My Take on the Debates

On the Republican Side. I really did not see a clear "winner". I think that the barbs back and forth were totally uncalled for. I mean, They are supposed to be debating issues, not name calling and mud slinging. Although the off the cuff comments by McCain to Romney were great. Although, Huckabee needs to just leave Romney alone. I mean, Romney has him beat money-wise like 10 to 1, he could bury him, if he wanted to.

The Republicans really need to thin that herd out. There’s just too many of them.

Ron Paul is an total idiot, he needs to go to the Libertarian Party. I mean, he’s coming off looking like the resident psycho of the group. He hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in Hades, so, why continue? It just makes the party look bad.

Fred Thompson came off as totally unmotivated, I think he’ll be out by this coming Tuesday.

On the Democratic side, the barbs between Hillary and Edwards and Obama and Edwards looked totally staged.

As far as a "winner" on the Democratic side, I think Edwards and Obama looked good. They did hold the "Change" banner up and defended it well, Hillary started out well, but ended up looking like a "screaming meme" at the end. It was all about her bragging about how much experience she has. I think people will pick up on that come time for the vote.

Richardson is a nice man, too nice for this race, I look for him to drop out, come this vote, he’s already laid off staffers.

And there you have it, the official of center guy’s take on the Debates.

Bill O'Reilly almost gets his tail kicked.


Fox’s Bill O’Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally.

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly got into a confrontation with an Obama aide after O’Reilly started screaming at him as he tried to get Barack Obama’s attention following a rally here. O’Reilly eventually did chat briefly with Obama and asked him to be a guest on his show

I must confess. I would have loved to see the secret service slamming Bill O’s idiot noggin’ on the ground.

I think he should have been arrested. He was breaking the rules, he was not where he was supposed to be. You notice he didn’t challenge the secret service.

Of course, BillO spins it to his advantage. But it’s of course, Bullshit. Something he’s known for.

What more can you expect from a guy who sexually harasses his employees?

Others: Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Radio Equalizer, The Democratic Daily, The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, TVNewser, Macsmind, Big Head DC, Althouse and Blogs of War and others via Memeorandum

Huckabee and Obama win in Iowa

 Wow! What a race!

Huckabee and Obama win in Iowa Via Politico:

Mike Huckabee won a convincing victory among Republicans Thursday night, while Democrat Barack Obama posted a narrow and historic win over Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards as Iowans rendered the first  true judgments of the 2008 presidential cycle.

Huckabee was declared the winner at 9 p.m. Eastern time, easily besting Mitt Romney – a storyline that was unthinkable just weeks ago. With 41 percent of precincts reporting, Huckabee led Romney by a 31 to 23 percent margin.

Obama was called the winner just before 9:30 p.m.

Truly this is a political election of change. People are tired of the status quo, and people have voted with change. Huckabee represents that change on the Right and Obama on the Left.

I look for this to be a very interesting race. I look forward to following it.

Of course, Romney remains optimistic:

"Congratulations for the first round to Mike," Romney said on Fox News just before 9 p.m. Romney said that despite the disappointing results, he still felt that he would ultimately "be the one with the nomination”

Translation: Congrads, But I’m still going to win! Hee hee

I have seen on MSNBC and I have read that turn out was doubled this time. Where there were like 80 people in a district in 2004. There were hundreds this time. This is good, it seems that the American people are interested in this Election. This is such a good thing.

I just look forward to the spin that Hillary and the other candidates that didn’t do so well, spin this to their advantage. 

New Iowa Poll: Obama pulls past Hillary Clinton

New poll numbers…….

New Iowa Poll: Obama widens lead over Clinton

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has widened his lead in Iowa over Hillary Clinton and John Edwards heading into Thursday’s nominating caucuses, according to The Des Moines Register’s final Iowa Poll before the 2008 nominating contests.

Obama’s rise is the result in part of a dramatic influx of first-time caucus-goers, including a sizable bloc of political independents. Both groups prefer the Illinois senator in what has been a very competitive campaign.

With Obama at 32% and Hillary at 25%, it is quite obvious, people want change and Obama offers that.  Hillary is just a continuation of Bill Clinton. I believe people see that.

I’m not too concerned about his Religion. I could care less. This race is not about Religion, It is not about skin color, it is not about Islam vs Christianity. It is about who is the person that can lead this Country, who can steer this Country away from the idiot nonsense that the Bush Administration has created. It is about electing a President that can protect the American people, not with lies and fear mongering, like Rudy Giuliani. But rather with honesty and integrity.  Something that has not been in the White House, or in Washington D.C. entirely for the last 6 years.

Let us hope that the caucus-goers choose the right person.

Others: The Fix, Captain’s Quarters, Washington Monthly, Editorial RSS, The Swamp, The Carpetbagger Report, Boston Globe, You Decide 08!, New York Times, Classical Values, Taylor Marsh, TIME, CALIFORNIA YANKEE, Cliff Schecter, The Caucus, Democratic Strategist, Marc Ambinder, No Left Turns, MyDD, Craig Crawford’s Trail Mix, Ben Smith’s Blogs, TPM Election Central, Daily Kos, Open Left, Lynn Sweet, PoliGazette, Washington Wire, TalkLeft,, The New Republic, Liberal Values,, Right Wing Nut House, AMERICAblog, Hotline On Call, The Democratic Daily, Primary Monitor Blog, The Page, Associated Press, GreenMountainPolitics1 and Others via Memeorandum