More Socialist Liberal Union Thuggery

Go Read.

I wonder if the MSM will cover this? (Yeah right! šŸ™„ )

Remember this come 2010 and 2012.

(H/T to Glenn)

Coming to America under Obama rule?

I have to give Kudo’s to Pamela Geller for reporting what I wanted to here.

Go read.

I mean, are white people, who Obama’s followers deem to be racist going to end up dead?

It is a fair question to ask.

Dan Rather explains himself

I am, of course, referring to this little poor choice of words.

First off, Dan explains in his own way, that he is from the pre-internet generation. This is understandable. The man is just old. You have to remember, he was one of the reporters in the trenches in Vietnam. He did work under Walter Cronkite. So, he is old, as in almost my dad’s age. Even I can understand that.

He explains his rather “off the cuff” remark:

All this is the backdrop for what I said on the Matthews show. I was talking about Obama and health care and I used the analogy of selling watermelons by the side of the road. It’s an expression that stretches to my boyhood roots in Southeast Texas, when country highways were lined with stands manned by sellers of all races. Now of course watermelons have become a stereotype for African Americans and so my analogy entered a charged environment. I’m sorry people took offense. – Source Huffington Post

He goes on to say, and I believe this is important:

But anyone who knows me personally or knows my professional career would know that race was not on my mind. Reporting on the injustices of race was part of the reason I became a reporter. I grew up in segregated Texas on the same side of the tracks as the African American community. At the time, enlightened people called them Negros. Many people called them much worse. When I covered the Civil Rights movement, I saw sheer hatred in ways that still haunt and shock me. For doing my small part in reporting on the South in the 1960s, I was called a traitor to my roots and other names not fit for print. I was threatened with death by people who would have welcomed me to their church on Sunday on account of my white skin if they didn’t know what I was there to do. I do not take this issue lightly.

I am inclined to believe him here, as I do agree with his position on the subject. Also too, I believe it is important to understand the framing of the comment as well. He did just say, in his own southern style that President Obama is, in fact, a lousy salesman. Now he said something to the effect of, “That Obama isn’t nothing more than a stupid Watermelon eatin’ so and so…” it would be quite different. But it was not said in that matter. Yes, I know, Rush Limbaugh and we Conservative Bloggers did raise the “If a Conservative have said that” flag up; Which I believe is valid. There is a double standard in this country when it comes to race and political party affiliation, I know that. However, I believe this one here was just a tad bit blown out of proportion.

Finally, Dan Rather makes this very important point:

What saddens me is what this experience has made all too clear. Much of what we call news, isn’t. Much of what we Tweet, or post, or chat away at under the guise of news, are distractions.


The optimist in me believes that we are not as polarized as the partisans on the left and right would want us to believe. They make money on division. I have gotten dozens of letters from viewers for my HDNet show saying that they thought I was a left-wing partisan hack until they sat down and watched our reports. This is not meant to be self-aggrandizing. It is just evidence that if we stopped worrying about political point-scoring and sat and listened to the issues that matter, we would be less distracted and more focused on the problems that we all face and must solve together.

Sorry folks, I cannot argue with that. Thanks Dan for the clarification.Ā  I know I might take heat for highlighting the above, but you know what? I do not care. I think if both sides would simply work together and stop with the decisive nonsense; we might just be able to fix the Nation’s problems; like Healthcare, like Jobs and many of the other problems that are hurting Nation right now.

Why Do Conservative Republicans do STUPID stuff like this?

You see now why I am sort of taking a break?


In this country, we had slavery for God knows how long. And now we look back on it and we say “How brave were they? What was the matter with them? You know, I can’t believe, you know, four million slaves. This is incredible.” And we’re right, we’re right. We should look back on that with criticism. It is a crushing mark on America’s soul. And yet today, half of all black children are aborted. Half of all black children are aborted. Far more of the African American community is being devastated by the policies of today than were being devastated by policies of slavery. And I think, What does it take to get us to wake up?

via GOPer: Abortion taking worse toll on blacks than slavery – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

šŸ˜Æ šŸ˜® Wow. šŸ™„

Man, Election 2010 cannot come quick enough time to get the stupid people out. šŸ˜”

Democrats are rightly pissed:

Frank’s comments raised the ire of Democrats.

“To compare the horrors and inhumane treatment of millions of African Americans during slavery as a better way of life for African Americans today is beyond repulsive,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Deputy Press Secretary Stephanie Young said in a statement. “In 2010, during the second year of our first African American President, it is astonishing that a thought such as this would come to mind, let alone be shared.”

…and naturally this damned genius is hiding. šŸ™„

Frank could not be reached for comment because he is currently on a plane back to Arizona, according to his spokesperson.

So, not only is this man an idiot; he’s a coward too! šŸ™„

Oy. Back to my break.

Randy Haddock Responds to Keith Olbermann

Perhaps a better response to the Keith Olbermann Smear of the National Tea Party Movement. This one is by Randy Haddock:

First, his choice of words. People of color? Who are these colored people heā€™s referring to? What does that mean? It may be because Iā€™m not a native English speaker, but I find this ā€œpeople of colorā€ business to be really bizarre. So as a Boricua, am I colored? I guess Iā€™m olive but if I hit the beach on a sunny day I can be golden brown. Is he referring strictly to skin color? Culture? Ethnicity? I mean, Iā€™m not that much darker than Mr. Olbermann himself. Do I fall into his ā€œpeople of colorā€ category?

Or, as I suspect, are ā€œpeople of colorā€ just code for those who deviate too much from the skin color which Olbermann seems to deem as the standard? I mean, come on, Olbermann has no color, right? Heā€™s white. That ainā€™t no color. Thatā€™s just how itā€™s supposed to be, right? So, all I can think of is that he means ā€œblack.ā€ Black people are colored, and everyone else is just normal and a-OK. Man, this race and colors stuff is difficult to understand!

And secondly, the question is stupid, the premise terribly moronic and the insinuation totally insulting. The Tea Party protesters arenā€™t racist. Are there a few kooks with nefarious motivations? Sure, every movement has them. Itā€™s nice how, during the Bush years, the MSM did everything they could to whitewash the fringe elements of the antiwar movement, but I digress. Whatā€™s Olbermannā€™s evidence that Tea Parties are overwhelmingly racist? Apparently, that there are no ā€œpeople of colorā€ at these rallies. That is so blatantly false as to induce uncontrollable laughter. There are people of all backgrounds at the Tea Parties. But even if an event is dominated by a certain race group, what does that prove? Similar to what Glenn Reynolds said earlier this month, if you look at a group of white folks and the first thought that pops into your head is ā€œracists!ā€ then you have some serious issues.

So I put together this video response to Olbermannā€™s burning question. Here are his ā€œpeople of colorā€ heā€™s been inquiring about.

Very well put.

Others: Instapundit, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, The Corner on National ā€¦,, Newsalert and alicublog

Oh.Lordy President Obama is now Homey?

Good Lord.

Via ABC:

ABCā€™s Jonathan Karl andĀ Z. Byron WolfĀ report from Washington D.C.:

It is one of the biggest annual gatherings of conservatives in Washington.Ā  The yearly CPAC convention hosts everyone from Sen. Scott Brown to Mitt Romney.Ā  Even former Vice-President Dick Cheney made a surprise appearance today.

The crowd was full of frustration towards President Obama and his administration, and the words ā€œTea Partyā€ seemed to be flying out of every Republicanā€™s mouth.Ā  One big agenda item for the Republicans?Ā  Galvanizing the youth vote.

And one of the people leading the youth charge is Stephen Baldwin.Ā  One of the famous Baldwin brothers, Baldwin hosts a conservative radio show and has enlisted himself in the youth recruitment effort.Ā  Baldwin told our Jonathan Karl that he blames Obama for the state of the country, but also prays for him.

ā€œI am not happy about the way things are.Ā  I pray for President Obama every single day.Ā  But tell you what.Ā  Homey made this bed, now he has got to lay in it,ā€ said Baldwin.

Uh…. Um, I should have this under this heading here. But, I figured it could stand on its own. I mean, Homey? I think you can now guess why I did not attend CPAC. I mean, I am all for the defending of the Constitution, limited Government, and the defense of the Christian Faith. But what I am not for, is going to some Convention; where a bunch of wealthy and some not-so wealthy white people; sit around and bitch about the evil black socialist President. I give them credit, some of them nuance the racism, and do it very well; but most do not, and some do not even nuance it at all. This is one of worst examples of nuanced racism ever. Nothing says I have a problem with the black race better, than a pasty white guy calling a black man,”Homey”,Ā  much less the President of the United States, who just happens to be black.

I will be honest with you, I do not like President Obama’s politics whatsoever. But I do respect the office. This is why you do not see me writing about stupid kooky conspiracy theories on here. I’ve done it in the past and got burned hardcore; after that I said that until the birthers can provide me some solid proof that Obama was not born here, other than the opinions or half-baked claims of some attention-whoring, black-hating, harpy Jew with an attitude; I just will not write about it anymore, period.Ā  Anyhow, Orly Taitz aside; that is why I do not write about the nonsense. Because I respect the man’s office. Some cannot; but I can and do try to. That does not mean he is above criticism, because you know that I do that well. Although here as of late, he is scoring some brownie points with me on the Afghanistan war.

Anyhow, it just irked me, because both of these guys, especially the bug-eyed jack ass in the middle are supposedly Christians —- Evangelical Christians no less.Ā  But yet, they make idiotic statements like this. You know see why I left the Evangelical circles for good. Because of ignorant crap like this. Which is, incidentally, forbidden by the Bible.

I have said this in the past and I will say it again. If the Republican Party thinks that embracing this sort of nuanced racism is going to do anything for them in the coming elections in 2010 and 2012, they had better think again. Because I will warn them; the American people are just much too smart for that and they will suffer in the coming elections. because I will tell you, that I WILL NOT VOTE for a party that embraces this sort of anti-black, nuanced racism. I will vote libertarian; I did it once and I will do it again. It is seriously time to get real folks, and this is not doing that at all.

Another good reason why I do not support Ron Paul

There are some who might not like the fact that I am linking to this blog. However, I believe this person does have a valid point.

Click here to see: Ron Paul Fans Post Tributes to Rabid Antisemite

If we do not distance ourselves from these people, we will pay for it dearly in the coming elections.