Video: Gun Porn: .950 Caliber Rifle

(H/T Ace)

Update (08/06/12): I have been noticing a good deal of people have been viewing this video and have been coming from StumbleUpon. Anyhow, I know you all are gun lovers. I am a blogger, I am not a gun blogger, but I do believe in the second amendment. I also am a full-time blogger and I have not worked for any else — in over eight years. If you need any sort of gun accessories or a gun itself. Please, give the guys below a try. You will be helping a Conservative and a bit of a gun lover; out in a big way. If you do not need anything gun related and just want to donate to the blog. Click the PayPal button below to make a donation. Thanks so much! -Pat

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A Reminder: February 14 Starbucks Appreciation Day for Second Amendment supporters

Thanks to InstaPundit for the link:

There are just 13 days left before Valentine’s Day, when both sides of the gun control debate square-off over lattes. On one side, the National Gun Victim’s Action Council is promoting a February 14th boycott of Starbucks; the Seattle coffeesmith allows firearms on its premises (where it is otherwise legal to do so). On the other side of the issue, gun blogger Sebastian devised Starbuck’s Appreciation Day on the same day. Thousands of gun owners have pledged their participation, promising to spend a $2 bill at Starbucks to show their support for the company’s common sense position. The $2 question: should the TJ go in the barristas’ tip jar or should we use it to pay for the coffee? Your thoughts?

via Starbucks Appreciation Day Update: Tip Jar or Till? | The Truth About Guns.

Now to figure out where the nearest Starbucks is around here!

Wait minute….Isn’t that where all the smelly liberals hang out?!?!? 😮

The things we freedom loving people must endure. 🙄

Video: Charlotte Bergmann takes a verbal berating from a racist black radio host

This comes with a Hat Tip to Smitty over at The Other McCain.

First of all here is the Billboard that she dared to put up:

The video:

I am going to write over here, what I wrote on Stacy’s blog, in the comments section:

If I were that Woman’s hubby….That would be a dead black man. Quote me on that. That was bullshit. That was NOT an intelligent black man, speaking to a black woman; that was a feral NEGRO asshole being a dick to a black lady.

….and they wonder why I won’t vote Democratic Party no more. It is the same mentally that those corrupt Detroit Police officers carried that shot my cousin Michael Hill on July 11, 1994. That whitey is evil…

Why don’t want them around me, ever. 😡

In case you are wondering, I’m talking about this Cousin here:

My Cousin, Michael Hill -Mowed down by three corrupt Detroit negro cops in 1994.

So, yeah, I have attitude towards blacks, especially liberal black Democrats. 😡

Charlotte’s running for Tennessee’s 9th district, help her win and put people like this asshole in check.


Breaking News — Senator Rand Paul detained by TSA

Rand Paul has been detained by the TSA for refusing a pat-down, after a x-ray showed an anomaly”

The Daily Caller has the story:

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s press secretary Moira Bagley tweeted on Monday that Transportation Security Administration officials were detaining her boss in Nashville, Tenn.

“Just got a call from @senrandpaul,” Bagley tweeted at about 10 a.m. on Monday. “He’s currently being detained by TSA in Nashville.”

Texas Congressman and current Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul – Sen. Rand Paul’s father – placed a post on Facebook about the news as well. “My son Rand is currently being detained by the TSA at the Nashville Airport,” Ron Paul posted. “I’ll share more details as the situation unfolds.”

Ron Paul adds, via Twitter, that the TSA detained his son “for refusing full body pat-down after anomaly in body scanner.”

Sen. Rand Paul’s Facebook page has a post about the incident too. “Senator Paul is being detained at the Nashville Airport by the TSA,” Sen. Rand Paul’s Facebook post reads. “We will update you as the situation develops.”

Sen. Rand Paul’s chief of staff Doug Stafford told The Daily Caller the Senator “was detained by the TSA after their scanner had an ‘anomaly’ on the first scan.”

via  The Daily Caller.

To my libertarian and Ron Paul fans, please, do not freak out over this; the TSA were simply doing their jobs, I believe Rand Paul was released, but they would not let him fly on the plane he did try to board.

My friend, Ed Morrissey, who I do trust, weighs in:

No one thinks a Senator should get different treatment than anyone else, but that proves that the security theater we experience at airports isn’t designed with flight security as its primary goal.  Besides, let’s not forget that TSA is already working on programs for clearing frequent travelers on an expedited basis who they know through prior investigation won’t pose a security risk on commercial flights.   Who in their right mind thinks that Senator Rand Paul represented any kind of real security risk on board an aircraft?  Anyone? Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Now, it might look like it was intentional, but I very much highly doubt that was even remotely intentional at all.  I simply believe that the TSA wanted to do their jobs and Rand Paul refused to let them, and for this, he was detained and released and not allowed to fly. Let us not forget why the TSA put these regulations in place, on Christmas Day in 2009, an idiot kid from Nigeria blow himself up on a plane from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan; which by the way is my hometown and the airport that this almost happened at, is less than 10 miles from my HOUSE!

Anyhow, again, this might look bad, but I seriously doubt it is anything but Senator Rand Paul grandstanding against something that he feels is against his rights as a citizen. I personally disagree with that; I believe that safety of those flying here in America and abroad, should come first. Then again, I have never flown, nor will I ever. Too many planes crashing for this old man. 😯


Others: Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Big Government, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite, Michelle Malkin, The Raw Story, Gothamist, Blog, Campaign 2012, National Review

Update: Now a huge Memeorandum thread.

Update #2: Smitty, who I consider to be a friend; makes some good points.


This is why illegal immigration bothers me

Via Preston Wright on Facebook:

The American Militia’s website

Since when do we have to ask to defend ourselves?

This strikes me as rather odd.

Video 1:

Video 2: (Via HuffPo )

The Story:

(CNN) — Home alone with her 3-month-old son, Sarah Dawn McKinley of Blanchard, Oklahoma, said she decided to make a stand when two men tried to break into her home on New Year’s Eve.

McKinley, who had been widowed less than a week before, placed a couch in front of one door and went to the bedroom and put a bottle in her baby’s mouth before calling 911, she said on HLN’s “Dr. Drew” on Wednesday.

A 911 operator calmly spoke with McKinley, who asked if it was permissible to shoot an intruder, officials said.

“I’ve got two guns in my hand. Is it OK to shoot him if he comes in this door?” asked McKinley, 18.

“Well, you have to do whatever you can do to protect yourself,” dispatcher Diane Graham responded. “I can’t tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.” — Via Oklahoma mom calling 911 asks if shooting an intruder is allowed –


My friends, my question to you is simple this; since when, do we as Americans, who are guaranteed the right to own a gun to defend ourselves against such things, as presented in this story — ask for permission to defend ourselves from the Government?  This is not a criticism of this woman at all, but of the mentality of the Government must make all decisions for us.  Whatever happened to telling a 9/11 operator, “I am going to kill this idiot and I hope you got plenty of body bags, because when I get done, y’all going to need a few.”  Whatever happened to mentality of doing for yourself, and not waiting the Government to do your work for you?

It is a sad state of affairs in this Country, when its own citizens are too scared to defend themselves and feel the need to have to ask the Government for permission to do so.  This is what happens, when progressives are allowed to govern, control our media and our schools.

No American citizen, at any point, should ever have to ask permission to defend his or her personal property.  This is not a mentality of a free American citizen, this is a mentality of a slave to Government, and it is what the progressives promote — in their media, in the schools — everywhere.

My hat goes off to this young woman, for having the courage to defend herself, when it counted most.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, Rod Dreher, The Raw Story and Jammie Wearing Fools

Update: Vote this story up over on Reddit for me please. Thanks!

Update #2: AllahPundit seems to like this story too. But, of course, misses the bigger point.