QOTD: Obama loses the NYT

WOW….just Wow… 😯

Within hours of the disclosure that the federal authorities routinely collect data on phone calls Americans make, regardless of whether they have any bearing on a counterterrorism investigation, the Obama administration issued the same platitude it has offered every time President Obama has been caught overreaching in the use of his powers: Terrorists are a real menace and you should just trust us to deal with them because we have internal mechanisms (that we are not going to tell you about) to make sure we do not violate your rights.

Those reassurances have never been persuasive — whether on secret warrants to scoop up a news agency’s phone records or secret orders to kill an American suspected of terrorism — especially coming from a president who once promised transparency and accountability.

The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue. Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it. That is one reason we have long argued that the Patriot Act, enacted in the heat of fear after the 9/11 attacks by members of Congress who mostly had not even read it, was reckless in its assignment of unnecessary and overbroad surveillance powers.

Poop, meet fan.

Others: Alan Colmes’ LiberalandPoliticoBuzzFeedYahoo! NewsWashington PostHit & RunThe Monkey CageWashington WireThe World’s Greatest …The Daily CallerLaw Blog,VentureBeatBusiness InsiderMediaiteThe PJ TatlerWashington Free BeaconHot AirWeasel ZippersThe Huffington PostSalonComPostThe WeekGuardianNO QUARTER USA NETFirst ReadMashableAmerican SpectatorNew Republicmsnbc.comWashington MonthlyDaily Kos,The Atlantic WireFiredoglakeTechCrunchThe Maddow Blog and Library of Law & Liberty – Via Memeorandum

Video: Obama Administration Scandals — Seriously?

It’s the token libertarian girl with another great video:

What I posted to the comment section of her youtube channel…:

Posted to the blog. …and you are SOOOOOO right about Syria. On the Government’s side we have Hezbollah, who hates the USA and wants to kill us. On the other, you have people being bankrolled and supported by Al-Qaeda; and they hate us pretty badly too.

It is a no win situation. The cute part is, you have idiot chickenhawk Neocons like John McCain going over there and giving support to terrorists! HELLO!!! Did that idiot forget what 9/11 was all about?!?!

Anyhow, nice video. Keep it up!

UPDATED – It’s official: The Obama Administration is in deep trouble and I am done defending them

My friends, I was very, very wrong and for that, I am terribly sorry. 🙁

I said that I believed that the entire Benghazi, Libya debacle was over-hyped by the Republicans; and I still believe that, to a point.

However, there are many things that have come up since then, which I simply cannot defend.

They are:

  1. The IRS targeting Jewish groups.  – I mean, honestly, what the hell were the IRS and Obama’s people thinking when they let this one happen?
  2. IRS targeting Conservative groups in Washington and Elsewhere. — Did they not know that this would be exposed?
  3. DOJ going after the AP – This is borderline Watergate, so says a watergate player. — Again, what the hell were these people thinking?

My friends, the “Giving the benefit of the doubt” of the President and his Administration by this writer and blogger are over. There is no doubt in my mind that the Obama administration; much like the Administration of George W. Bush, became consumed with a lust for power and abused and exploited the office of President of the United States and the instruments of Governmental office for political purposes.

I leave you with two videos:

Update: Better clip via The American Spectator:

The Democrats have screwed themselves out of ever winning an election; for like oh, maybe the next 2 major election cycles. This is the sad part, Obama and his Administration promised Americans that he would be a clean break from the policies and practices of President George W. Bush and his Administration and sadly, it turns out that Obama and his Administration are just as bad; if not even worse.   As I wrote before, it is sad ending to a Presidency that offered so much to give; but ended up delivering little or nothing at all, in the realm of change.

It is going to be a long, hot, nasty, political summer for America, Americans, Black Liberal Americans and for Washington D.C.. I just hope that cool heads prevail. But, I really do fear the worst in yet to come.

Blogger Round Up #1: (viaYahoo! NewsJustOneMinuteMichelle MalkinNew York TimesSunlight Foundation BlogBBCWall Street JournalRight Turnwaysandmeans.house.govHot AirThe WeekThe Daily CallerThe HillDaily KosFirst ReadThe Maddow BlogPostPartisanThe FixWhite House DossierThe Other McCainBetsy’s PageDa Tech Guy On DaRadio BlogScared Monkeys,msnbc.comObsidian WingsWeasel ZippersJammie Wearing FoolsTwitchyNational Review,The Lonely ConservativePower LineConservatives4Palin and CBS DC

Blogger Round Up #2: (viaYahoo! NewsWashington MonthlyBuzzFeedThe WeekAssociated PressHit & Run,News DeskFox NewsOpen Channelmsnbc.comemptywheelGuardianWorldViewsPatterico’s PontificationsThe Huffington PostNo More Mister Nice BlogUSA TodayThe HillWeekly StandardPoynterThe Daily CallerThe Volokh ConspiracyErik WempleThinkProgressRight Wing NewsTaylor MarshScared MonkeysAddicting Infoamericanthinker.comCNN,CANNONFIREThe BLTPJ MediaNO QUARTER USA NETThe Moderate VoiceThe Hinterland GazetteNationalJournal.comHot AirWashington Free BeaconWashington ExaminerWired,PoliticoWeasel ZippersGawkerTHE DEFINITIVE SOURCEHullabalooEd DriscollThe Verge,The Gateway PunditSPJ NewsThe PJ TatlerNational ReviewNational Republican …Philly.com,Mother JonesLe·gal In·sur·rec· tionSister ToldjahOutside the BeltwayWonketteTalkLeft andLawfaremore at Mediagazer »

Update #1: Franklin Graham says they were targeted. Those rat bastards have no shame at all. 😡

 Update #2:  Obama Admin’s IRS targeted reporter who gave hard interview.

Update #3: I am just going to say this and get it off my chest:


Roundup #3: The Gateway PunditSister ToldjahWeasel ZippersWashington Free BeaconRule of LawBuzzFeedViralReadJammie Wearing Fools,The PJ TatlerVodkaPundit and Hot Air

Video: Different Opinions on Boston Terror Attack

Perhaps I was a bit premature on Glenn Beck.

First from the “Token Libertarian Girl”.

The second video is quite interesting; he goes all in, accusing the FBI of a massive coverup.

The video: Via Mark Realmz on Twitter:


Personally, I really do not agree with the second video, the man is jumping to conclusions. Kinda like I might have done with this blog entry here —- maybe.

Either way, it is interesting to see that Americans are waking up to the fact that our Government is becoming more and more of police state everyday. I just hope that there is something to the accusation of the second video and of Glenn Beck’s accusation. Because the last thing we need, as a movement of patriots; is to be discredited.

So, why did gold crash?

I am not an expert on the subject, but I think here might be a good reason as to why:

Who killed the gold?



In the wake of gold prices cratering in recent days, more than a few prominent experts have already started pinning the blame on Western central banks — especially the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB). According to numerous analysts, the central bankers are desperate to salvage their fiat currencies and eliminate competition as “monetary authorities” continue to create ever-greater quantities of euros and dollars out of thin air.

Some experts, whistle-blowers, traders, and former officials say the Fed dumped as much as 400 or even 500 tons of “paper gold” on the market — metals that it might not even have — as part of a naked short sale aimed at driving down the prices. Other analysts, especially among the establishment, pointed to the ECB chief’s recent suggestion that struggling European authorities in countries such as Cyprus would have to sell their precious metals to keep receiving bailouts

via After Gold Crash, Experts Point to Central Bank Manipulation.

I do not really want to veer into Alex Jones territory; but it does seem interesting that gold plunges, there’s an attack and the stock market dives too. The events might not be related; but it sure does look a bit suspect to me.

Good Question….

This is why I love the gun-grabbing left; because their hypocrisy stinks to the high heavens. Just like the Republicans and their big-government statist policies.

Anyhow, sellout blogger, Glenn Reynolds, himself quite the statist hypocrite; notes the following:

HYPOCRISY: Hey, why does Piers Morgan have photo with gun-loving, violence-glorifying Snoop Dogg as Twitter profile?

via Instapundit » Blog Archive » HYPOCRISY: Hey, why does Piers Morgan have photo with gun-loving, violence-glorifying Snoop Dogg as….

The photo: (Via Twitchy)

Hypocrite much, Mr. Morgan?

Again, this is why I love being an independent politically, (Who does lean to the right slightly, but I digress.)  and being a bit of a free-thinker; I see the hypocrisy of both sides. This is a perfect example of that very thing.


Good: Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s gun ban bill goes down in flames!

Via First Read:

Whither assault weapons ban: “Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month,” Politico notes. “After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment. But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.”

My first reaction was one of relief. The bill was idiotic at best. The reason why this bill died is because Democrats know what many of the rest of America know –that America is gun nation; it always has been and always will be. America’s freedom from the British was done at the hands of guns.  Furthermore, the Democrats tried this once before, in the 1990’s and they paid a terrible price for it. Harry Reid might be a liberal Democrat, but he is no idiot; he does want to be reelected to office again.

The point is this; and even my own Democratic Party voting Mother believes this — that outlawing guns of any sort is not going to stop crime. Because the criminals are always going to be able to get guns, no matter what the Government does to try to prevent it. Because there is this thing, called the “Black Market” and it does not go empty very often. Especially seeing how we let some guns walk across the border. I would not be shocked to see some of those guns end up back in the States eventually and someone killed with them.

In closing: Everyone, including me, wants to see an end to shootings, of any sort. But, passing such idiotic bills, such as this one here, is simply not the answer to the problem. The answer is encouraging parents to be involved with their children’s lives. Another good idea, and as much as I know this is going to sound like a cliché; it is the truth —- getting children involved in Church is not a bad idea. It worked for me. I spent most of my young life in Church. If anything at all; it served as good alternative to the streets and the trouble that I could have gotten into in them in Detroit. I did have parents who were strict and involved in my life, but the Church was a big part of that too.

We just cannot legislate our way to an utopian society, it just does not work. It has been tried and it has failed every time.

Just my opinion.

Others: Daily Kos, The Gateway Pundit, Outside the Beltway, Pirate’s Cove, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers and The PJ Tatler (via Memeorandum)

Taking Religion out of the Military?

I have mixed feelings about this one:

“Soldiers with minority religious beliefs and atheists often feel like second-class citizens when Christianity is seemingly officially endorsed by their own base,” American Atheists president David Silverman told Fox News. “We are very happy the Pentagon and the Army decided to do the right thing.” A military spokesman told Fox News the cross was literally dismantled and will be removed from the base to be in “compliance with Army regulations and to avoid any misconception of religious favoritism or disrespect.” “After a Christian prayer, the cross was removed from the roof of the chapel,” the spokesman said. “During the removal, the cross was dismantled; however the cross was reassembled and currently awaits transportation to a larger operational base.” The military told Fox News the cross will only be brought out during Christian services and will be designated as a “non-permanent religious symbol.” Silverman said a Christian chapel on an Army base in Afghanistan could have put American troops in danger. “It inflames this Muslim versus Christian mentality,” he said. “This is not a Muslim versus Christian war — but if the Army base has a large chapel on it that has been converted to Christian-only, it sends a message that could be interpreted as hostile to Islam.” An Army spokesman said all chapels must be religiously neutral. “The primary purpose of making a chapel a neutral, multi-use facility is to accommodate the free exercise of religion for all faith groups using it,” he said. “We take the spiritual fitness of our Soldiers seriously and encourage them to practice their faith and exercise their beliefs however they choose.” Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, of the Family Research Council, told Fox News a Christian cleansing of the military is under way. “I don’t think you can categorize it any other way,” he said. “There is a strong effort, led partially by the Administration as well as by atheist groups to destroy the identity of who we are as a nation and that means robbing us of our history.” —- Military: Crosses Removed ‘Out of Respect for Other Faiths’ | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

On one hand, I would hate to think that having Christian symbols on a battle front could be putting our Military at risk. On the other hand, I would hate to see Christianity being removed from the Military entirely. However, we are in a Muslim Nation is Afghan region; one would think that the Military would want to be respectful of those people and their culture.

It is a mixed bag, and all the more reason why we really need to get out of that Country. Our mission is done there; we killed Osama and we need to leave. We do not want to make the same mistake the Russians made there. Besides all that, Al-Qaeda has moved into other regions and is much more a threat to other interests in other parts for the world now.

So, to this Independent, the quicker we leave, the better.

Good article on Gun Regulations

This is worth a look.

On December 15, Think Progress published a post titled The Five Gun Safety Regulations Even NRA Members Support. In this blog post, Igor Volsky cites a poll conducted by Frank Luntz for Mayors Against Illegal Guns that found a large majority of gun owners and NRA members support some gun regulations. Volsky describes these gun control policies as “sensible” and as “common sense measures.”

But as usual, statist policies with support from both liberals and conservatives serve to perpetuate privilege and injustice. At least two of these gun regulations would disproportionately disarm marginalized and oppressed groups, fulfilling the bigoted function gun control has often been designed to serve.

In 1967, conservatives led the charge in favor of gun control. California governor Ronald Reagan supported the Mulford Act, a gun control law designed to prevent the Black Panthers from carrying guns to defend themselves against racists, including racist police. While modern gun control laws are not so overtly racist in intent, some of the least controversial gun control laws disproportionately disarm people of color and other members of marginalized populations.

Take, for example, the first gun regulation discussed by Volsky. It turns out that a large majority of gun owners and NRA members polled favor “Requiring criminal background checks on gun owners and gun shop employees.” But who would be most impacted by these criminal background checks?  People of color are disproportionately targeted by this country’s criminal justice system.

via The Trouble With “Sensible” Gun Regulations.

This is whole problem with gun regulations; when you uncork the genie out of that bottle, there is no putting it back. Statism, much like progressive politics, never recedes. It always goes forward and when you start taking liberty away, you never get it back completely. Unless you fight very hard for it.

Hence, my problem with gun regulations. Whenever Government enacts a law or a regulation, it assumes the people are not smart enough to make their own decisions. This is my issue with big government and regulation. I just do not believe that the Government has any business tell me or anyone else that they are not smart enough to make decisions on the buying and selling of guns. It is not their business.