German chick sees Obama, goes ga-ga…

Does Michelle know about this?

A few snort worthy quotes:

“Hi, how’s it going?“ asks Obama in his deep voice. My heart beats. “Very good, and you?” I say. Obama replies: “Very good, thank you!”

What? No Halo? Hmmm…

He goes and picks up a pair of 16 kilo
weights and starts curling them with his left and right arms, 30
repetitions on each side. Then, amazingly, he picks up the 32 kilo
Very slowly he lifts
them, first 10 curls with his right, then 10 with his left. He breathes
deeply in and out and takes a sip of water from his 0,5 litre Evian

Oh man, making me moist already… 😛 😆

“My name’s Judith” I reply. “I’m Barack
Obama, nice to meet you!” he says, and puts his arm across my shoulder.
I put my arm around his hip – wow, he didn’t even sweat!


For those wondering… 16 kilos is 78 pounds. 🙄

Macsmind,, Newsweek Blogs, Stop The ACLU, Wonkette,, alicublog and Deadline USA

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My thoughts on the aborted Obama visit to the German Hospital

Yes, I have an opinion about this story.

To me, about the only thing that it shows, is a lack of poor judgment by Obama.

To be fair, his Senate staff had already gone home, before the Pentagon called to say that he could not visit as a Presidential Candidate. To some, this suggests that President or his minions tried to interfere. I will not go that far, as I do not believe that the President has an interest at all, in attempting to sabotage Obama’s run for the President. The Pentagon was simply following procedure and most likely was attempting to spare Obama a embarrassing situation.

Further more, I think the right in trying to use this, as some sort of way of discrediting Obama, like McCain, is only going to backfire and make McCain look like a jerk to the general public.

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The Bags that the Liberals should be carrying….

I was over at TalkCommie, er, um, I mean, Talk Left and was reading about the Bags that the DNC are selling for the convention.

Well, I got my own ideas for a official DNC convention Bag.


Get yours now. Click here or on the picture

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No smart McCain, Not smart at all

Really smart McCain, really smart. Blow off your Republican Conservative Media base for the Liberal Media.

Watch it:

I don’t know if the maverick knows this or not, but the Conservative media could turn on him on a dime. He is already doing poorly in the polls and the next to the Obamassiah, he looks like an out of touch fool. So, if I were McCain, I would be kissing the collective ass of the Main Stream Conservative Media. Because they could, in effect, bury his campaign in a New York minute. 

Democrat's Senate Energy Bill flops, because of Democrat Stupidity

This does not surprise me in the least, as I have often said, we need to close the Enron loophole AND increase production.

Via Reuters:


Legislation to rein in excessive energy speculation failed a key procedural vote on Friday to move forward in the Senate, and now lawmakers will set aside the bill to consider other legislation.

The House of Representatives may take up its own anti-speculation bill next week, and then lawmakers will get
ready to leave for their month-long recess in August.
Sixty "yes" votes were required in the 100-member Senate for the bill to move forward, but the measure received only 50 "yes" votes, while 43 lawmakers opposed.

Senate Democrats said the legislation was needed to give the government new powers to curb speculators, whom many lawmakers accused of being behind the run-up in crude oil and gasoline prices.

So, why did the Democrats shelve this very important bill? Because they wanted to end the speculation WITHOUT loosening the tight regulations of drilling for oil, that’s why! 🙄


Senate Republicans strongly opposed the bill because it focused only on speculation, and they argued the legislation should be modified to also boost U.S. oil production by allowing more offshore drilling and developing vast oil shale fields in the West.

Republicans said tight petroleum supplies that were unable to keep up with demand were the cause of high energy prices.

"Americans are insisting we do more. They want us to do something to cut the price of gas and lessen our dependence on Middle East oil," said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

"And so I ask my friends (Democrats) on the other side the same simple question I asked them yesterday: If you won’t act now, with dialysis patients cutting back on treatments because of high gas prices, when will you? What is it going to take?" McConnell said.

However, instead telling the truth about the elitist, limousine Democrats, who really do not care if the gas of prices tops 5 to 8 dollars a gallon, instead scary Harry Reid, The idiot Mormon piece of crap, says this, spinning the pointed head top that he is..:


"Republicans once again have run away from an opportunity to provide a short-term solution to our energy crisis," Reid said. "While Democrats have worked to stop greedy speculators who artificially inflate oil prices, Republicans have chosen to protect them.


Leave it to the idiot Democrats, to stall the wheels of progress and prevent relief at the pump, because they want to regulate everything so damned tightly. As, of all people, Howard Stern put it, "They’re nothing but damned commies."

Amen, Howard, they are commies. They’re also commies who do not like to be criticized as well. It seems that Scary Harry Reid got a little hot under the collar over the way the press was covering him. Two words for that feckless Mormon piece of garbage; TOUGH SHIT!

Do you NOW see why I left the "Left of Center" position?!?!?!?!

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Snort Worthy Quote of the day

Seen over at

This groundbreaking moment? Which reminds us of what Republican consultant Doug Heye said on FNC over the weekend: “We don’t want President Hasselhoff.”


Seriously, I was thinking of these guys:

Others: NO QUARTER and Macsmind

My thoughts on Obama in Berlin Germany

Okay, Here are my thoughts on Barack’s speech and about him being overseas.

First off, I don’t know how many readers of come over here and read my Blog. But in case you didn’t notice, I left early from Ed’s Show today. Why? Here’s why, okay?… and just hear me out. I’m just getting tired of it all. I’m getting tired of listening to Conservatives and their lame ass bullshit. What am I talking about? The sifting through Obama’s speeches to see if he contradicts himself. The constant lame ass mocking of his campaign. The very idiotic attempt to paint him as something that he isn’t. First it was that he was some sort of psudo-Muslim, Then it was a communist, then it was an elitist. It is all just stupid nonsense. In fact, I’ve just taken the sidebar ad off, with the link to the two sites, the one, that is run by pissed off Democrats and Hillary supporters and the other run by a Conservative, that makes a bunch of totally unproven accusations against Obama.

My biggest question to those who take some sort of warped pleasure in doing this is, have you people bothered to stop and look at how lame and stupid John McCain is making the Republican Party look? I know, Obama has made some gaffes, but has anyone bothered to check out how many gaffes McCain has made? The are just about equal, if not more.

As for what Barack did in Germany, I watched what little the drive by media showed. There were 200 thousand people there, and not the very little that was said over on Ed’s Show. The man, quite frankly, kicked some serious ass. He has upstaged John McCain and made him look like an out of touch old fool. The argument by the Conservatives that what he did was reserved for Presidents is quite frankly non-sequitur. Obama is not only running for President of the United States of America, he is running for the position of the leader of the damn free world. The quicker the Conservatives figure this out, the better off they will be. The problem is that the Republicans are more interested in droning the same ol’ lame assed, stale talking points, over and over and over and over, to the point sounding like someone with a bad case of tourettes syndrome.

I guess what I am a bit dismayed over, is the fact that talking points have become more popular than substance in this election, especially by the Republicans and Conservatives. It just gets old. I am just getting tired of the same stuff everyday. Nothing original, nothing new, just stale talking points.

I think that the best thing that the Republican Party and the Conservatives as a whole can do, is to accept the fact that John McCain is going to lose this election and get in the mode of working towards 2012. I mean, what the hell can John McCain run on?? He has zero credentials with the Economy or how to handle it. The war in Iraq is a big issue, but this economy is a much broader issue. It just seems that the more McCain tries to tout his leadership credentials, the more of buffoon he appears to be.

I’m saying all this because, quite frankly, I am just tapped out. I need a break from this headline chasing. So, tomorrow, unless some earth shattering headline demands me to write. I will be taking the day to just relax and not try and do this political opinion crap. I also may take the entire weekend off. I really need it. Because at this point, this whole blogging thing is quite frankly, starting to suck really bad.

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Richard Simmons…..for Congress….Wha?

(H/T HotAir)

Now I know that Politics has entered the silly season!

Richard Simmons — Congressman? (Via CNN Political Ticker)

Fitness star and effervescence extreme Richard Simmons is on Capitol Hill today, tackling the issue of childhood obesity and pushing for increased school exercise programs. But as he testifies before the House Education and Labor Committee, the 60-year-old is nodding toward that celebrity siren song: political office.

In a half-serious, half-jocular tone, Simmons described his approach to the hearing, saying, “I want to have the respect of a congressman, I want to talk like a congressman, and maybe, someday, I’ll be a congressman.”

During three minutes of follow-up questions, Simmons displayed an almost Washingtonian flare for avoiding a direct position. “However I can be of use,” he said, “If my country wants me, I’ll be there for my country.”

So has no plans to run?

“Well,” he answered coyly, “I don’t know. I may run for office. You never know.”

Egad. What’s next? Pee Wee Herman? 🙄

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Editorial: The Edwards “Affair” Story and the Main Stream Media

There is nothing that quite annoys me more than anything else, and that is to have to repeat myself on this Blog and in my writings in general. However, this one of those times when a repeat and a formal editorial on one of the most idiotic stories to ever hit the blogging world is stubbornly refusing to die.

As some of you might have read here earlier, there is a story floating around in the scandal sheets that John Edwards is having an extra martial affair with another woman. I commented on it very briefly once already.  However, it seems that this annoying story is now taking a very different turn.  The Bloggers on the Conservative side of the aisle, lacking anything substantive to Blog about are continuing the discussion about it.

Some of these Conservative Bloggers are wailing rather loudly about the Main Stream Media’s lack of coverage of this particular story and are asking why is it not being covered by them.

Ladies and Gentleman of the Blogging community let me give you the professional answer to the provocative question that has been looming in the Blogsophere.  The reason why the Main Stream media, so far, has refused to cover this rather idiotic story can be summed up into two great words, which are not commonly found in the world of Blogging and those words are; Journalistic Integrity.

Journalistic Integrity is a common mode of practice in most newsrooms across the country.  It is the law that dictates as to how the news is reported.  It is the law the tells the political news reporters not to harp on a story that was first found in a scandal rag that is more noted for it’s bald faced lies, than it is for it’s honesty in reporting. It is the law that tells reporters that they are not to attempt to ruin the life of a man, who has spent his entire life helping people, all over a story that is simply nothing more than some fabulist’s creative writing project.

Politics aside, this story, that is being heralded on some political Blogs as some conspiracy theory to cover up a man’s wrong doing.  This is something that could ruin a man’s life, and personally, I think that any Blogger that would knowingly pass this story on knowing that it is false, Frankly, I think that man is nothing more than a simple-minded bastard.

To my fellow Bloggers, to those of you who still have any sort of human conscience still left within you.  I ask of you, as a fellow Blogger.  I ask you, as a fellow Conservative.  I ask you as an American, as a fellow human being.  Please, for the sake of the Edwards family.  For the sake of Elisabeth Edwards, who, by the way, is dying of cancer, let this bastard story die the proper death.

Ladies and Gentleman, we are Americans and we can do better than this.  I, like many other Conservative Bloggers, share a high disdain of the socialist agenda of the Liberal Democratic Party.  However, I find the repeating of a story that frankly sounds like it was the work of a high school fabulist writer, to be unconscionable.

It has been said and it has been sung, and it has have been written in the Bible, that there is a time and place for everything.  This not the time, nor is it the proper place, nor is it the proper story.  Let us show the Liberal Blogging community that we are the political ideology of integrity and respect and not the party of petty back alley childish foolishness.

The Republican Party is already in a crisis state, this would only add to that crisis.  Let us not be foolish in our doings.

What REALLY happened on Obama's visit to Afghanistan

This, an e-mail from someone in the USAF, It comes via Blackfive, where you can read the whole thing.


As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand, he blew them off and didn’t say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.

Unbelievable. Tammi says she’s not voting for him, and I know I will not be either.

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