Guest Voice: "WHERE ARE DOBSON AND PCC NOW?" By Chuck Baldwin

I ask my non-Christian friends to bear with me on this column. As one will quickly see, this column is addressed to my fellow Christian conservatives.

Regular readers of this column know that one of my chief frustrations is the way Christian conservatives (otherwise known as the “Religious Right”) are so easily deceived by Republican politicians. The all-time classic illustration of this foible is the way the Religious Right was (and is) so enamored with President George W. Bush. No matter what Bush did: no matter how egregiously unconstitutional, no matter how utterly stupid, no matter how blatantly evil his actions were, Christian conservatives (almost universally) either robotically accepted and approved what he did, or blindly looked the other way. It was maddening!

It was as if Christian conservatives lost all ability to reason; it was as if they lost all discernment and discretion. Because George W. Bush claimed to be a Christian, and because he was a Republican, he could do no wrong. To this very day, the only group of people who yet approves of Bush’s Presidency is the Religious Right. Everyone else on the planet realizes that George W. Bush’s Presidency will go down in history has one of the all-time worst.

George Bush took a prosperous and robust economy, and led America to the verge of a second Great Depression. He has taken a (relatively) free and independent republic to the brink of becoming a globalist Police State. He has pushed the envelope of executive power; he has trampled individual liberty; he has made a mockery of justice; and he has made America the laughingstock of the world. In addition, Bush has misused and abused our nation’s bravest and finest by his illegal and inexcusable invasion of Iraq. No matter. The Religious Right still loves him. Why? Because he is a “Christian” Republican.

Since 2000, James Dobson, Pensacola Christian College (PCC), and their peers around the country have had an eight-year lovefest with George W. Bush. Life-size cardboard posters of Bush have stood in their bookstores for eight long, laborious years. Grade school children in their Christian schools have been subjected to Bush propaganda for eight tedious, tiresome years. To them, G.W. Bush ranks somewhere between Moses and the Almighty. And nothing Bush said or did seemed to matter.

I said all of that to call attention to a recent interview Cynthia McFadden had with President Bush on ABC’s Nightline this past Monday. During the interview, McFadden asked Bush if the Bible was literally true.

Now, acceptance of the Bible’s literalness is one of conservative Christianity’s most sacred doctrines. There is not a professor at PCC (or any other conservative Christian college or university) that would keep his or her job for a nano-second, if he or she even questioned the veracity of the Scriptures. Right? You know it’s true! Most conservative Christians would even go so far as to say that one cannot be a born-again Christian who does not believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

Well, what was George Bush’s response to McFadden’s question? He said, “You know. Probably not. . . . No, I’m not a literalist.” Notice, Bush twice denied the veracity of the Scriptures.

Now, Bush has no reason to “fudge” his answers, right? He has no more elections to face. No more, “He’s got to say this to get elected,” which was the flippant explanation given by the Religious Right to excuse Bush’s numerous apostate positions during the past eight years.

So, George W. Bush clearly stated that he does not believe the Bible is God’s Holy, inspired Word. Will Dobson and PCC still say that Bush is “one of us”?

Then, as Bush attempted to give a Christian testimony, he told McFadden, “It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life. All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter . . . .”

What kind of Christian testimony is this: “I got back into religion”? I doubt that this kind of testimony would grant membership in the Campus Church (which is not even a genuine New Testament church, you understand) at PCC or in virtually any conservative Christian church.

I am confident, however, that Bush’s statements will do nothing to diminish his god-like status with James Dobson and the rest of the Religious Right in America. For eight long and bloody years, Christian conservatives have been selling their convictions, doctrines, and even their consciences to George W. Bush. I will even go so far as to say that, in many respects, millions of Christians have turned President Bush into an idol. Many of them would forsake their pastor, their friends, and even their own family before they would forsake George W. Bush and the Republican Party.

Of course, none of this would have happened had Christians–and especially Christian pastors–not lost touch with their American heritage. Had they maintained a studied understanding of constitutional government, and of the principles of Natural Law upon which it rests, they would not have become dupes for Bush and his fellow neocons.

I doubt very much whether Thomas Jefferson was a born-again Christian (after all, he, like Bush, expressed doubt regarding the Bible’s literalness), but he fully understood–and embraced–the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and was more than willing to inculcate those principles into our country’s most sacred document: our Declaration of Independence. As such, Jefferson will be forever regarded as one of America’s greatest Founding Fathers and Presidents. Believe me, America was far better off with Thomas Jefferson than with George W. Bush!

So, where are Dobson and PCC now? Will any of them utter a word of rebuke to their “Christian” President for his apostasy? No, they won’t. (As a comparison, contemporary pastors most certainly did rebuke Jefferson for his public statements questioning Christ’s divinity, even though he was a Founding Father and author of the Declaration of Independence.) Of course, Barack Obama will not escape the public repudiation of Dobson and Company. Why? He is a Democrat. You see, it’s not principle; it’s partisan politics that matters, after all.

While we are asking questions, when will our fellow Christians and pastors finally open their history books? When will they read the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence? And when will they open their minds and hearts–even a crack–to the possibility that they might have been duped, and that there is more to being elected to the office of President besides being a “Christian” Republican? Probably never.

In four more years, there will doubtless be another “Christian” Republican for the Religious Right to fawn over. Where he or she stands on the Constitution won’t matter; neither will it matter whether this newest “Christian” Republican has any commitment to national sovereignty, the Bill of Rights, or to fundamental freedoms. All that will matter is that he or she professes to be a Christian, and has an “R” behind their name. And, quite frankly, this last election proved that even a Christian profession is not necessary. All that is required is the “R” behind the name.


Let's Boycott Alabama

It seems that there is a grassroots effort to get a boycott Alabama, in response to the Alabama Senator Richard Shelby’s attempted stonewalling of the bridge loans to the Big Three. Well, it’s big two now, Ford will not be needing the help.

Anyhow, here is a e-mail written by my Mother, who is a spouse of a retired General Motors worker.

Senator Shelby,

I doubt that you read the emails sent to your office but perhaps it will be read by someone who will show you the many emails you are sure to receive, and will point out to you just how wrong you are. There are a lot of derogatory comments that could be made but I prefer to try to point out a few facts that you evidently have not wanted to know. My husband and my father are both General Motors retirees and I know firsthand from where I speak.

Perhaps you think the auto workers are wealthy, making that mysterious $75 an hour that has been bandied about in the media. Unfortunately that is very far from the truth. They have never made that much, even including benefits, and most of them live from paycheck to paycheck trying to make ends meet like most middle class people. If the auto companies go bankrupt as you desire, not only will the auto workers lose their jobs, but also jobs directly and indirectly connected, such as suppliers, stores and restaurants located near the plants and of course it will trickle down to the cities who will lose the tax revenues these plants produce. We are not only talking about Detroit and Michigan but every state that has a plant or plants belonging to the Big 3.

It’s odd to me that you think that two companies that have been in business for over 100 years and one that is over 83 years old do not know what they are doing. If this is true how do you explain the fact that they sell over 50% of the cars purchased in the world and have won many, many multiple awards over the years for their cars? Do you perhaps think that people are just too stupid or uneducated to realize they are buying an inferior product? And the award givers are too dumb to realize they are giving an award to a poorly built, not very innovative dinosaur? Maybe you need to voice that opinion in your next media interview. I’m sure people would be interested to hear it.

You need to come out of your office and meet with the GM, Ford and Chrysler workers themselves. Could you really look them in the face, knowing they have families to support and bills to pay and tell them you think they should join the ranks of the unemployed? Do you think it is their fault that the economy has taken such a downturn because of mismanagement on Wall Street, the banks and yes, the government?

The auto companies and the union are trying their best to jump through all the hoops the Congress is throwing at them, as ridiculous as some of them are. To let them go under will cause a depression like this nation has not seen in many years. I hope you think long and hard about that.

By the way, I fully support the boycott of your state.

Y’all see where I get the writing skills from? I was told that I could post that, as long as I did not sign her name.

Anyhow, if you’d like to join the grassroots effort boycott Alabama. Please go to the Official Boycott Alabama Page.

Good Time for a Missile Strike!

Video: (Via Breit Bart)

AP has the Details.

If you have a problem with what I just wrote. I encourage you to take a look at the ISLAM section of my Bookstore. Especially this title HERE. Perhaps you should also check out the section on 9/11. Maybe you’ll have a dfferent view after you buy some books telling of the horrible carnage and death that took place that fateful day. Yet, we have bastard Liberals, like “The One” who want to try and talk with these monsters. Perhaps it is because he’s one of them.

So, Bush, you’re already the lame duck, you know where most of the money came from anyhow. Why not just authorize a missile strike and wipe out all of ISLAM in one great swoop? A missile attack, and the President’s outlawing the Pratice of Islam in this Country, would be the ultimate act of justice to all of those who died on September 11, 2001.

Alfonzo on The "Declaration of Dependence"

An Excellent Video:

Now, towards of the end of this. He gets off into the weeds about the Unions. I’ll give him a pass on it. Because some of the stuff he says, I kind agree with. But he went overboard with the “They should gotten out from under them years ago…” I disgree with that crap. But the rest of the video is right on point.

Of course, if I was a real butt hole, I could say if it weren’t for the Democrats, his black ass would not have half the freedom that he has now. But to counter that, If it were not for Abe Lincoln, he would be still in chains. So, it evens out. 😀

Still I wish there were more black people, like Zo here who believed this way. But unfortunately most of them got sucked into that stupid socialist identity politics crap. Thanks to tools like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Good show Zo, as always man. 😀

Best Conservative Blog Entry Ever

There are very few Fundamentalist Baptist Christians that I can honestly say that I agree with.

But this man right here, I personally believe is one of the best.

Dr. Laurence Vance posted an excellent short Blog posting over on Lew Rockwell’s Blog. Which captures in essence why I like this man so much.

His Books:

The Rest of his Books.

I honestly believe that if there were more men like this man and David Cloud, the IFB Churches would be in better Shape.

Guest Voice: Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

By J.J. Jackson

Dear Charlotte,

Even though you are far too young yet to understand this letter, and you are rightfully more interested in seeing how much noise you can make by throwing all of our pots and pans on the floor, I wanted to let you know that I am sorry. I am sorry at what has happened to you. For you see, you are bankrupt.

I know that this will come as a shock to you once you are old enough to read these words considering that you have never held a job, earned a wage or incurred a single debt to your name. But it is true and I am sorry that I was not able to stop this from happening. Believe me, your mother and I tried and tried hard to not have you placed in such a situation. We have worked hard, paid our bills and lived within our means.

It is not because of us, your parents, that you are bankrupt however. Ask your mother when you are older about how every week I toiled at the computer and wrote numerous articles and blog postings about the misbegotten economic ideas of our nation. These are the ideas and practices which are the real reason why, before you can even think about needing to earn a wage to support yourself, you will be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars in debt to the federal government.

I am sad for you. I am sad for you because these are not burdens that someone who is not yet even two years old should be saddled with. It is not right that the people of this once great nation have stripped you of so much at such a young age and sold you, without permission or without you having committed any crime, into slavery and bound you to serve them and their greed.

A lot of citizens have mortgaged your future for their own present comfort and security. Knowing how it feels to have my own future mortgaged by these same greedy, and dare I say unrighteous, souls I understand that it will only get worse for you as you grow up. Your mother and I already have a heavy weight on our own shoulders in which thousands of our hard earned dollars are taken by the government at the behest of the greedy who did not care enough about their own future to save for their own retirement and believe they are entitled to such at our expense. We are burdened with the heavy cost of other greedy folks who believe that we should pay for their health care because of the virtue of our success while they have not cared one bit to better their own lots in life and acquire that which they desire. And then there are the myriad of other thieves that have compiled agencies of government to demand from us to pay the other debts that they could not pay themselves.

My dear Charlotte, I know it will only get worse for you because it has only gotten worse for us. Already in the past year the government has issued hundreds of billions of dollars in debt certificates, paper money with no substantive backing simply printed on a whim, to line the pockets of people that have made more bad choices in ten minutes than you will make in your lifetime and who believe that they are “too big to fail.” The government calls these debt certificates “money,” but they are nothing more than I.O.U.s which are being financed by foreign governments that will demand the interest we are promising them in return for taking on this debt. Yes, you, my dear, will be tasked to repay these “loans” and all the other spiraling costs of a government run amok beyond sound limits.

For now you will not have to worry much about this looming crisis. There is so much that is of greater importance to you at this moment and for the next few years. You will thrill in chasing the dogs around the living room as they try to escape your all encompassing love and simple desire for just a hug and a sloppy doggie kiss from them. You will be learning your ABC’s and your 123’s and discovering new words. You will be busy trying to mimic new actions you see your mother and I doing and continue trying to sweep the floor, dust the table and clumsily sop up spills with paper towels. You will soon be learning how to ride a bike and to roller-skate. You will undoubtedly revel in enjoying the thrills of the first snow each year and then the first blossoms of spring that will follow. You will eagerly anticipate Christmas morning for many years and what Saint Nicolas has brought for you as a reward for being a good little girl.

I do not write this letter to you in order to strip you of the childish joy you will be filled with over the coming years. I do not expect you to even understand the severity of the situation in which you have been placed even when you are able to read these words, probably asking how to pronounce certain new and unfamiliar ones that you will come across in doing so. I do however write this letter to you hoping that someday, when you are older and wiser and buried by the avalanche of public debt that is bearing down on you, you will find it in your heart to forgive me for not being able to stop the pending disaster which will doom you to a life of servitude to the slothful and the greedy. I hope that you will forgive me for not being able to stop the bad policies of our government that will invariably force you to have to work even harder to support not only yourself but also support all those that the bureaucracy has decided that you must, in addition to yourself, while pursuing the American Dream.

I know that you will be able to succeed in bettering yourself and taking care of yourself but I am sad and disappointed in myself that I have not been able to make it easier on you to live free and experience a greater sense of liberty than the generation before you. I hope and pray that you will not hold it against us, your parents. And I want you to know that I will continue to do everything in my power so that I will, hopefully, one day be able to tear up this letter and never have you read it.

Love eternally,

Your Father

Is Obama a Christian?

Well, if this article by the Wall Street Journal is to be believed; not according to the way I read the Bible.

Money Quote:

Obama: There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.

Falsani: You don’t believe that?

Obama: I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup.”

Wow…. Just…. Wow…. This dude is so very decieved. 🙁

The Bible:

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-13 KJV)

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. — (Revelation 20:11-15 KJV)

Anyone the rejects the core doctrines of the Bible, is not a Christian at all. I am afraid that President Barack Obama is nothing more than a lost man, who is on his way of the Godless hell. 🙁

(Thanks AllahPundit)

Your Nightly Circular Firing Squad Post….

Well, maybe not…. But just shut up and read on…. 😉 😛 😀

Michelle Malkin, As much as I respect her as a Conservative; albeit an knuckle-headed Neo-Conservative, but just the same, a Conservative; There are times when the the lady does stuff that makes me step back and really wonder, “What the hell does that woman drink when she’s posting on that blog?” Now, I realize that it might not be nothing stronger than your average double shot of espresso. But, this one here even made me go, “HUH?!?!

What I am talking about is this. Obama is keeping Robert Gates. This made me personally go “Whew!” Because I believe that gates knows the score of what’s happening on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. (So to speak) It also shows, I think that ol’ Barry is a not your typical far-lefty, “End the WAR NOOOOWWWWWWW!” type of the Democrat politican. It also shows that he’s trying to lead from the Center. A Pragmatist, if you will.

Well, anyhow, of course, Malkin starts carping on her Blog, sounding like a 8 year old kid with turret’s, hollering “Hope Change! Hope Change! Hope Change!” So, i thought, “Okay, I’ll look around a little…” I looked at the list of Blogs who are discussing the fact that he’s keeping Gates, okay. Did I see any lefty flipping out? Nope! I even checked the most lefty Blog I know, and the closest thing I could come up with, was this post here and it wasn’t even of the normal nutty netroots type.

So, honestly, I cannot figure out what Malkin’s problem is. I mean, of course knowing her, she’d critize Obama if he changed the defense secretary. Which is kind of funny, considering she’s supposedly a Christian and Christians are not supposed to criticize others and they’re supposed to respect those in authority. Some Christian eh? 🙄 (My feelings towards Catholics and thier supposed Christianity aside.) Of course, she thinks that she can trash Obama and go to mass or to a confessional and everything will be fine. Of course, if you know the Bible, that is false. You confess your sin to the Lord Jesus and not to a “Priest”.

Anyhow, I just don’t get it. Why knock the man for something that might be a good thing?

Let's say thanks to our troops

You might notice the new thingy on the left there, that says “Let’s say thanks to our troops!” Well, what that is about is this here.  Everyday our American Military serves this Country Faithfully. Right now, we have soldiers serving in two wars. Not matter what you feelings about the events leading up to Iraq, or the fact that we’re even there; one thing that cannot be debated, argued or even dismissed, is the fact that our United States Military is the best, the bravest and the strongest. It is also a fact that they are doing the jobs, that the rest of us will not or cannot do…. and for this the fine men and women serving deserve our praise, honor and respect. Not to be ignored, there are also brave men and women fighting a war, against extremists in Afghanistan, in a country that is increasingly hostile to our presence.

Seeing all of this, I believe that some respect is due. So, I ask you, nicely, to click on the widget on the left and send a nice message to our Military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If you run a Blog and would like to run this widget, check out the website below:

Let’s Say Thanks HomePage

(Thanks Sister Toldjah)

"Reverend" Jeremiah Wright is still a clueless asshole…

The Chicago House Kooky Negro gives a interview with Chicago Tribune.

Quotable Quote:

Though he hopes to talk with Obama again once he leaves office, he also said he won’t hold back in criticizing Obama’s administration.

“I’ve already told . . . Obama: On Nov. 5, I’m coming after you,” he said. “It’s not you the person . . . it’s the policies of this country. And as long as you are presiding over policies that grind God’s people into the earth, I’m coming after you.

“The minister, the prophet’s role and allegiance is to be faithful to God, not a particular government.”

Faithful to God my ass. The only thing that this idiot Negro is faithful to, is his damned ego, which happens to be a the size of Texas. Further more, the only Christianity that this moron promotes is a sick and twisted Marxist version of it.