How not to talk about the Charleston shooting 

This little gem comes from a neoconservative, neo-evangelical, slander blogger and a dirtbag piece of crap; that allowed one of this diary users on that pathetic blog of his, to slander me. Something that I have considered suing him for.

A society that looks at a 65 year old male Olympian and, with a straight face, declares him a her and “a new normal” cannot have a conversation about mental health or evil because that society no longer distinguishes normal from crazy and evil from good. Our American society has a mental illness — overwhelming narcissism and delusion — and so cannot recognize what crazy or evil looks like.

Source: The Conversation We Won’t Have | RedState

Now, as a Fundamentalist Christian and an Independent Baptist; do I agree with the sentiment expressed here? Yes, I do.

However, I would never, ever, speak such things, before the freakin’ bodies are even buried in the ground! 😡

This is what pisses me off about this whole situation; this horrific event is being exploited by the left — which is saying that the reason this kid was not gunned down by the police, is because of “White Privilege” and by the right; perfect example being above and other examples, like these here. Which gives the left in this Country, all the more reason to paint the right as bigoted and out of touch.

In truth, this kid didn’t get mowed down, is because he had enough common sense not to try to point a gun, or bum rush or even try to hit with a piece of concrete, a police officer. Something that Michel Brown, Trayvon Martin and a few blacks have done to white police officers and armed white people.

The most I have ever said is, “Sad, but they do it too“, meaning black people. Which is true, blacks kill whites all the time and there’s never a peep out of the media; as well as when blacks kill blacks. But, you let a white kid, who’s a little loose in the noodle kill a black person or persons and it is nationwide story.

Liberal progressivism and neoconservatism, but then again, I repeat myself —- is a mental disorder. 😡

This is why I moderate my comments

Because I am not about to ever get myself in this sort of a position, ever.

Check it out:

The Justice Department has issued a federal grand jury subpoena to Reason, a prominent libertarian publication, to unmask the identity of commenters who made alleged threats against a federal judge.In the June 2 subpoena, first published by the blog Popehat on Monday, the Justice Department orders Reason to provide a federal grand jury with “any and all identifying information” on the identities of commenters who mused about shooting federal judges and/or feeding them through a wood chipper.A May 31 article on Reason’s blog about the prosecution of Silk Road founder Ross “Dread Pirate Roberts” Ulbricht spurred the anonymous commenters’ vitriol. Ulbricht pleaded for leniency, but a federal judge sentenced Ulbricht to life in prison without parole for setting up the illicit online drug market.“It’s judges like these that should be taken out back and shot,” one Reason commenter wrote.“It’s judges like these that will be taken out back and shot,” another responded.“Why waste ammunition? Wood chippers get the message across clearly,” a third wrote. “Especially if you feed them in feet first.”Another comment suggested shooting such judges on courthouse steps instead.Other comments flagged by the Justice Department were less violent, such as one that wished for “a special place in hell reserved for that horrible woman.”In the subpoena, the Justice Department says it is seeking evidence regarding possible violations of federal laws against interstate threats. — Source: Justice Department Subpoenas To Unmask Commenters – BuzzFeed News

There is an argument and a counter-argument to be made here. The Conservatives are most likely saying that this is just more of “Obama’s America” at work and that, “This sort of thing did not happen during the Bush-era.” Well, there is a good reason for that.

President George W. Bush served in office from 2000 until 2008. Blogging really took off in 2003 and especially in 2004. Back then, TypePad was king, Blogger, which was owned then by Pyra Labs; was second and WordPress was just getting started. Blogging was being done, mostly by a few enterprising people, who saw potential in this new medium. Back then, the Government mostly viewed blogging as a novelty and rarely paid attention to it. Back in those days, the comments section on blogs, were like the “Wild West” as was most of the internet back then.

Well, things have changed. Blogs are now lumped in with this new buzzword: Social Media. They are a small part of it; because it is now dominated by Facebook, Twitter and the rest. But, it is still there and as a result; the Government is actually paying attention. Also too, I think Bush didn’t allow for the Government to do stuff like this, is because Bush did not, especially after 2006, want to be perceived as using the Government to stifle freedom of speech, especially among his harshest of critics.  More than anything, I just happen to believe that the Government is simply paying more attention, especially seeing that we have a black President.

Another thing is simply boils down to, is this here: Don’t threaten Government employees, like judges. That is just plain common sense. Judges do not make laws, they simply enforce them and make decisions based on case-law and the constitution and laws passed by the lawmakers. They are simply just doing their jobs. Just like them so-called racist white cops that I keep hearing about all the time.

Again, this is just all good common sense; something that in this politically polarized society that we live in today, is in dreadfully short supply.

Others: Wall Street Journal, Popehat, Raw Story, Balloon Juice, Bloomberg View,The Daily Caller, The Last Refuge, The Verge and Washington PostBloomberg View, Forbes, Techdirt, The Daily Caller, @mrfopow, The Verge,@popehat, @puellavulnerata, @wendymcelroy1 and Mediashift

Neoconservative Fox News Channel actively working to keep Rand Paul out of their coverage

Well, it seems that Neoconservative Fox News Channel is actively working with the elitists in the GOP to cut Rand Paul out of their election coverage. First you have this idiot clueless blonde dago bashing Rand Paul for daring to call out the neoconservatives on ISIS and now; this:

The Story

Once again, Fox News forgot to include Sen. Rand Paul in their coverage of a new 2016 presidential poll, even though the senator outperformed other candidates mentioned and the survey cited made Paul a significant part of their original headline.Quinnipiac released a poll today featuring the headline “Five Leaders In 2016 Republican White House Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Rubio, Paul Are Only Republicans Even Close To Clinton.” Yet in Fox News’ coverage, Paul apparently didn’t register enough to justify being shown on the broadcast of the poll.

Source: Fox News continues to blackout Rand Paul in their poll coverage | Rare

Check the graphics:

Fox News:


MSNBC’s Morning Joe:


If you think that Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz are not behind that, you are crazy. Why? Because they are these sort of people:

They are cyst on the ass of politics; and they should be ran out of the Republican Party and out of politics and as far as I am concerned, out of Country on a rail. 😡


Holy Moley! A progressive writer actually tells the truth about radical islam

Update – Sunday, May 17. 2015: I think that I need clear something up here. I do not support Pamela Geller’s abuse of freedom of speech at all.  Nor do I support that ISIS or any other radical muslim group. There is a solution to this problem; but it is not doing what Pamela Geller or Robert Spencer are doing. With these two, it is a religious war; Geller being Jewish and Spencer being a Papist. It is a religious war that almost got a bunch of people killed. For that alone; Geller and Spencer should be brought up on charges of hate speech which incited violence. With freedom of speech comes responsibility and they did not show that at all.

Consider this little snippet from a little video clip that I love: (Won’t work on mobile)

Think about that one, the next time you hear Pamela Geller say that someone is trying to take away her freedom of speech.

Here’s a headline you don’t see everyday:

The left has Islam all wrong: Bill Maher, Pamela Geller and the reality progressives must face –

It was enough to cause the bloggers at “Chick’s on the Right” to issue a “Flying Pig Alert!” Yeah really. What the heck else is gonna happen this week? Obama comes out… a Republican? 😯

Strange…. 😮

Oh, and by the way, I still don’t like it that Geller did that stuff okay? But, I can see this dude’s point. I also wrote that before ISIS said, “yeah, we did it…”

Mini-Movie: The frame job against Bashar al-Assad

This comes via, and I know some people might not like it that I linked to these guys. Well, you know what? Tough! This video is a eye-opener; and I really do not even like Alex Jones for some very good reasons.

Just like Al-Qaeda, ISIS was created by the United States. Our biggest threat as Americans, is not terrorism; it is our own Government.

Customs and Immigration Officer shoots suspect in Detroit; Suspect had a hammer

Of course, you know, the left is going to play this one for all it is worth. Considering what’s happening elsewhere.

Detroit — The 20-year-old armed robbery suspect who was fatally shot by a federal agent on Monday was “armed with a hammer,” Detroit’s police chief said Tuesday.The shooting, on the city’s west side, angered residents who had to be placated by the city’s police chief.The Detroit Fugitive Apprehension Team, a task force that included officers from the Detroit Police Department, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Marshals, were serving an armed robbery warrant in the 9500 block of Evergreen at the time of the shooting around 1:13 p.m., Detroit Police Chief James Craig said.The officers were allowed into the home to conduct their search, Craig said.The incident comes at a time of heightened tension between police and black communities in some U.S. cities, spurring a national debate about race and police tactics.In the Detroit incident, the suspect was black, as was the federal agent who shot him.

Source: Federal officer shoots, kills Detroit man one east side

The man was armed with a hammer, he tried to attack a federal officer, and he got shot. Just another day in the big city. But, as you know, because he is black, as was the agent that shot him; because of the stuff happening everywhere now, the left and their media lap-dogs are going to exploit this, in hopes that there is another riot in Detroit.

Because that, is what marxists do. Marxists exploit stuff like this to disrupt the system. You watch and see, summer is coming and Detroit has a white mayor. You watch, another uprising is coming and the marxists will be in the middle of it.

Related:  WXYZ-TVImmigration and Customs Enforcement officer shoots, kills suspect on Detroit’s west side

Others –YMMV:  ThinkProgress, Fusion, Detroit Free Press, Raw Story, ABC News and CBS Detroit

This is why I always verify before I hit publish

This is almost sad, I saw this and didn’t publish it.

This is why you verify everything. I guess ol’ neocon hindrocket didn’t think of that.  What a freakin’ moron! 🙄

A Las Vegas man claims he started a false rumor that the injuries suffered by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid several months ago were the result of an attack by Reid’s brother, not an exercise accident.Larry Pfeifer, a 50-year-old former consultant in the nightclub and entertainment industry, said he fabricated the story after becoming appalled that right-wing political blogger John Hinderaker published a rumor that Reid’s injuries stemmed from an assault by a Mafia enforcer. Pfeifer said he pitched his fake story about the Reid brothers’ supposed fight to Hinderaker, author of the Power Line blog, to test whether the blogger would publish it, as well. When Hinderaker reported it and the rumor was subsequently spread by others in conservative media, Pfeifer says he began plotting to self-report it as a lie to show the lack of credibility and journalistic standards among partisan media figures.“It was just so outrageous,” he said. “The fact that someone can say something completely false that can destroy somebody’s life, it’s just wrong. Where’s the moral compass?”Source: The big lie: Las Vegan watches as his Reid tale takes off – Las Vegas Sun News


NBC’s Brian Williams gets caught in a HUGE lie

The video:

The Story:

WASHINGTON — NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years.

Williams repeated the claim Friday during NBC’s coverage of a public tribute at a New York Rangers hockey game for a retired soldier that had provided ground security for the grounded helicopters, a game to which Williams accompanied him. In an interview with Stars and Stripes, he said he had misremembered the events and was sorry.

The admission came after crew members on the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook that was hit by two rockets and small arms fire told Stars and Stripes that the NBC anchor was nowhere near that aircraft or two other Chinooks flying in the formation that took fire. Williams arrived in the area about an hour later on another helicopter after the other three had made an emergency landing, the crew members said.

via NBC’s Brian Williams recants Iraq story after soldiers protest – U.S. – Stripes.

There is one thing, that is an unwritten law in the world of journalism; and that is that you never, ever, lie. Brian Williams broke that law. His career is over. Say goodnight Brian! It is no wonder that the suits at that liberal outhouse are making changes, hopefully they will do the right thing and fire all of the idiot liberals over there and put real thinking Americans to work, that report the news and stop with the advocate journalism. Well, a guy can dream, right?


Others:, Washington Monthly, Hit & Run, Fox News, Fox News Insider,Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, Scared Monkeys, Washington Post,Mr. Media Training, The Daily Caller, Gawker, Poynter, BREITBART.COM, The Hill,Mashable, Mediaite, CNNMoney, Breaking News Updates, The Gateway Pundit, Talking Points Memo, Yahoo! News, Ed Driscoll, Weekly Standard, The Huffington Post, RedState,Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, TVNewser, Hinterland Gazette, NPR, New York Magazine, Business Insider and The Big Lead, more at Mediagazer » The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Mr. Media Training, TPNN, Deadline, NBC News, Breaking News Updates and Poynter, more at Mediagazer », Fox News, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, Mashable,Hit & Run, FishbowlDC and The Daily CallerNewsmax and The Daily, The Powers That Be and The Daily CallerTVNewser,, Twitchy, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, Raw Story, The Daily Caller and Business Insider