video, done by Jack Hunter, who now Video Blogs over at the American Conservative. In this video, Jack makes some very valid points about the establishment Republicans in Washington D.C. at the 3:13 mark is where Jack really makes the point that I am making here.

I will be the first to admit; I do not always agree with Jack on foreign policy and war. However, I am in total agreement with him on the subject of social Conservatism. I being a child of the 1980’s, I remember very clearly all the talk that Reagan was going to get prayer back into schools, was going to see to it that Abortion was outlawed. Now did any of that stuff ever happen? Um, No. That is because the Republicans of that era, were exploiting the Conservative Christian community for their vote. Sort of like what Barack Obama’s campaign did to the far left during the election of 2008.

Enjoy the video:

Updated: When it comes to Rand Paul, the apple does not fall far from the tree Campaign Spokesman Quits

Check this bunch of nonsense out here.

This is why I did not support Ron Paul; because he attracted the nuts and the flakes. I guess the same is true about his son.

Hats off to barefoot and progressive, as much as it pains me to say that; for finding this stuff out. We need a new political movement, but not with crazies like that in it.

Others: Eye on 2010 and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Update: AP reports that Rand Paul’s Spokesman has quit.

Obama and the Democrats play politics with the Nation’s Defense

My, what the Democrats will not to pass their idiotic socialistic healthcare bill! Captain Ed over at alerts to the fact that Michael Goldfarb has a source up on the hill; what he is telling Michael is unbelievable:

While the Democrats appease Senator Lieberman, they still have to worry about other recalcitrant Democrats including Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson. Though Lieberman has been out front in the fight against the public option and the Medicare buy-in, Nelson was critical of both. Now that those provisions appear to have been stripped from the bill, Lieberman may get on board, but Nelson’s demand that taxpayer money not be used to fund abortion has still not been met. According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

Offutt Air Force Base employs some 10,000 military and federal employees in Southeastern Nebraska. As our source put it, this is a “naked effort by Rahm Emanuel and the White House to extort Nelson’s vote.” They are “threatening to close a base vital to national security for what?” asked the Senate staffer.

Indeed, Offutt is the headquarters for US Strategic Command, the successor to Strategic Air Command, and not by accident. STRATCOM was located in the middle of the country for strategic reasons. Its closure would be a massive blow to the economy of the state of Nebraska, but it would also be another example of this administration playing politics with our national security.

I will be straight and honest with you. During the 2008 election, I thought Michael Goldfarb’s outlandish behavior was asinine; I still do. However, this was one hell of a good catch. Goodness, what a better way to fuel the conspiracy theory idiots like Orly Taitz, who still believe that President Obama is some sort of a covert Muslim or whatever the hell it is that they think about him now.

I will say this, this story, if true, reeks of desperation. The Democrats are obviously desperate to pass this healthcare bill. Why is this? Because they know that if this bill goes down in flames, the Democrats are sunk. They already know that the 2010 elections are not going to be kind to them; the deep sixing of this bill will only make that worse. The problem is, seeing that the public option was stripped out; you have people like Markos Moulitsas saying that the bill should be killed. Either way, this is going to be a huge disaster for the Democrats. They promised change, they promised healthcare for everyone, they overreached like nothing I have ever seen before and now, they are going to pay for it dearly. Frankly, I could not be happier; you oversell yourself and promise the moon, the stars, unicorns and rainbows, and then do not deliver — then you suffer the wrath of the voters come election time.

The point to this blog entry is this; do not make promises that you cannot keep. If you do, you will pay and it is obvious to me and every other blogger out there that the Democrats made all sorts of promises to the American people, during the election of 2008 and now they cannot deliver. Because of this, they are stooping to desperate measures. Measures which will hurt our National Security, for this the Democrats will pay come 2010 and 2012.

Opportunistic Bovine Tripe

I think I have seen it all now…:

We know absolutely no one in Bush family circles and have never met former President George W. Bush or his wife Laura.

If you have been reading us for any length of time, you know that we used to make fun of “Dubya” nearly every day…parroting the same comedic bits we heard in our Democrat circles, where Bush is still, to this day, lampooned as a chimp, a bumbling idiot, and a poor, clumsy public speaker.

Oh, how we RAILED against Bush in 2000…and how we RAILED against the surge in support Bush received post-9/11 when he went to Ground Zero and stood there with his bullhorn in the ruins on that hideous day.

We were convinced that ANYONE who was president would have done what Bush did, and would have set that right tone of leadership in the wake of that disaster. President Gore, President Perot, President Nader, you name it. ANYONE, we assumed, would have filled that role perfectly.

Well, we told you before how much the current president, Dr. Utopia, made us realize just how wrong we were about Bush. We shudder to think what Dr. Utopia would have done post-9/11. He would have not gone there with a bullhorn and struck that right tone. More likely than not, he would have been his usual fey, apologetic self and waxed professorially about how evil America is and how justified Muslims are for attacking us, with a sidebar on how good the attacks were because they would humble us.

Honestly, we don’t think President Gore would have been much better that day. The world needed George W. Bush, his bullhorn, and his indominable spirit that day…and we will forever be grateful to this man for that.

via Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush « HillBuzz.

It is a very interesting read; It all sounds nice and pretty — that is until you hear the reality of it. If you think for one minute that the people that wrote the above and what is over at that link are really sincere about that; I have land to sell you for extremely cheap in Texas —- in a swamp. The only motivation for this idiotic bunch of Bovine Tripe that was written here is the following; their allegiance to Hillary Clinton.  HillBuzz is simply a group of Homosexual Hillary Supporters; that are a still bitter because Barack Obama kicked Shillary’s fat ass in the 2008 Primary.

So, while it may sound nice, pretty and — dare I even say it? Patriotic. (Uh, Gag, Puke) It is simply a piece written to kick dirt in the face of Barack Obama for daring to defeat Hillary Clinton. So, please, do not buy the hype on this entry. Because if it would have been Hillary that won. These guys would be still trashing Bush. In other words; Nice try guys, but not all of us in the political blogging world are that dumb to believe that you actually now love Bush. 🙄

It is official: Levi Johnston is a scumbag

Yesterday, AllahPundit wrote about this idiot; and I thought he was wasting his time. However, After watching this video; I am convinced, that this jackass is simply looking to destroy Palin to fatten his own pocketbook.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Just be clear, for the 500’th time; I am not a Sarah Palin fan boy. But this just goes too far. It is obvious to me, that this turd is just going after Palin for the fame and for the money. Most likely to buy his damned mommy more drugs; as she is a druggie you know.

At this point, if I were the Palin family, I would go to court and DEMAND that the judge remove all of Levi Johnston’s visitation rights and fix it where he never saw the child again, ever.  I would bring up the drugs, I would bring up the posing for playgirl; I would inform them of his actions, and that he is more interested in being a “star” than he is a Father.

I know that I might sound a bit harsh; but it is quite obvious to me, that Levi Johnston is simply looking to cash in on Bristol Palin’s lapse in judgment; which, quite frankly, is much of Levi’s fault. Had Mr. horn-dog kept his hands off of her, she would not be pregnant and that baby would not even be here. All of this just to either make money for himself and possibly get back at Palin and or Bristol. That my friends, is the perfect definition of an asshole and that my friends is what Levi Johnston is.

Quite frankly, I am a bit pissed off at John McCain; for basically using Sarah Palin as window dressing for his rather idiotically ran campaign. If John McCain would have picked someone else; Sarah Palin would not be having to write books to defend herself and that poor family of hers. I mean, God love them people; they have been literally through hell and yet, they say nothing. No lawsuits, No lashing out. Nothing. I just do not see how they do it. If that were me, would be suing the living crap out of every damned Liberal media outlet that even remotely slandered me and my family; I’m talking multi-millions of dollars of lawsuit money. I would go after all of them; when I was finished with them, there would be some very wealth California Socialists who would be paying me some very big money and if their websites and papers went under, that would be just be too bad.

As for you, Mr. Levi. I just lost what little respect that I actually had for you dude. For a while; I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt. You have nothing on Sarah Palin; if it is anything, it is so damned minor, that not one damn person would even remotely care. Especially coming from a idiotic opportunist jack ass like you.

May you rot in the hottest part of the devil’s hell, you bastard piece of tripe.

The Obama administration really needs to get over itself says The Nation?

Oh-My….. 😮 😯

I figured I would see this out of maybe, The National Review or possibly, maybe,  The New Republic and definitely The Weekly Standard ——– But,  the Nation? I mean that magazine is about a leftist as it gets and they are criticizing “The One” that they were all waiting for? The One who they basically turned into the Democratic Party’s personal savior and lord? I mean, this is amazing.

I do believe the Honeymoon is over and over horribly it is.

John Nichols writes over at The Nation the Following:

The Obama administration really needs to get over itself.

First, the president and his aides go to war with Fox News because the network maintains a generally anti-Obama slant.

Then, an anonymous administration aide attacks bloggers for failing to maintain a sufficiently pro-Obama slant.

These are not disconnected developments.

An administration that won the White House with an almost always on-message campaign and generally friendly coverage from old and new media is now frustrated by its inability to control the debate and get the coverage it wants.

Nichols goes on to deliver a blistering smack down of the Obama Administration’s idea that they can try and control the media. Which is pretty shocking, considering which magazine that this is actually coming from. I guess that this should not be that great of a surprise, seeing that Barack Obama’s White House yesterday kicked the entire gay community and the Liberal Blogging community square in the jewels. Despite the best efforts to quell down the backlash, I do believe that the proverbial Genie is out of the bottle here. I do believe that President Obama is about to find out just how intolerant and hateful that the Progressive/liberal community is towards those who try and stiff them. Bill Clinton went through this; and now Obama is about to get the same treatment.

This should serve as a wake up call to anyone  in the Democratic Party that is thinking of running in 2012 or in 2010 for that matter. Do not pander, do not overreach; or you will pay dearly. You would think that the Democratic Party would have learned all of this, as a whole, from the Clinton years. Sadly it seems that the Democratic Party is hellbent on making the same stupid mistakes that it made in the Clinton years. Clinton did that and the Democrats paid for it, for eight long years. George W. Bush did that to the Republican Party— and  to America; and now the Republican Party is paying for that now, as we speak.  Now the Obama White House is doing the same thing —— again. When will people ever learn, that you just do not make lofty promises that you do not intend to keep, that you just no not pander or overreach, because it will come back haunt you.

It is such a vicious cycle, that is repeated over and over and over… by both Political Parties. 🙄