Venezuela Government outlaws gun sales

I guess it is supposed to be a shock or surprise.  But it is not really; I just wonder, and of  course, it is obligatory —- is this coming to America?

Anyhow, Simon Black at has the low-down and the analysis: (H/T InstaWeirdo)

In recent remarks to the Latin American Herald Tribune, Venezuelan Interior and Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami announced that the government will begin suspending firearm importation, effective this month. Furthermore, local gunsmiths will no longer be able to market or sell firearms and ammunition.

According to El Aissami, “As of March, every last gun shop remaining in Venezuela – and there are less than 80 – should be closed. That is to say, in Venezuela, the perverse chapter of the commercialization of firearms and munitions is over.”

That ought to fix the problem. Murderous criminals obviously have no means of acquiring firearms illegally. And hapless victims clearly prefer to defend themselves with soup spoons and Tae Bo lessons.

Also, The truth about Guns Blog adds the following and boy is he ever right:

Pretty much. But as bad as the murders are – and as predictable as gun confiscation is for any self-respecting paragon of the international left – using the murder rate as the cause for the gun grab is really just a fig leaf. Chavez isn’t long for this world. His apparatchiks know it and they appear to be clearing the decks to make it easier to handle any general unrest that could develop when the news finally comes that Pugsley’s assumed room temperature. It’s a lot easier mowing down a crowd of protestors when they’re not shooting back at you.

You see this stuff right here is causes me to drone on like an old man about the left.  This here is what the far socialist left in this Country wants for the United States of America; and that is to revoke the second amendment in this Country.  Because the far socialist left in this Country knows that as long as there is a second amendment of the United States constitution and the citizens of the United States are armed, a true socialist revolution cannot occur.  This is why some Democrats have been working for many years to put more and stricter gun laws on the books.

Thankfully, because of some missteps in the past, most mainstream Democrats are not interested in fighting the battle of guns.  Most notably was the outlawing of “assault rifles” in the 1990’s, a law that was about broad based as it can get.  Thankfully, the Democrats learned their lesson on that little mistake, as they lost seats in both houses of Congress.  However, I just do not trust this President at all and that is because his ear is tuned to the far left.  Who is to say that some well-funded far left group would not start pressuring the White House to push for an outlawing of all guns in America?  Thankfully, it has not happened yet, but who is to say that it would not happen?

To be fair to the Democrats, there is some establishment Republicans who would most likely support a banning of all firearms as well.  Mainly it would be the moderate Republicans, who would argue that outlawing firearms would be for the so-called “greater good,” that the socialist left likes to tout as some sort of pseudo gospel of the socialist movement.  Admittedly, I am not as far to the right as some of my friends are in the blogging world.  However, when it comes to the second amendment and firearms, I am as far to the right as one can get.  You see, I happen to believe that big Government Statism is an evil thing, no matter who is in charge of it.  I like many of you; simply do not trust the Government at all.  I know what they did to Randy Weaver; I know what they did to the Branch Davidians and I know just how the federal Government can screw up.  This is why I advocate for an armed society.

My friends, being a gun advocate and supporting the second amendment is not Ron Paul craziness; that is simply Americanism at its finest.

School shooting in Chardon, Ohio

As you might have heard there has been a school shooting in Chardon, Ohio, which I believe is near Cleveland. It has been confirmed that one student is dead. is reporting that the shooter is in custody and that there was some sort of a warning on twitter last night. UrbanGrounds says that students and teachers being armed would stop this sort of thing. I agree on the teachers; but I really do not think that junior high students should be armed. High School seniors, maybe. Junior High students? No Way.

I think that it is just a reflection on society really. As long as there are jocks, as long as there are outcasts, stuff like this shooting will take place. I also see here that the shooter was targeting people. This is not a big shock to me, this kid was obviously pissed at some people and was out for revenge. Now he will be tried as an adult and spend the rest of his life in jail.

A life wasted and a life lost; and many lives ruined and scarred; over a bunch of high schooler stupidity. What a waste. 🙁

Update: Before any idiot liberals come by here and try to say that I am a hypocrite for writing this here. I will say this; there is a big difference between oppressive Government pushing someone to do something like this and some kid being pushed by other kids to do something like this. It is a totally different situation and if liberals don’t get that, then they should not be writing on a blog, much less driving a car. 😡

Police State in Canada: Dad Arrested because 4 year old daughter draws picture of gun in class

This is unreal:

You can read the story at the Toronto Sun and check out Jazz Shaw’s commentary over at

All I will say about this little incident right here is this; Police organizations wonder why things, as shown in the video below happen.  Well, it might be because the police, who are agents of the state, are trampling people’s rights.  Let me say that in the case above, something like that which is shown in the video below, would be entirely justified, and frankly, should have happened. As a rule, I do not condone violence of any kind; but in this case, I would have a very hard time condemning this man, should he had chose to do anything of that sort.

This, in this writer’s opinion, is the true definition of terrorism and it should be fought against very harshly.  Speaking of which, where is the Conservative President of Canada?  I guess Conservatism means something entirely different in Canada, than it does here in America.

“World’s Greatest Blogger Weenie” says he’s a comin’ to Michigan

I thought I was done with this; but I was spying over at the weenies blog; and it seems he is venturing to Michigan:

My hope had been to attend Wednesday night’s debate in Arizona, but the travel plans didn’t work out. So the backup plan is now in effect: I’m renting a car and driving to Michigan, with a planned stop-over in Ohio. This should be the start of a two-week excursion that carries me all the way through Super Tuesday, March 6. I’m not sure exactly where I’ll be going during this trip, except that I hope I won’t be going crazy, which is what might happen if I sat around here for the next two weeks.

Because I am a fair man, and because I do have a obligation to do so; I will simply say this:

Mr. Weenie’s intentions had better strictly stick to his political activities here in Michigan. Because unlike a particular pony-tailed California liberal; I don’t hide behind a gated community and unlike that coward of a man, My family owns guns.

A few that are here in the house:

22 Long Rifle
.30-06 Rifle

(These are not actual pictures of these guns, they are kept in storage, because smart gun owners do those things.)

This is not a threat towards this man at all; however, if said man shows up at my address, which is readily available on the internet; I will exercise my second amendment rights to protect this family. I did not start this nonsense, but I will finish it, if I have to.

If anyone that knows said weenie, and comes around here to spy on my writings or whatever. They should really relay this message back to him.

That is all.


FBI says that “sovereign citizens” are a threat.


(Reuters) – Anti-government extremists opposed to taxes and regulations pose a growing threat to local law enforcement officers in the United States, the FBI warned on Monday.

These extremists, sometimes known as “sovereign citizens,” believe they can live outside any type of government authority, FBI agents said at a news conference.

The extremists may refuse to pay taxes, defy government environmental regulations and believe the United States went bankrupt by going off the gold standard.

Routine encounters with police can turn violent “at the drop of a hat,” said Stuart McArthur, deputy assistant director in the FBI’s counterterrorism division.

“We thought it was important to increase the visibility of the threat with state and local law enforcement,” he said.

via FBI warns of threat from anti-government extremists | Reuters.

I said this over at another blog’s comment section and I will say it here; A Government that watches it’s citizens and considers them a threat; fears those people and that is because they are doing wrong. This is nothing more than a police state action; and the American people should vote accordingly in 2012.

Further more, I find it most insulting that the United States Government would rather hunt down its own citizens, rather than hunt down and capture the real terrorists, who truly hate this Country and want to see it destroyed. That would be the radical Islamic Jihad Terrorists; you know like the ones that slammed those planes into the Trade Center, the Pentegon, and the field near Shanksville, Pa? — or people like these here? But no, our Government, see people like me; citizens who disagree with the policies of the socialist President to be a threat.

Having said that, I have an open message to the United States Government, Federal Bureau of Investigation, President Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations and the rest of the Big Government morass:

Go Fuck Yourselves Sirs!

Which is all the more reason to go here and get armed with one of these:

That is all….

Others: Blogcritics, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Scared Monkeys, Atlas Shrugs, The PJ Tatler

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Video: Gun Porn: .950 Caliber Rifle

(H/T Ace)

Update (08/06/12): I have been noticing a good deal of people have been viewing this video and have been coming from StumbleUpon. Anyhow, I know you all are gun lovers. I am a blogger, I am not a gun blogger, but I do believe in the second amendment. I also am a full-time blogger and I have not worked for any else — in over eight years. If you need any sort of gun accessories or a gun itself. Please, give the guys below a try. You will be helping a Conservative and a bit of a gun lover; out in a big way. If you do not need anything gun related and just want to donate to the blog. Click the PayPal button below to make a donation. Thanks so much! -Pat

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